F.E.U.D : Episode Two

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"The Tardis is fed by Artron energy," the Doctor explained. "Artron energy is fed to the Tardis through time and where we are, there is no time. The Tardis doesnt have the energy to keep up its dimensions. Soon it will just be an ordinary blue box."

The walls of the Tardis started closing in on them as the exterior crashed onto the Ice Warriors platform.

The sound of the Tardis mateirialising  could be heard as the inside of a blue box appeared around them.

The Doctor opened the door and walked out onto the Ice Warriors platform which was now moving back into their ship.

"Out!" The Doctor yelled at Stacy as she leaped out of the Tardis as the Tardis fell off the platform.

It toppled into the Vortex and exploded at the force it was met with.

"The Tardis," Stacy yelled in disbelief. "Its gone."

"The least of our worries right now Stacy," the Doctor was staring at the Ice Warriors that had their blasters raised.

They fired at the Doctor.

He felt his whole body caving in on itself as he was launched into the Vortex.

"DOCTOR!" Stacy yelled as he disappeared into the light of the Time Vortex below.

"Take her into the ship," the Ice Warriors were ordered.

One of them hit her unconscious and they carried her into their ship.

* * *

The Doctor snapped awake. "What?"

"Hiya!" A black woman with red dreadlocks stepped down from the deck. "In a bit of a pickle there weren't you."

"Stacy!" He collapsed onto the floor gasping with pain.

"Who?" The woman bent down to see if he was okay.

"Stacy!" He yelled in agony. "My friend."

"I must have misread the life signs," the woman sighed. "I'll try and get her, just stay here."

"Its not like I'm going anywhere," the Doctor clutched his chest in pain. "They shot me!"

The woman checked the signs on her monitor. "If she was here, she isnt anymore."

"They've taken her," the Doctor gasped in pain as he tried to get up. "I must save her."

"No you mustn't," the woman looked at him sternly.

"Who are you anyway and what are you doing in this part of space?" The Doctor leant against one of the ships metal walls as the woman grabbed some sort of medkit from a higher shelf.

"I'm Kahile and I was sent here by request of Captain Jack Harkness," the woman explained.

"Of course it was Jack," the Doctor rolled his eyes.

"If he hadn't sent me here you would've died," Kahile started to examine the Doctor's chest.

"This shouldn't have happened," the Doctor gritted his teeth as she got to work on his chest. "The Ice Warriors haven't developed Time Lock tech where did they get it from? Plus, nothing in the universe should have enough force to physically move the Tardis. None of this makes sense."

All of a sudden, a surge of pain unleashed in his mind.

"Death," the voice returned. "You will be met with nothing but death when the feud rises. The universe will die and you will fall with nobody left to stand by you. You will DIE!-"

"All done," Kahile smiled at him as the Doctor felt the pain disappear to nothing.

* * *

"Ow," Stacy squinted at the bright light shining in her eyes. "Where am I?"

"That is not relevant at this specific point in time," someone was clearly using a voice changer to hide their identity.

"Who are you?" Stacy asked.

"Yet again," the voice got louder. "Still not relevant."

"Why am I here?" Stacy bit her lip.

The voice was silent for a minute, as if it was thinking. "I suppose that's relevant. You're at data extraction."

"What!?" Stacy exclaimed as a beam of light flashed into her head.

It was as if her mind was on fire as previous events of her life played out on the screen in the corner.

"She was at the Space Station 517 attack," an Ice Warrior stated.

"Really?" The mysterious voice changed figure was curious. "Keep extracting."

They continued cycling through her memories, deeper and deeper."

* * *

There was a terrible silence on Kahile's ship as they both considered their options.

"Something big is going on here," the Doctor spoke suddenly.

"What?" Kahile was confused at his sudden words.

"Something catastrophic, something cataclysmic, something that's going to change this universe forever and somehow, I play a part in it. I dont know what that part is but I will find out," the Doctor slowly got to his feet. "One word keeps rising up."

"What are you going on about?" Kahile questioned.

"Everytime I've heard the voice," the Doctor looked up at Kahile. "I've heard the same word over and over again. It's not a very common word but I heard it every single time."

"What voice?" Kahile frowned. "What word?"

"Ever since that small beach in Cornwall, from the Time Split to the Angel's to the Silurians to the Cybermen, ONE WORD!" The Doctor exclaimed.

"What word?" Kahile asked for a final time.



The ship was hit by a blast of light, it shook the deck as fire erupted from the floor.

"We're being attacked! Shot at by the Ice Warriors!" Kahile yelled.

"Go! Go!" The Doctor grasped onto a pipe for support. "Fly away."

Their ship was continually pursued by the Ice Warrior ship that was still firing.

* * *

"Fire," the Ice Warrior Commander ordered on the main deck. "Continue, consistent pursuit. KILL THE DOCTOR!"

* * *

"I dont know how much longer we can hold out," Kahile gasped as she steered the ship away from a shot.

"Kahile," the Doctor looked at her. "I assume you met Jack as a Time Agent. You have a Vortex Manipulator on your wrist."

Kahile knew what he was getting at. "But its coordinates are set for Earth."

"Use it!" The Doctor yelled.

"What about you!" She cried as a fatal shot hit the deck and fire exploded through the floor. "I cant get to you."

"Dont worry about me," the Doctor gave her one last smile. "I'll be fine."

"The whole point of me being here was to protect you," Kahile sighed. "If I leave you here, Jack will kill me."

"Tell him not to worry about me," the Doctor shook his head. "He has his own things to deal with now go! Before it's too late."

"I'm sorry," she croaked as she pressed a button and flashed away.

The Doctor grasped onto the pipe. "Oh dear," he sighed. "This is a particularly sticky situation but I have been in worse. I have to get out of here. For Stacy."

Another explosion shook the crashing ship as he held on for dear life. "I'm coming for you Stacy. I'm coming for you Ice Warriors and I will find out what the feud is if it kills me."

Another violent explosion shook the deck as the Doctor fell onto his knees.

"You watch me."

The ship exploded into a beautiful mass of flame and debris as the Ice Warriors claimed their victory.

Had they killed the Doctor.

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