Trouble in Paradise

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Wanda sighs in disbelief as she sits besides Miles in the principal's office.


"I don't wanna hear it." She glares into his soul and he immediately stops.

"Mrs.Maximoff the family is suing you for their son's broken jaw, shoulder, and arm. I highly request you get a lawyer on this since I understood Miles in no way started this but finished it." The principal sighs and writes them a few numbers of attorneys and hands it to Wanda.

"Miles I'm going to have to suspend you for a week on this, see you back next week." The principal shook his head as the two walk out and Wanda yanks him by the ear back into the car.

"Miles what the hell happen!?" She snaps at him as he looks away.

"He started it! He started calling my friends and me slurs and shit!" He slams his fists into the dash, exploding the airbag.

"You could've killed him Miles, I don't want them to take you away from us!" She shouts as she holds him close to her.

"I know, I'm sorry." He sighs as he hugs her.

"We'll have to figure out how to pay these hospital bills and win this lawsuit." Wanda sighs as she starts the car, driving out of the lot.

Peter reads a article about a boy who was abducted last year the night his mother died from cancer and ponders about life beyond the stars. Suddenly his car phone goes off and he picks it up.


"Sweetie it's me, we have a problem."

"Hey, what's going on?"

"Miles messed up the star quarterback during tryouts and he's been suspended for a week." She puts her hand against her face.

"What happened?" His tone shifted.

"He called Miles and his friends slurs and names and now we have to pay his hospital bills and a lawsuit." She sighs deeply.

"Oh god, is Miles alright?"

"Miles? Peter, he broke this kid's jaw and right arm, he doesn't even have a scratch!" Wanda shouts.

"Look I'll talk to him, we'll figure this out I promise. Love ya."

"Love ya too, don't be late for dinner." She sighs and hangs up the kitchen phone.

"Shit." Peter curses till someone knocks on his window. It was a slim man in ripped pants and looks like he hasn't shaven in awhile.

"Are you the guy in red?"

"You the Hulk?" Peter asks, opening the window.

"Dr Bruce Banner, I was a gamma scientist before."

"I know you! You're studies changed the field!" Peter smiles.

"Can we talk somewhere more secluded?"

"My house, no bugs I promise you that."

"Thank you." Banner gets in the car and they drive off.

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