A Plan

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They leave New York City as Carol flies high in the sky carrying Ghost Rider's motorcycle along with a nervous banner and Spider-Man crouching in the front of it.

"How much longer?" Bruce nervously asks as he keeps trying to look down.

"Don't worry guys but this is the fastest I can go without hurting anyone." Carol tried to reassure him.

"So apparently we have someone controlling heroes now." Spidey adds.

"Apparently so but these can't be clones." Ghost Rider.

"You are both right." Suddenly Doctor Strange appears besides them, flying from the cloak of levitation.

He opens a portal they go into as they enter the Canadian wilderness.

"This reality is being controlled by Wanda Maximoff." Strange says.

"How can we stop her?" Spidey asks.

"She already helped us find the answer." Strange says.

"Peter you are another variant of Spider-Man from another reality, the Wanda from the 80s was the most loving outta the other variants of her and she gave enough of a opening for you and us to fight her next variant."

"But how?" Peter asks till a dark figure forms out from him with a sinister smirk.

"Me kiddo, and I'll end her very soon." Emo Parker says.

"This Peter Parker found a way to control the reality of all Spiderverses and anything tying to them, he's our Trump card." Strange explains.

"I'm guessing I need to get close to her for you to do so?" Peter asks.

"Exactly, she still holds the strings of all reality and we need to disconnect her from it to do so." Emo Parker explains.

"How can I help?" Carol ask, moving close to Peter.

"We need you guys to distract her forces, something tells me she's bringing the big guns on us." Emo Parker looks at the sky.

"What will happen to us after you defeat her?" Carol asks worryingly.

Emo Parker looks back at Peter.

"Peter do you want this reality to keep living?" Emo Parker asks him sincerely.

He looks back at Carol and the rest of the group and back at Emo Parker.

"Yes I do."

"Then I promise you guys will still live." Emo Parker nods as he disappears back into Peter.

"I'm gonna make a few calls." Strange says.

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