Turn Off the Light : Episode Five

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Stacy looked around her and adjusted to her surroundings.

It was night and she was stood in front of a strange circular structure.

The Time Vortex swirled around inside.

A figure stood in front of the structure tapping his leg.

Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap.

Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap.

Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap.

Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap.

"Welcome Stacy," the figure familiar to her turned around. "Dont worry, no Ice Warriors this time."

The Master's sadistic face glowed in the light of the Time Vortex.

Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap.

Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap.

Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap.

Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap.

"Now tell me Stacy!" He laughed. "How do you want to die."

"Agalon!" Stacy exclaimed. "I mean Master."

"Yeah, Yeah," the Master rolled his eyes."I'm back. Now tell me, how do you want to die."

"I dont want to die thank you very much," Stacy snapped. "Why are you here."

"I'm not here by choice," the Master sighed. "The Time Lords picked me up on Station 514, by the way the boot hitting me in the head really hurt."

"It was meant to," Stacy said through gritted teeth.

"Oh," the Master chuckled. "I like you. Anyway, after they picked me up they imprisoned me."

"Here?" Stacy asked.

"No!" The Master yelled. "On Gallifrey. I escaped and caused them trouble so they put me here instead and I have to say I'm glad they put me here. I'm having so much fun."

"Ugh," Stacy was disgusted.

"Now if you dont tell me how you want to die, I'll just pick for you," the Master sadistically smiled.

"No you wont," the Doctor began to fade into the Master's imagination plane.

"Oh here comes the party pooper," the Master looked at the Doctor like dirt. "Come to ruin my fun."

"Your fun kills people," the Doctor shrugged.

"I didnt expect you to leave me behind on that Space Station Doctor," the Master smiled. "That's the smartest thing you've done in years."

"I knew the Time Lords would get you," the Doctor walked over to Stacy. "Its not like I left you for dead."

"But it is!" The Master yelled. "You couldn't have known the Time Lords could travel in time ahead of their destruction. You gambled with my life."

"Whatever," the Doctor rolled his eyes. "Point is you survived."

"Indeed," the Master calmed down and looked back into the Time Vortex.

"I thought you would've picked this place," the Doctor looked around him. "It is awful what they did to you."

"Still constant," the Master tapped again. "The noise."

Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap.

Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap.

"I know," the Doctor sighed. "Your insanity."

"Hold on," the Master laughed. "You're all in my imagination plane. What happens if I..."

The Master closed his eyes and focused as the whole surrounding changed.

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