Turn Off the Light : Episode One

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"Ow!" The Doctor was in the darkness.

He could see nothing, just darkness.

Then a light above him began to flicker on and off.

"Hello," he called out.

No reply.


Still no reply.

He got to his feet on the cobbled floor.

He felt a cold breeze on his face.

"Where am I?" He muttered to himself.

The flickering light illuminated an open door to his left.

He then realised that he was outside.

Confusing questions bounced around his mind, the light above him was floating in mid air.

Then he realised.

It was the moon.

He frowned as he slowly made his way towards the open door.

* * *

"Daniel!" Stacy yelled clinging onto the console for dear life. "Doctor!"

"Hes gone!" Daniel yelled back. "He disappeared right in front of me."

"What?" Stacy edged her way around the console to look at Daniel who was clinging to a chair.

The Tardis was rocking left and right, but then.

They screamed as the console exploded knocking Stacy back onto the chairs Daniel was on.

Daniel caught her as a bright light came from the entrance doors.

Straight through the window the light shone on the charred Tardis console.

The turbulance had now stopped.

Daniel and Stacy stood up and slowly edged towards the door.

They were still moving.

Daniel turned to Stacy. "Should we open the door."

"No," Stacy bit her lip. "We shouldn't, but we will. We have to."

Daniel wrapped his hand around the cold, steel handle and pulled.

Outside was a tunnel of light. A bright tunnel of light.

The Tardis was soaring through it.

"Where's the Time Vortex," Stacy asked.

"I have no idea," Daniel gulped as he shut the door.

* * *

The Doctor walked through the door into a corridor.

Blood stained the walls and the lights in here flickered too. He quickly turned around as the door swung to close.

He tried to stop it but he was too slow.

He was locked in.

Then the sound of footsteps echoed down the corridor and a figure was visible at the end.

"Hey!" The Doctor yelled and waved.

The man didn't notice him as he ran past. The Doctor chased after him.


A flash of light soared past him, following the man that had run past.

The Doctor hesitantly continued racing into the unknown.

It looked like the man had stopped and the light had stopped too.

The Doctor also came to a halt as he saw the man, floating inches from the ground, arms stretched out.

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