The Forest That Never Was : Episode Three

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"Right then Cyberboys!" The Rani exclaimed to them all. "They are in this Temple. What are you waiting for? Advance!"

The Cybermen surrounded the Temple making sure there were no ways of escape.

Other Cybermen marched into the Temple, searching for the two victims

Stacy could hear matching from the seal. "They're coming."

A Cyberman outside approached the seal and scanned.

"Located the Doctor and human," it spoke.

"Damn," Stacy ran behind the Doctors defences. Those defenses were two tables stacked ontop of one another. "They've found us."

A dozen Cybermen formed around the seal and one of them carried an explosive device.

They planted the device in front of the seal.

"The device is in place," the Cyberman that placed it stated.





"I can hear a timer," the Doctor gasped. "They're going to blow their way in."

"But Doctor!" Stacy exclaimed. "If they do that it could affect the structural integrity of the whole building!"

"Step back," a Cyberman ordered as they marched back.




"Doctor!" Stacy yelled as she pressed a panel on the wall. A secret exit was revealed. "In here."


The walls of the Temple shattered and blew apart as a cloud erupted into the sky.

"Move!" The Doctor yelled as they crawled through a narrow tunnel underneath the Temple.

"I can see the end," Stacy covered her head as dust fell from above her.

They both clambered out from underneath a tree beside the temple.

"Damn," the Doctor caught his breath.

"Located!" A Cyberman appeared from behind them and ejected a gun from its arm.

"Run!" The Doctor yelled as they ran full speed into the forest.


The Cyberman fired at his targets which were moving fast through the forest. "Pursue!"

* * *

A woman walked down the cobbled street with efficiency, several hundred pieces of paper in her hand.

She stuck one to each post on her way down the street.

On the paper read:
AGE: 15
AGE: 13

A man across the street started to notice the woman and he walked up to and read one of the flyers.

"Excuse me," Daniel tried to catch up with her. "You said these two boys are missing."

"Yes," she croaked with emotion. "Do you know anything?"

"No," Daniel shook his head. "But I want to help. I'm missing some of my friends too but, they always turn up eventually."

"The only way you can help is if you know where they are," the woman was on the verge of tears.

"I dont know," Daniel sighed. "But I can look for them. Whatever took them could've taken my friends too."

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