Time Split : Episode Four

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Something began to rise out of the water, a colossal monster.

It screeched as the Doctor could seem to breathe. It was sucking all of the air out of him.

He gasped and began to sweat.

Why couldn't he breathe?

What was that monster?

Thunder clapped in the sky and faint lightning illuminated the beach.

The monster advanced on the defenceless Doctor.

There was nothing he could do.

* * *

"Aaah," Stacy fell out of the mini boat they had escaped on as it mounted the beach.

Daniel laughed as he got her to her feet. "Alright there?"

"Shut up," Stacy rolled her eyes.

They climbed over the rocks in the cover of night and soon Stacy spotted the bomb.

"Isn't that a bit small for an Atomic bomb," Daniel asked.

"I'm assuming size varies throughout time," Stacy shrugged as she bent down to examine it. "I hope that the wiring doesnt."

The Time Split then opened violent, zapping strong lightning that exploded rocks nearby. The debris of the rocks showered over them.

"The prophecy," Stacy and Daniel heard a whisper that sent shivers down their spine. "The Feud. It will tear the universe apart, destroying everything. The time traveller will fall at his darkest hour, nobody left to stand by him. He will die alone."

The voice from the time split only got louder.

"The Feud is almighty, the Feud cannot be stopped, the Feud is inevitable."

The Time Split closed.

Stacy and Daniel looked at each other.

"What the hell was that," Stacy finally got her words out.

* * *




The monster roared and screeched as blasts were fired at it.

The Time Split had reformed near the monster and strong blasts of light, flew through destroying the monster.

Water fell across the beach as the monster collapsed into the water.

Some of the pirates roared with fury as others whimpered with fear.

The Doctor then realised the blasts from the split had destroyed his handcuffs.

He got to his feet and saw a canoe at the bottom of the beach. He ran to it with a swarm of pirates chasing after him.

The canoe gently thrusted him out into the sea as he made his way back down the Cornish coast to Spit beach.

* * *

"What did it mean a Feud?" Stacy panicked.

"That doesnt matter at the moment we need to defuse the bomb," Daniel exclaimed.

"It does matter," Stacy yelled. "Whwn they said time traveller, they meant the Doctor. They also said nobody would be left to stand by him."

"Then there wrong," Daniel shrugged. "I'd rather die than leave the Doctors side."

"Alright," Stacy looked back down at the bomb and examined it.

She popped open a hatch on the front of the bomb and started examining the circuitry.

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