I Wanna Play a Game

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Peter walks home later that day, feeling oddly strange by his dangerous encounter with the Shocker when suddenly a burst of electromagnetic waves shake his entire body as he turns around to see Spider-Man holding his head as well as both feel the massive surge of sense overload.

"You are the missing Spider-Man." Miles found his guy.

"Me? Impossible, maybe it was from that shocker guy!" Peter says.

"No way, you got on that rooftop before any reporter got there, survived getting hit by Shocker's blast, and the suit I found clearly is your size." Miles says as he pulls out the suit from his bag, handing the mask to Peter.

"No way, I'm just Peter Parker. I never swung around the city and kicking bad guys before! This has to be all a misunderstanding! I'm not Spider-Man!" Peter freaks out.

"Woah man it's alright but you are the only person who just felt a sensory overload and we shouldn't even be taking about this in a suburban area."

Peter looks at the mask and back at him.

"Fine, let's head to my house; my wife isn't here right now."

As they enter the Parker house Miles Spider-Sense goes off yet nothing is attacking them.

"Okay Spider-Man I have to be honest, I can do most of the things you do but I'm not Spider-Man."

"I don't understand, how is this even possible? Did a spider bit you and you lost someone?"

"Yeah to both but I didn't just become a superhero, I worked in industry then went into photography and got married after that."

Miles looks at the wall behind him, his senses goes off again as he walks past Peter and leans his head against it, hearing the slightest sound of air traveling through it.

"Was this ever here?" Miles voice got low as Peter leans in as well and nods his head no as he grabs it and rips it out revealing a dark stairway down.

"Stay behind me." Miles say as they slowly approach down.

He flips the switch as the horror they see is cut short as they both get knocked out.

Peter wakes up in a cold sweat as he looks around confused and afraid as he is chained up to a metallic chair and his head in a contraption with nothing but his boxers on as the lights turn on revealing mangled and dismembered bodies of a android and other people he's not familiar with.

His eyes dart around till he sees a woman in the shadows in a red gown and soft red eyes piercing into his soul.

"Wanda?" He muffles as she walks closer to him, her eyes show disappointed and upset as she breaks one of his fingers and he grunts in pain.

"Bet your wondering where your new friend is?" She says with distaste as she turns another switch on showing spiderman chained into the wall with hooks whining in pain.

"Please Wanda, why are you doing this!?" He muffles loudly.

"I want to play a game." She says bitterly as she removes his gag and pulls out the red Spider-Man mask.

"Where did you find this?" She asks as Peter just looks confused till she tilts her head and he gets pulled closer to spinning saws she suddenly activates as Miles gets pulled into the wall painfully.

"Where did you find this?." She repeats this time approaching him.

"I don't know!" Peter cries out but she snaps his leg and he gets pulled closer and Miles gets pulled deeper into the wall.

"WHERE DID YOU FIND THIS?" She shouts as she breaks his arm with a simple twitch.

"NOWHERE!" He shouts, taking her aback till she tilts her head again and he goes flying into the saws, shredding him into a bloody mess everywhere as it completely splatters across the side of her and Miles falls onto the floor in fear.

"Who are you?" He shudders as the woman just gives him cold eyes.

"Your goddess, now bow." She commands.

"Not to you." He shudders as he gets back up.

"Then I'll have to make a lesson outta you." She smiles and Miles sees nothing but a massive flash of red.

Peter wakes up in a gasp as he wakes up in a clear room in a empty bed.

"Morning sweetie." She chirps brightly at him with a bloodied Miles with a massive blade against his throat.

"Wanda let him go!" He immediately jumps outta bed but she places her glowing hand against the side of his head and the blade closer to his neck.

"Ah ah ah, you wouldn't want his blood on your hands." She smiles like a mad woman as he freezes up not knowing what to do but talk.

"What's the meaning of this, it's not you!"

"Oh, not me?" She pouts her face like a sad puppy till the whole room begins to distort and change around them.
"THIS IS MY WORLD!" She shouts as glass breaks behind the two and blows Peter into a glass like wall into a white reality where thousands of bloodied hands suddenly grab him and drag him down into the mass and gets teleported back towards them.

"Peter forget about me, you have to stop her!" Miles calls out but whinces when the blade pricks his neck drawing blood.

"Shhhh, don't talk." She whispers into his ear as the two approach him.

"I am impressed how many times you made me keep bringing you back here into this room." She smiles as they circle around him.

"How many times could you have possibly brought me back?" Peter sighs as he gets back up.

"As many times as it took." She says as a version of her wacks him on the head with a bat and he falls back down in the ground in pain.

"I make everything, I control everything, I am everything!" She says as she forces Miles to watch as she forces his eyes open, her powers restraining him as he watches them beat him mercilessly.

"You brought this on him, remember that the next time I bring you both back." She says to him as they leave Peter a bloodied and bruised mess.

"You're a monster." Miles says as Wanda looks at him emotionlessly and then smiles.

"See you in your new life Miles." She suddenly blows his head up with her energy as Peter screams out his name.

"Wake up Peter, time to rise and shine." She smirks before everything goes red.

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