The Ultimate Lifeform

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"Okay I want to talk." Peter calls out as he throws his mask to the ground frustrated then weird feeling comes over him like something oozing outta him and outta his own shadow Emo Parker emerges upright in style.

"You rang?"

That smug smirk made Peter want to punch him in the face but he felt this other him would expect that already as he keeps his composure.

"What's your deal in all this, who even are you exactly?" Peter pointed at him, determined for answers.

"Alright fine, since you really want to know so bad I'll tell you."

Suddenly the two are inside a cabin already seated down as Emo Parker looks at him in the eyes, the light of the fireplace illuminating the place.

"I'm the Peter Parker who embraced the symbiote, who learned and trained with it every second of the day. I avenged my uncle, I wiped the crime outta the city by 90%, I became the ultimate Spider-Man. But I was blessed, a cosmic being died in my arms one day and granted me his entire life force and abilities and then I became God of the Spiderverse. Although not the true one I made sure my place was secured and sure I may have taken out a few spider people for it but in the end of it all I was the ultimate lifeform!"

"But I don't understand, why me? I didn't even know you existed till you dragged one variation of me outta his own Universe."

"You Peter didn't follow the natural order, you decided to go with Wanda Maximoff of all women. That woman is a disease and she messed with the fabrics of our realities, our order! Cause of your stupid determination to help her you unlocked a plague that has to be contained and killed off before she affects everything else!" Emo Parker slams his fist into the coffee table shattering it but the pieces stop in mid air from a black and grey aura and reverts back to it's normal structure.

"You can't kill her, I know Wanda and she wouldn't have just slaughtered so many people just for her own happiness!" Peter tries to retort but it only makes Emo Parker laugh at his denial.

"Peter I would love to kill and torture this woman for infinity if it meant she doesn't do the same to everyone else's but I don't have the damn time to do so! You stay outta my way with this Peter, I won't hesitate to leave you crippled and powerless if it comes to it." Emo Parker hisses at him, his finger a inch away from his face and his teeth bare.

"I can't let you kill her, there's still good in her I know it deep inside." Peter shakes his head as Emo Parker cackles at him.

"Fuck your feelings about that gypsy brunette, I'm going to end her like she should've been on that falling heap of land." Emo hisses into his ear as he gets up towards the door.

"Cripple me and take my powers from me all you want Peter, but I won't let you kill her by the end of all this!" Peter calls out to Emo Peter who angrily tightens his grip on the door knob before opening it up and slamming it behind him.

Peter wakes up lying on the forest ground with Carol standing above him, her shaggy long locks almost obstructing her face.

"Peter you alright, you've been laying here for awhile now?" Carol helps him up and pats the dirt off him with a smile.

"Had a chat with... myself that's all." Peter chuckles as he dusts himself off.

"Yeah no offense but he's a real creep." Carol smirks at him as they walk together to the team.

"I'll say, he basically calls himself God and the Ultimate Lifeform and honestly he wants to kill Wanda." Peter sighs as Carol stops in her tracks and holds him by his shoulders with a very concerned look.

"Peter, you really want to kill Wanda?" Carol's face sadden as she looks at Peter's conflicted look.

"I've been dying and tormented for a long time now, I'm tired and I love her but...what of this is really the way to end this loop?" Peter's eyes begin to water as Carol holds him close to her, wrapping his arms around him.

"Whatever happens, the final result comes down to your decision Peter." Carol says as he begins to weep into her shoulder.

"I don't want to but I feel like I have to for everyone." He says.

"It's gonna be okay Peter, I promise you that." Carol says.

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