A Dead Witch

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She looks around the void, seeing not but darkness till she sees the 80s Wanda chained up in red binds.

"You traitor." She hisses out to her as she kicks her in the face, blood oozing out her busted lip.

"You are the traitor, corrupting her into this monster and now you want to keep taking everything that makes her happy and...now they'll kill her for it." 80s Wanda slumps down and weeps as she feels she has failed herself.

"You're just a pathetic hippie who thought being a housewife would hide you from who you really are!" The Red Queen kicks her in the gut.

"I protected them from the truth!"

"No, you only pissed me off." Red Queen growls as she tortures 80s Wanda with her powers, listening to her screams gives her excitement and power.

"Yes Queen." Emo Peter slowly claps outta the shadows.

Red Queen quickly turns around in surprise.

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