The Spider-Man meets The Hulk

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Peter drives up towards the forests where he finally gets to test out his new suit he and Wanda helped worked on. It was a red and dark blue suit with a lightweight metallic fiber weave, a hidden canister belt equipped with new experimental webbings and tools, his lenses have better durability and a special night mode setting. He knew things could get tricky if he didn't come strapped and honestly he heard the craziest rumors about this guy.

He swings around the forest for awhile till he takes a break atop of a tree to eat his sandwich till he hears the sound of a bear in the distance but doesn't move till he hears a roar of a creature he hasn't hear before and puts his mask on to go to investigate.

He arrived to see the bloody mess of a grizzly bear torn in half on the ground as a green goliath roars out in front of him.

"Holy shit." He says as the furious green man slams his fist at him, avoiding it as he tries to keep his distance.

The Hulk swings at him like crazy, smashing through trees and rocks like nothing as Peter swings and jumps around him avoiding his strong blows.

"Hey buddy I'm not here to fight you but you have to understand people from the government will find you if you keep this up!" Peter says as he removes his mask and raising his hands up to show peace.

Hulk raises his fists up but pauses as he sees the red and black man not fight him as he calms down and sits on the ground with a sigh.

"Hulk just want to be left alone." He grumbles, surprising Peter.

"Oh you talk? Well since you can my name is Peter Parker." Peter offers out his hand.

"Hulk." Hulk grabs his entire hand and gently shakes as Peter sits besides him.

"Where you come from?"

"Hulk born from explosion, Hulk comes back and forth when he's mad." Hulk rubs his head trying to remember.

"Well Hulk I can help you figure things out if you're willing to help me."

Hulk raises his brow.
"What does Parker want Hulk's help with?"

"There are special people and creatures just like you on this planet who I think can change the world." He says as he pulls out a book with his research.

"Secret society in Africa, mysterious Ant-Man, Captain America, bizzare experiences in the Bermuda Triangle, and so many more."

"People are afraid of Hulk, they probably be afraid of them too." Hulk grunts.

"Not unless we can show them we aren't." Peter smiles.

"Hulk thinks you're crazy but Hulk gives you a chance." Hulk smirks as he walks away.

"Do you have anywhere to stay?"

"Hulk found cave!"

"Alright, can I meet you here tonight?"

"Alone." Hulk says before jumping high into the air, flying across the forest.

"Woah, Wanda won't believe this one."

He arrives later into Lakewood (Where they live) and goes inside to tell her only to see a note on the desk telling him she went out to shop.

"Alright Peter, let's get to work." He clasps his hands together.

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