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A blur of white and wind sweeps the awhile room as his parents disappear and he was placed on the couch, a white haired scruffy man appears in front of him with a AK-47.

"Who the hell are you!?" Tony snaps at him as a group of people enter his house.
"Who the hell are you guys!?" He pulls out a hidden gun but Pierto deconstructs it in a second leaving Tony in shock.

"We don't mean any harm." Wanda says, raising her hands up in a peaceful manner as she approaches him.

"How come you're invading my home, who are you guys!?"

"You might know me I'm Bruce Banner, Gamma Researcher." Bruce awkwardly pulls out his hand.

"Hear about you." Tony nervously shakes his hand.

"We need your help." Peter comes in.

"Why should I help you guys?"

"Secret organization is after us I'm sure you're familiar with them." Wanda's eyes turn slightly red.

"Wait Shield?" Tony asks as Pierto brings back Howard Stark.

"Start talking old man, everything." Pierto points the gun to his head.

"Shield in no way is responsible for what happened to you both." Howard sighs.

"Wait you knows those two!?" Tony jumps up.

"He helped make us freaks.* he says as he kicks Howard down, Maria suddenly in the room frightened.

"Pierto what are you doing!?" Wanda screams but it's too late as the moment she blinks she hears several gunshots go off and opens her eyes to see everyone been shot besides her.

"NOOOO!!!!" She screams out as she sees Miles bleeding out on the floor.

"M-mom, it's getting colder." He gasps out as she holds him close.

"It's okay I'm here." She cries as she feels his his spirit fade away from his body till he goes limp, his blood splattered all over her.

"Why did you do this?" She sobs as she looks over to see her husband barely staying alive on the other side of her.

"Cause you're responsible for this Wanda." He says as he aims the gun at her from behind.

"I just wanted a peaceful life." She whispers as suddenly everything around them becomes filled with red mist.

"You keep doing this you'll only destroy reality!" He calls out.

"I'll do what I have to to get my happy ending." She tells him as everything goes red again.

Peter gasps awake but this time he's awaken in a apartment as he hears the Hulk roaring in the distance.

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