Die for you

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"You." Her voice was so venomous Emo Parker felt himself for a split second as if a part of him was missing but he chuckles it off and flicks his hair away.

"Yes witch it's me, your judge and executor." He sinisterly smiles at her, watching her get angrier.

Wanda screams out as she sends a massive blast towards him but he thinks fast, creating a energy shield from the ground around him. She throws chunks of the ground at him as he jumps high into the air and fire sharp symbiote projectiles at her to distract her, one of them managing to leave a long cut on her forearm.

"You don't get it do you?" His suddenly appears behind her as she swiftly turns around only to get roundhouse kicked in the ribs and sent flying.

"I AM THE REALITY." He laughs as he instantly webs her in place mid air and begins pounding her face and gut. A black tendril comes outta his chest and slams her into a symbiote wall before she manages to release herself from it's clutches.

"No, not to you!" She yells out as she slams her hands into the ground, cause a massive tsunami of rocks of energy.

Emo Peter cocks his head impressive as he creates his own and sinking into the ground.

Wanda darts around like crazy to find him till she jumps up to avoid the numerous tendrils grabbing at her and tries to blast them away. Suddenly uppercuts her in a second, grabbing her hair and headbutting her nose causing it to gush out blood.

"You're trash Maximoff, I'd offer you Mercy but that's not gonna happen." He chuckles as he forms a massive blade outta his arm and readies to strike.

Wanda looks up and gives him a bloody evil grin as the sky around the reality turns a slight shade of red against the black and grey, confusing Emo Parker.

"You're still in mines." She giggles and she blasts him into a building, watching it shatter down on top of him.

She leaps into the air as massive spikes come outta the ground towards him. He transforms his arms into axes and slice the sharp tips swiftly giving Red Queen the jump on him and strike him into the ground.

"You cocky bastard." She chuckled, wiping the blood off her face as she hovered above him.

"You better watch the suit." He gets up, wiping his mouth with a smirk and dusts himself off.

"You won't win Parker, you merely got lucky I didn't have a eye on you enough to know you would interfere but it won't matter when I kill you off!" She points at him frustrated.

"Too bad you won't get the satisfaction." He chuckles as tendrils spike outta the ground and conceal her hands.


Suddenly a flaming chain and the bands of Cyttorak bind her tightly, burning her as Strange and Rider pull back.

"You won't stop me!" She cried out.

"Have a taste." Emo Parker throw a small amount of energy at Carol as she absorbed it turning into white binary as the two powered up and blasted her.

She screamed out as she began to disintegrate away, ending her reign.

Peter entered the dark room where 80s Wanda lied there  hurt.

"Wanda?" He asked slowly approaching her.

"You're alright." She said smiling as he crouched down to her.

"Thank you for holding on." He sighed helping her up.

"This reality will start over soon, a new Earth with endless ones."

"And yours?"

"Mines will restart, it'll be a new one but the story will be similar. I won't remember any of this and I'll just be Wanda."

"Will you have you're family back?"

"I hope so, I loved them so much." She sighed looking at him.

"But what about me?"

"I don't know, where you'll restart over hopefully it's a good one." She says beginning to disappear.


"Good luck Peter." She waved farewell.

Everything began to disappear as Peter closed his eyes and everything went black.

A 15 year old kid from Queens gets bitten by a radioactive spider.

Peter Parker rejects the symbiote and saves Mary Jane from Venom and Spider-Man.

Carol Danvers steps down from her role, giving it to Monica Rambeau.

Journalist Peter Parker meets a Sokovian Immigrant named Wanda Maximoff.

The End?

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