The Return

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Peter stirs to the bright lights as he slowly hears the sound of New York City traffic from a distance and bursts wide awake as he runs to the window to see the beautiful Manhattan skyline once again. He felt like crying but he knew it wasn't his New York.

"You still bitching about going back?" Emo Parker says to him as he eats a cherry he flings into his mouth, leaning against the window next to his.

"I've been in that hellhole for almost 6 years!"

"7 by now actually. Bout time the memory loss is kicking in." Emo Parker smirks as he leans forward and jumps onto the couch.

"Clearly you didn't drag me outta there for no apparent reason." Peter growls as Emo Parker just chuckles when he turns on the TV to show a disgruntled Wanda sitting at the table.

"She's been trying for years to reach here but she's only getting depression and desperation." Emo Parker says as he shows her closer. Her darkened eyes, her messy hair, her hands trembling, she was on the point of fully breaking.

"Please don't do this, just let me go already." Peter pleads as Emo Parker rolls his eyes with disgust.

"Back, back, back, it's always back with you! Never future! Don't you get it Peter, you'll only be going fowards! Emo says as he gets up and suddenly things start to shake around them. The walls started flaking away revealing nothing but darkness as it slowly closes in on them.

"Is this your doing?" Peter asks as he's concerned to a small piece of wall.

"Not exactly." Emo Parker says as he slowly realizes what's going on and looks back at Peter with a wide expression.

"See ya chump." He vanishes as Peter becomes consumed by the void.

He feels like he's in a black hole, feeling less and less as he travels into the unknown.
He feels nothing for the longest time till he hears a voice.

"I found you." Almost a whisper.

Wanda opens her eyes to see a passed out, dirty, scruffy Peter in his spider suit passed out on her kitchen floor. She just stares at him in disbelief for a long time till a smile appears on her face.

"Welcome home sweetie." Her eyes glow red as she reaches her hand out to him.

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