There was a idea

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Next morning after a calm night Peter, Miles, and Dr Banner get ready to head to San Francisco, Wanda still unsure about all this.

"Sweetie be careful, you just entered a world you don't fully understand yet." She cups his cheek as she holds him close.

"I promise you I'll be alright, it's you I'm more worried about."

"I'll be fine, just don't miss dinner." They both laugh till they depart ways as she watches them drive away.

5 hours later
San Francisco

They arrive at Pym residence where they knock on his door.

"Yes may I help you?" The older man opens the door with a annoyed look.

"My name is Peter Parker, I was just wondering if you had time to talk?"

"No, now go away." He tries to close the door.

"Perhaps you'd speak to another man of science for a change?" Bruce says appearing behind Peter.

"Dr Bruce Banner? I thought you died?" Hank asks stunned.

"Guess I did, you think you can talk to us for a bit if you don't mind?"

"Sure, come in."

Awhile later

"So why do you want to talk with me? Clearly not to talk science cause the last people who did tricked me into working alongside them." Hank gruffs as he sips his tea.

"Who are they?" Miles asks.

"Shield, the secret military organization who research and create weapons and secure the world from people like Hydra."

"So they know about these special beings and creatures then?" Peter asks.

"Exactly but I don't everything like they do and I resigned from them after my wife passed from helping me stop a nuke."

"Wait, you really are the Ant-Man?" Peter gasps.

"I trust you three to keep this closed to anyone else." Hank sadly smiles as he finishes his tea.

"Can you help us search for these other people then? I believe if we create a web connection with them we can do some real good for the world."

"What like a team, a club? I feel like there are a few flaws there."

"Don't know till we try, world's going to shit so least we can do is help each other out."

"Alright kid I'm in but don't expect me to wear my suit all the time."


They shake hands.

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