Family Matters

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Peter wakes up gasping as he wakes up in a clear room and looks around to see he's alone. He goes to the closet to see his clothes and gets dressed in a casual t-shirt, jeans, J's, and Jean jacket. He heads downstairs to see Wanda in a apron and a valley girl look cooking and sees a black teenage boy at the tablw eating his eggs and pancakes with a magazine.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Peter awkwardly smiles as he joins them at the table.

"Nothing much dad, just hanging out." Miles says not looking up at his magazine.

"Miles, paper down now." Wanda points at him as he reluctantly does so.

Peter just gives a confused look about what's going on but doesn't feel sure if he should say anything.

"Um Miles, how are classes doing?" Peter asks the most dad question.

"Fine dad, A's as always." Miles sighs as he takes a bite into his eggs.

"But if you're doing so well how come you sound so down about it?"

"I wanna join the track team but mom thinks I'm wasting my time with it." Miles sulks.

"Wha-wait and now I'm finding out about this?" Peter looks at Wanda bewildered.

"What? Miles is a smart boy, he doesn't need to run around just to impress people." Wanda retorts.

"Alright clearly this is something we all need to talk about later AS a family but not now cause we don't wanna be late." Peter says as he looks at his watch.

"Today's half day can I spend the day with my friends?" Miles says.

"Sure just call if you're staying with one of them." Peter says as he kisses Wanda and he and Miles head out to their red Chevy Cameron muscle car and drive off.


Peter Benjamin Parker, a freelance photographer and engineer in his late 20s and Wanda Maximoff, a Sokovian designer and artist also late 20s married and reside in a sunny neighborhood in California with their adopted Afro Puerto Rican son Miles Morales as they live their slice of life with a twist.

"I know why you wanna go for sports Miles." Peter abruptly says catching Miles off guard.
"Your powers allow you to be better than everyone physically but truth is you'd just be cheating your way to the top and I know you're better than that."

Miles has a sadden and conflicted look and Peter pats his shoulder.

"Remember what we talked about?"

"With great power..."

"Comes great responsibility."
"Comes great responsibility."
They both say.

"But I know I can do great at it!"

"I know but at the same time I don't want you to be like me and never getting that opportunity so as long as we have some ground rules on it I think we can work something out." Peter says seeing his face gleam up.

"Sure, shoot."

"One, keep up with your studies. Two, just be yourself and Three, careful with your powers." He says as they begin to pull up to the high school.

"Thanks Dad, see ya later!"

"See ya sport!" They both wave as he drives away.

Peter pulls out a piece of paper from the glove compartment, un crumpling it to show a sketch of a Hulking man spotted around the forests nearby but the media is calling him a hoax.

"Honestly I'm surprised they haven't caught a guy this big around these parts." Peter says to himself as he turns on the radio.

He pulls up to the houses parkway and enters to see Wanda working out to a Farrah Fawcett workout video, looking like a hot mess.

"Clearly the true athletic master hasn't taught you well." Peter quips as he wraps around her from behind as she sighs in pleasure.

"Are we alone?" She smirks.

"I got 20 minutes." He smirks back as he removes his jacket and shirt as the two get onto the couch, stroking and clawing at each other with each passing hot kiss, the hear rising as the sounds of pleasure escape their mouths.

"Come on tiger, clearly you can break your record." She pants out as he immediately lifts her up and pins her against the wall unzipping his pants as he gives her the full package making her yelp in surprise as they rock against each other like a earthquake going on.

"Oh god yes Peter!" She cries out as pictures start to fall off the wall as they both thrust and cry out harder and faster till they both come simultaneously and slowly collapse to the floor in relief.

"Two minutes thirty seconds, not bad sweetie." She breathlessly chuckles out looking at her watch.

"Thanks, you were great too." He breathes out as they lie there for awhile.

"I can clean it if you'd like?" Wanda asks.

"No no I got it, just hope we don't have guests for round 2 later." Peter smiles as the two kiss and get up.

"So are you still looking for these strange people and creatures?" Wanda asks as she pulls out the sketch of the Hulking man and refuses it to give it back as she looks at it.

"Yes, there were more reports of them around here." Peter chuckles as he yoinks it back.

"Didn't you tell me about some super secret society in Africa with future technology before too?" Wanda air quotes him as Peter rolls his eyes.

"There totally is, just people like to keep secrets about cool stuff." He says as he looks at the sketch.

"Well if you find this guy please don't bring him inside, we just cleaned the floors." Wanda says helping out.

"Well I think I got something here." Peter says as he has a epiphany while he finished cleaning.

"What's that dear?"

"Sounds like a stretch but maybe I can connect these guys together like a group or club."

"Sweetie I think we went too rough cause did you say you wanted to brings these creatures together?"

"Talk later Wanda, love ya!" Peter kisses her and dashes out to the car and drives out.

"Can't believe he even made a outfit." Wanda sighs.

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