Task's Of Gallifrey : Episode One

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"I'm really sorry," the Doctor sighed as Stacy started operating the Tardis console.

"One of these switches," Stacy was losing herself.

"Stop!" The Doctor said. "Theres nothing we can do."

"No," Stacy punched the Doctor in the face and ran over to the Tardis doors.

She pounded against them.

The Tardis gave a sorrowful beep as the Doctor placed two fingers against her forehead.

She fell asleep into his arms.

Daniel was gone.

* * *

The Doctor stood by the console, watching the column go up.




He knew what he wanted to do.

He knew what he had to do.

He lifted up the metal flooring underneath the Tardis to produce a large whirring device.

The device was heavy so the Doctor half carried, half dragged the device into Stacy's bedroom.

He put the device on her head as it sparked and fizzled.

A small tube was ejected from the device.

The Doctor stood there for a moment, in total silence, glaring at the tube.

His hands glowed with energy as he tapped into the memories in Stacy's bottle.

He saw them all, walking along the Cornish beach.

Daniel faded away from that memory.

He saw them all, running across the battlefield of Sontar.

Daniel faded away from that memory.

He saw them all in the underground facility.

Daniel faded away from that memory.

It stopped and the Doctor was staring back down at the tampered memories in his hand.

He put the tube back into the machine and replaced Stacy's memories.

She could no longer have any recollection of Daniel.

The Tardis angrily beeped at the Doctor as he walked into the console room.

"I had to," the Doctor angrily told the Tardis. "The memory of him would've torn her apart. She would've left. I've already lost Daniel and I dont need to lose her too."

Sparks flew from the console as it was abruptly taken of course.

"You're that angry" The Doctor was shocked, then he saw the Gallifreyan symbols appear on the big screen. "Oh no!"

The Tardis landed.

"Time for my tasks."

* * *

Shane shivered in his tent as he pulled his thin sheets closer.

Cold sweat dripped from his back and something moved outside.

Something slid over the grass efficiently towards his tent.

Closer and closer until Shane could hear its movements.

"No!" Shane yelled into the night. "Help!"

Nobody was there to help him.

* * *

The Doctor opened the Tardis door and coughed at the smoke he was greeted with.

"Phew!" He blew it away and stepped onto the grated floor. He jumped. "Artificial gravity," he concluded.

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