The Forest That Never Was : Episode Six

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The Doctor had contained the dimensional fragment in a glass sphere.

The glass sphere was wired up to the tank. A small functional paradox machine stood to the left of the tank as the Doctor sighed.

"God damn fate," the Doctor rubbed his eyes. "And god damn visions."

"Doctor!" Daniel cried from behind him. "Let me go."

"I cant Dan," the Doctor turned. "I'm doing what you want."

"No Doctor!" Daniel struggled against the ties. "You dont understand."

"Oh I understand perfectly," the Doctor pointed at all of the machinery. "I'm saving your planet, but in doing so."

"I wont let you die Doctor!" Daniel broke the bonds holding him and he ran to the Doctor.

"I obviously didnt do them tight enough," the Doctor got into his defense stance.

"Doctor," Daniel dived at the Doctor. "I'm sorry."

They struggled for a bit but then Daniel pushed the Doctor back. 

The Doctor hit his head on a pipe from the ceiling, he then fell to the floor.

"I must be the one to die," a tear fell from Daniel's eye.

Daniel clambered into the tank and started to finish the wiring.

* * *

As far as Stacy could tell the Cybermen had moved the Tardis into another room.

Strong bright lights shone through the Tardis door windows.

For the brief period of time where she had a break she thought about Dan.

She had only reunited with him for a short period of time when they were running from the Cybermen.

Then she had been shot.

She thought about how when this was all over, she would hug him harder than she ever has.

Then a metallic clang sounded through the Tardis and Stacy gasped.

She remembered what the Doctor had told her: "If you hear a ringing from inside the Tardis, like a large bell ringing. That's the cloisters and they only ring if you are in grave danger so if you ever hear that bell in the Tardis, get out. I dont care how just get out as fast as you can."

The cloisters sounded again.

"Is the lazer ready," the Cyber Leader asked a Cyberman that was stood by a control panel outside the Tardis.

"The lazer is ready," the Cyberman replied.

"Fire," the Cyber Leader ordered.



Sparks flew from the gap between the two Tardis doors.

It started at the bottom and started to rise.

The Cybermen were cutting their way into the Tardis.

The cloisters sounded again.

* * *

The Doctor woke up and felt the egg on the back of his head.

"That was an illegal move," the Doctor slurred his words as he fully woke up. "Wait, what!?" He properly came to and saw Daniel in the tank.

Daniel pulled the lever down to meet him, he tried to ignore the Doctor.

What was the point in ignoring him?

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