Geological Evolution: Episode Three

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Suddenly I felt a strange shuffle from underneath my feet.

"Ah!" I screamed as a hand grasped my ankle.

"Damn," The Doctor cursed as I realised what he had seen.

A circle of hands surrounding us.

"If you die, you can come back cant you?" The Doctor confirmed.

"Yes, but-"

"Sorry," he took one last look back at me as he leaped over the hands and ran away.

Soon, bodies emerged from the sand, then legs.

The reptiles had flanked us.

"What should we do with him?" one of the creatures asked the dominant one.

"Normal procedure," the creatures clearly didnt care. "Kill him!"


Sandra's going to kill me.


* * *

The Doctor ran across the beach as fast as he could to avoid the hands rising out of the sand.

He was annoyed that he couldn't get an answer from Anir.

Once he was sure he was safe he stopped and thought hard on what to do next.

"Okay," he took a deep breath. "I'm in present day, I think. I need to find and sort out what's going on here and get back to Galifrey. But how am I going to get back to Gallifrey?"

* * *

"We're on it Doctor!" Stacy spoke into the orb as the ground shook and dust fell from the ceiling.

"He cant hear you," Nersha sighed before pushing a panel. "Increase shields by 350%, this is going to be rough."

* * *



One of the rock pools nearby exploded.

The Doctor raised an eyebrow.

Someone was clearly trying to get his attention.

He walked over to the pool and stared into it.

A silurian looked back up at him through the reflection.

The Doctor sighed as he jumped into the pool and raised face to face with his reptile fiend.

"Morning sunshine," the Doctor smirked, inches away from the Silurians face. "Bad breath."

"Doctor!" The Silurian exclaimed. "The face changer, I identified you through our data banks."

"Really," the Doctor laughed. "What does it say about to me?"

"That you are one of our allies," the Silurian stated.

"Yeah," the Doctor laughed. "Alli- Wait what?"

"My name is Argat," the Silurian greeted him. "You have been ill treated and I apologise on behalf of my species."

"Oh," the Doctor smiled. "Its not your fault I mean you have just woken up from a long nap to find that your planet has been stolen."

"It is true," Argat said solemnly. "We have tried many ways to figure out a solution to get our planet back. We created this pocket dimension through the pools to simulate what would have to happen in order for us to get our planet back."

"Right," the Doctor nodded.

"We created a poison for the rocks that kills any human that walks on it but unfortunately that wouldnt work because the rocks had evolved."

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