Task's Of Gallifrey : Episode Three

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The Doctor had continued down the corridor. He felt as if danger was coming closer and closer.

He reached another junction and decided to turn left.

At the end of the corridor was a door, he approached it and triggered the opening sensor.

To his horror the door opened to reveal a Dalek.

It moved forward and spoke. "No AMS are to be registered in this section. Explain yourself."

The Doctor stood there. Stunned.

It was the Daleks.

Of course it was.

"My memory banks seem to have corrupted," the Dalek turned. "I forgot AMS cannot use dialogue. Follow me."

The Doctor didnt know what else to do so he followed the Dalek into the large room.

The Dalek Leader was positioned in the middle of the hall.

There was an empty space between two Hazmat Suited people where the Doctor was clearly meant to be positioned.

He moved into place.

"The processing of subject Shane will begin," the Dalek Leader announced as a screen projected onto the wall.

The screen showed Shane in the centre of a glass chamber.

Shane was held by bulky chains, he struggled trying to break free.

The glass walls started to glow blue as Shane collapsed onto the floor. His body shrank as tenticles sprouted from his torso, his arms and legs also turned into tentacles.

His eyes disappeared and one opened as his skin bubbled repeatedly.

Shane was no longer what he was before.

Shane was a Kaled mutation.

"Subject Shane has finished processing," the Dalek Leader ordered. "Two AMS will take him to a Dalek casing."

The AMS across from the Doctor moved forward so he inferred that he had to as well.

Him and the AMS left the room.

* * *

Jack took a step into the grassland and the door efficiently closed behind him.

"Damn," Jack pounded on the door.

He was locked outside.

As he walked past the trees he noticed wires inside some of them.

They were treeborgs, trees designed to generate energy for a ship.

That's why there's a grassland.


Jack turned quickly once he heard the snap from behind him.

He peeked around a treeborg to see a Dalek approaching over the grassland.

"Daleks," he whispered to himself. "I've got to warn the Doctor but theres only one way of getting outta here."

He walked out in front of the Dalek.

"Halt," the Dalek ordered.

"Yes my dear lady," Jack tilted his head slightly at the Dalek.

"Daleks have no concept of gender," the Dalek pointed its blaster at him. "You will come with me."

"Well as you ask so nicely," Jack remarked as he was escorted out of the grassland by the Dalek.

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