F.E.U.D : Episode Three

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"I dont know how much longer we can hold out," Kahile gasped as she steered the ship away from a shot.

"Kahile," the Doctor looked at her. "I assume you met Jack as a Time Agent. You have a Vortex Manipulator on your wrist."

Kahile knew what he was getting at. "But its coordinates are set for Earth."

"Use it!" The Doctor yelled.

"What about you!" She cried as a fatal shot hit the deck and fire exploded through the floor. "I cant get to you."

"Dont worry about me," the Doctor gave her one last smile. "I'll be fine."

"The whole point of me being here was to protect you," Kahile sighed. "If I leave you here, Jack will kill me."

"Tell him not to worry about me," the Doctor shook his head. "He has his own things to deal with now go! Before it's too late."

"I'm sorry," she croaked as she pressed a button and flashed away.

The Doctor grasped onto the pipe. "Oh dear," he sighed. "This is a particularly sticky situation but I have been in worse. I have to get out of here. For Stacy."

Another explosion shook the crashing ship as he held on for dear life. "I'm coming for you Stacy. I'm coming for you Ice Warriors and I will find out what the feud is if it kills me."

Another violent explosion shook the deck as the Doctor fell onto his knees.

"You watch me."

The ship exploded into a beautiful mass of flame and debris as the Ice Warriors claimed their victory.

Had they killed the Doctor?

* * *

"Memory Extraction complete," an Ice Warrior informed the voice changed figure.

"Take her to a cell," the figure ordered. "We shall execute her later but we dont have time for that now. Set course for Aluban, the feud plan is now in motion."

An Ice Warrior carried her out of the room and down a corridor to a small circular room.

Once it had left she slowly woke up and recovered from memory extraction.

She analysed her escape options.

One door.

No windows.

She soon decided this was hopeless.

It was just a waiting game now.

Later on when she was trying to sleep an Ice Warrior marched into the room. "You will stand."

"I will not," Stacy groaned.

"I will use force if necessary," the Ice Warrior threatened.

Stacy had no choice, she got to her feet and just as she was about to walk out, she realised something was wrong.

Suddenly the Ice Warrior started to choke. She started to sweat.

She realised what it was.

Someone had increased the temperature in the cell.

A glowing orange energy radiated from the floor as the Ice Warrior fell.

Stacy gasped as she saw something move behind her.

"Hey," the Doctor smiled at her as she turned.

"Where the hell have you been?" Stacy yelled. "I've been here for hours."

"I'm so glad your alive Doctor!" The Doctor rolled his eyes.

"I knew you would survive," Stacy raised her eyebrow. "I've presumed you dead around 50 times since I met you, I know better now. How did you survive this time?"

The ship shook violently.

"That's a story I dont have time for right now," the Doctor sighed. "This ships coming in to land."

An alarm started to sound.

"I have a feeling that's us," Stacy worried.

"The Doctor survived and he is here escaping with his accosiate," and Ice Warrior sound over an intercom.

"You know I have the same feeling," the Doctor took Stacy's hand as they both ran out of the room.

An Ice Warrior was approaching from the left corridor and the right one too.

The Doctor used his sonic screwdriver on the ceiling so that metal blockades fell blocking the Ice Warriors from them. "I love using their systems against them."

"Yeah but now we have no way to escape," Stacy pointed out.

"You sure about that?" The Doctor pointed his sonic at the floor revealing a panel that then opened revealing a lower deck.

Stacy looked at the Doctor blankly.

"Down you go then."

* * *

"The Invaders have arrived," a man panicked as he looked out of a small gap in the wall.

He opened a door and grabbed a flaming old fashioned torch off the wall.

"Now the real trouble begins."

* * *

"This way!" The Doctor directed Stacy through the underground deck to a ramp that led down onto the planets surface. "Hey this is Aluban," he realised as he saw the giant ancient structure in front of him.

"What is this?" Stacy asked.

"The Ancient Temple of Iridocys," the Doctor explained. "Alubans capital city."

"Right," Stacy nodded. "I think they spoke about that in the memory extraction room."

"The what?" The Doctor gasped. "They took you to memory extraction and your telling me this now."

"I almost forgot," Stacy sighed. "I haven't really had time to collect my thoughts."

"Stacy," the Doctor was worrying. "They now know everything about you about how we met, they know how you're gonna think, your strategies."

"There was someone in there, bossing the Ice Warriors about," Stacy started to remember.

"Probably the Ice Warrior General," the Doctor bit his lip.

"No," Stacy snapped. "They used a voice changer, I didnt see their face but I know they werent an Ice Warrior."

"Its probably the ally that gave them Time Lock tech," the Doctor heard something from behind.

An Ice Warrior appeared from behind them and fired at them.

"Run!" Stacy yelled as they both run down the ramp towards the temple.

"There's a back enterance," the Doctor yelled as they dodged blasts from their pursuers.

* * *

The Ice Warriors had reached the main door of the temple and were knocking on it.

"We are here!" The Ice Warrior General announced.

The doors slowly pushed open with a loud creak revealing their allies.

10 Cybermen stood by a large staircase leading up to several other staircases leading to various doors and rooms.

"Is the feud ready?" The Ice Warrior General questioned.

"Affirmative," a fully black Cybermen marched down the stairs. "The end of the universe is upon us."

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