Agent of Chaos

122 4 7

12:00 AM

Peter has frantically driven around from Los Angeles to Oakland as he searches endlessly for her. Did he miss something trying to protect his family this whole time?

"Come on Wanda, be out here."

Wanda walks alone in the forest for hours, her bare feet sore and painful to walk on as she always watching her back each passing second. The man who attacked her was too familiar. His wispy brown hair, his cold stare, his silence, and that arm.

Wanda sees light as she huddles over faster, feeling weaker as she manages to get onto the road and waves at the next car speeding towards her only to realize he's not paying attention and creates a force field that safety cushions them both as it dents the car and causes her to pass out completely.

Peter immediately runs out the car and carefully picks her up. Her clothes were tattered, her hair slightly singed, blood, cuts, and dirt everywhere, and her feet were bleeding. He safely puts her in the back with a blanket and drives off home.

Wanda wakes up around 3 am bandaged up with Miles hugging her tightly, she cries as she gets to hold her child once more.

"How did you find me?" She asks them as she wipes her tears.

"You went in front of the car on the road and saved yourself from getting hit." Peter sighs as he goes in to hold his family together.

"Peter, I need to call someone if you don't mind." She says as she pulls out a Satellite phone and dials a number. She says something Sokovian as she hangs up and minutes later a man with white hair and a dark beard appear in the household.

He immediately turns to Peter after seeing Wanda fixed up and slams him against the wall.

"You beating on my sister now asshole!?" He grunts.

"Pietro stop!" Wanda tries to stop him but he speeds into the living room and slams Peter into the coffee table.

"Pietro stop he didn't do this!" She rushes over and grabs his arm before he could start punching Peter.

"Then why the hell did you call me here!? Clearly not to praise your boyfriend, and who the hell his that kid!?" Pietro points at Miles who Wanda immediately moves in front of him defensively.

"That's my son and this is my family Pietro and you will show them respect!" She hisses in her sovokian accent.

"Unbelievable, now you live like these damn Americans after you start meddling around with this white boy!" He now points at Peter who is bewildered by this.

"That is enough Pierto! I decided to make a new life! ME! I wasn't going to help you fight a war I didn't want to fight in the first place!"

"We lost our family and friends cause of them! You forgotten our pact!? Our blood!?" He shouts in her face.

"I haven't forgotten shit!!! I CAN'T FORGET SHIT EITHER!!! Pierto this is my life now!"

"Yes, a life that was a cover up so that they wouldn't figure out who you really were and why they were after you! You compromised us all!"

Tears roll down her cheeks as she turns back to see her family and Banner look at her surprised.

"Wanda what is he talking about? I thought you were just immigrants?" Peter asks.


"No." Pierto grabs her arm firmly. "You tell him everything if you really do care about him, about them." He growls in her ear as she slowly walks over to Peter.

"I'm a weapon." She says as she holds his hand.

"Wanda you couldn't possibly be a weapon, I know you." Peter clearly was in denial.

"Peter I was never born with these powers I was forced to have them. Where it happen was like a concentration camp. They take away everything from you; your hair, your belongings, your family, anything that offers you love and safety...gone." Her lips trembles as she remembers every moment clearly. Each beating, each experiment, each method of cruelty all in the name of science and freedom.

"They didn't realize how strong we really were so we escaped and tried to bury those painful years behind us." Pierto finishes the story.

Peter holds her close and sighs.

"That doesn't change the way I feel about you." He says as she weeps against his chest, Miles joining them.

"So what happens now?" Banner asks, trying to comprehend things as well.

"Now I'm taking you all to Sokovia before it's too late." Pierto says checking his AK-47.

"Pierto I told you we aren't going anywhere!"

"Where the hell could you possibly go without the government behind you!?"

Peter realizes something as he checks his journal and looks at the lists of locations and names.

Tony Stark

New York City
Woman in yellow monk outfit spotted

Ex Air Force Pilot abducted?

"Malibu." Peter says grabbing everyone's attention.

"What's possibly there for us?" Banner asks.

Peter opens the paper to show Stark's new home on the cover.

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