Turn Off the Light : Episode Six

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"Greetings," a woman wearning ambitious robes and a weird metal structure on her back walked towards them.

Several other people wearing the same clothes were sat around the table, glaring at an orb.

"Time Lords!" Daniel gasped as he looked around. Then he looked at the orb. "Hey, that's the Doctor! And Maya!"

"We've been observing them," the woman broke her smile. "I'm Nersha and this is the high council and we have serious concerns about the future of this universe."

"What has that got to do with us?" Stacy asked.

"Nothing," Nersha said simply. "Unfortunately, I cant say the same thing about the Doctor."

"What's the Doctor done?" Daniel asked.

"Nothing yet," Nersha sat down at her spot on the table. "But we need him to do something for us."

"Right," Daniel slowly nodded. "What?  So you dont want him to do something but you do want him to do something."

"Okay, okay," Nersha sighed. "Let me explain. Something is after the Doctor. Someone and if that someone catches up to him, it will be the end of the universe."

"So what do you want him to do," Stacy asked.

"Just a few," Nersha paused. "Favors for us."

"I see," Daniel figured it out. "He does some stuff for you."

"Then we with help him with his," she paused again. "Feud."


"Shut up!" Stacy interrupted Daniel. "That word, feud. The person in the Time Split said it too."

Nersha looked at her fellow Time Lords around the table. All of them looked somewhat worried.

"It was you," Daniel have them all a look of disgust. "You controlled that Time Split, you threw the weapons out to the pirates. You even put the pirates there!"

"Not just that," Stacy gasped. "You threw an Atomic Bomb through it."

"You know the Doctor is a war hero on this planet," Nersha spoke through gritted teeth. "He is hard to contact, we needed to get his attention!"

"Call him!" Stacy suggested.

"Never picks up."

"Send a message to his Tardis," Daniel threw in another suggestion.

"He doesnt even look at it."

"So the only way you can come up with to get his attention is to put an Atomic Bomb on his favorite planet," Stacy laughed.

"No," Nersha sighed. "This was the best way. We could've done a lot worse."

Daniel sighed. "Why did you put him in the prison for Weeping Angel's?"

"We didnt," Nersha pushed some controls on her space on the table and the orb expanded, showing a clearer picture. "The Transmat failed and when the Doctor used that trick we were given another chance. We managed to get you two and his Tardis here but him, we failed."

"Why was he transmatted out separately?" Stacy asked.

"We wanted to speak to him before we spoke to you," Nersha waved her hands. "Enough questions! Let's get him out."

* * *

The Doctor and Maya ran through the corridors of the house, past the dust of the Master and into the room of exploded Weeping Angel's.

The slammed the door shut.

"Damn," the Doctor checked his pockets.

"What?!" Maya leant her back against the door.

"I must have dropped my sonic," the Doctor cursed.

"What?!" Maya repeated.

"My sonic screwdriver," the Doctor bit his lip. "It couldn't have closed the door anyway it's just when my instinct kicked in to reach for it, it wasn't there."

"Where could it be then?" Maya wondered.

"Theres only one place it could be," the Doctor put his hands on his head. "Out in the corridor."

"Too bad," Maya sighed.

"I have to get it," the Doctor went to go out of the door but Maya was still leant against it.

"No you dont," Maya said simply. "Too many people have died today. I'm not letting you die too."

"I wont die!" The Doctor yelled. "I'm a Time Lord."

"I dont care what you are," she retorted. "You aren't leaving here."

"I'm sorry," the Doctor sighed.

"For what?"

Extremely quickly, the Doctor put 2 fingers on her temple. The fingers glowed as she gasped and fell to the floor.

"I will get you out alive," he looked down at her. "I promise."

He opened the door and to no surprise Angel's were coming down the corridor.

The lights at the side of the corridor flickered as he saw his familiar organic green screwdriver on the floor a few metres ahead of him.

Angel's were getting closer by the minute and he had to get the screwdriver fast.

Finally, he had reached it so he slowly walked backwards, keeping an eye on the Angel's.

He slammed the door shut and soon they were pounding on it.

The speed of pounding increased as more Angel's joined in the hunt.

"Turn off the light," the Doctor felt something grasp his back as he heard those words. "Turn."

The light continued to flicker.


It dimmed.


The Doctors eyes were filled with light.


Soon everything was distant. Quiet.

The Doctor squinted as his eyes adjusted to the bright light.

He was going down the tunnel of bright light. He knew what Stacy and Daniel had meant.

"This is a Time Lord transmat beam," he laughed. "Of course, the only difference is that it can transmat you through time."

Then, ridiculously, he thought he heard the call of a seagull.

He frowned.

Where was it he was going. And why?


He crashed onto sand.

"Not another bloody beach!" The Doctor stood up and turned to see a man run towards him.

The man looked extremely distressed as he collapsed onto the floor.

The Doctor bent down to examine him. No pulse.

A single burn mark was on the centre of his shirt. Somebody or something had clearly shot this man. But why?

The Doctor looked around. "Not Cornwall this time."

He was on an expansive beach with a stream running straight through it into the sea.

Several large rock pools stretched out across the beach and that wasn't what confused the Doctor.

What confused him was that the rock was purple.

There was purple rock.

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