Yes Sir

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"Jarvis drop my beat." Tony Stark calls out to the room as "Back in Black" plays, Tony air guitaring to it as he enters into his armor room.

"Alright Jarvis what do we have today?"

"Sir don't forget the press conference today."

"Of course, how could I've forgotten a event about me?" He says as he tinkers with his new arc reactor.

"Miss Potts will be arriving shortly." Jarvis says.

"Keep working on the new suit till I get back, I think I found a way to make them more accessible." Tony walks out feeling confident about his progress.


Agent John, does Miss Carter know about the failed mission last night?" Pierce asks a agent standing by as he adjusts his suit before a conference.

"No sir, if so we will blame any enemies on it."

"And the precious cargo?" Pierce eyed him.

"We have all agents in all nearby states looking for her, she can't go missing for too long."

"Hope so, I want their house burned to the ground and anything from here to know I want on my desk." He continues as they both walk towards the conference room.

"Also Secretary, someone met with Hank Pym yesterday morning." They both stop as Pierce turns around to him.

"Was it the Parker's?"

"Yes sir."

"Son of a bitch, that Pym backstabbed us."

"There was audio about Captain America as well, something about finding him."

"We can use that, they find him we get all the media and press in the world to blindside them into backing down on us."

"Also Tony Stark is making a conference today."

"Bah, what does that arrogant son of Howard want to tell the world now?" Pierce rolls his eyes as he enters the room to see the leaders watching the Stark conference from the tv.

"The truth is...I am Iron Man." Tony says as all the leaders look at each amazed especially Howard who is just flabbergasted by this.

"Nevermind, kid really is something else." Pierce exhaled.

"Wait, Tony Stark is the mysterious Iron Man!?" Miles exclaims at hearing the news from the radio.

"Something must've happened last night somewhere cause this is big news." Peter says.

"Pierto, did you know about this?" Wanda asks.

"Tsk, there were rumors about some missile flying around the middle East but never expected it to be that bastard." Pierto scoffs.


Shortly after the conference and after-party Tony goes back to his mansion to see his parents already there.

"Son, good to see you." Howard's smirks as he puts down a photo he was looking at.

"Hey pops, you got here fast." Tony says.

"Wasn't going to miss out on this occasion."

"If it's all the same to you two I'd like to relax for a bit, help yourselves around in the meantime." He sighs as he hugs them both and heads on upstairs.
"Jarvis entertain our guests."

"Will do sir." The automated voice says as music plays.

"Oh, a smart house." Howard says in awe.

"What beverages would you like to be served today Stark family?"

"Martini, dry please."

"Red wine for me." Maria Stark says as they hear faint noises coming from the kitchen only for a metallic woman in roller skates to come by and offer them their drinks and a menu.

"I am Jocasta and I'll be serving you your physical needs at the moment, are you all hungry?"

"Honey I think he has too much free time." Howard says as Tony comes in looking fresh outta the shower.

"Oh that's Jocasta by the way, she's a prototype for a physical AI." Tony says as he sits down by them.

"Clearly this Iron Man thing has been keeping you busy?" Howard sips his martini.

"Yeah, one suit more improved than the last, also found a great renewable energy idea that might just work.

"I'm gonna guess your arc reactor?" Howard asks.

"Close but no, air."


"Air flows around us and we made technology that allowed air to travel through it we wouldn't have to work about power outages, ridiculous energy bills, and global warming wouldn't even be a thing anymore."

"I think you're onto something here."

"Let's hope so, took awhile."

"So is this Iron Man thing a long term thing?"

"Don't know but kids are already loving it." Tony chuckles.

"Sir, a group in a car just pulled up to your security gate."

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