2. Living Nightmeres

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{Czechia's POV}

I knocked on the front doors, immediately rejecting that. He opened them and looked shocked, before smirking. "Well, well, well! Look who's here! So, you changed your mind?" He dragged me in and locked doors behind me. "N-No! I'm looking for Poland." I said looking for emergency exit and potential holding room. "And you think he would be here? You're more foolish, then I thought." He said getting closer. I started backing away. I didn't want him near me, but I have to find Poland. "He went missing and I know you have to do something with it." I got to living room and there I was trapped. "Me? And how would I do that? Don't you remember I'm trapped here?!" He shouted on me. I felt his anger, but now I had nowhere to ran. "Germany said your bracelet was off for 8 hours. You could do anything." I said, then I tripped on something and fell on my butt. My head hit corner of table and I felt little blood coming out of it. "And you trust him? He's my son! Of course he's liar, just like me." His voice slowly went away and my vision got blurry. I blacked out.
I woke up in jail. The walls were made of bricks. I didn't have any windows and only light was one lamp on the ceiling. Well, I'm happy I had any light. There was bed and toilet. On the left side from the bed were iron doors. I knew I was still in his house, maybe basement? I tried to open the doors, nothing. I checked myself if I don't have my phone on me. And of course I didn't. He took everything off me, even my cigarettes. I was still calm, because I knew Soviet will try to find me at any cost. I was locked here like 6 hours now. He left my watch, so I wasn't lost in time. I was so bored, that I started counting how many bricks I can see. And I actually counted them all! There were 8 942,5 bricks. I felt like the useless half. Then I noticed little camera in corner of the room. I flipped the camera off and laid down. I didn't have anything else to do here, so why not. I closed my eyes, but before I fell asleep, loud siren started. It was so loud, that I didn't hear anything for 2 whole minutes. TR took his chance and tied my hands behind my back. He had gun aimed on my head and I saw scared Soviet. I didn't hear anything he said, but he was worried about me. Then TR made me move to exit. I tried to struggle, but I couldn't do anything. He had good grip on me and if I moved too much he would shoot me in head. He didn't have the only thing that could stop him, the electric bracelet. He didn't have it anymore, so he could go anywhere he wants. He made me go to my car and got in the back. I started hearing only little. I heard the car starting and locking the doors. He perfectly knew what he's doing. After sometime I heard everything again. "So are you going to kill me? Somewhere in woods to not notice anyone?" I said looking out the window. We were in forest next to our town. If I had to ran I knew perfectly where, because we were here almost all the time with sis when we were little... it was fun. "Why would I? Only because of you I could ran out of there. And after you'll say yes to my offer, we'll be the most powerful men in the world." he said like maniac. "Well you'll wait a long time. Once I said no and I'll say it again." I said bravely. He laughed like maniac. "We'll see about that." He stopped in front of old motel in middle the forest. We found it ones with sis, but because we were little we never were inside. As I heard the doors opening I tried to open my doors, but that bastard kept them locked. I had to wait for him to open them, but he didn't do that. He got out and walked in the building, leaving me in the car. I got to front seat and found my knife there. We love to go 'mushrooming', so I have knife for it. It was hard to cut the ropes, but I managed to cut them and I cut myself only a little. I hid the knife in my pocket. I tried the doors again, but nothing. He had the keys, so I didn't have way to get out. I had to wait for him. I thought I was there like 4 hours. It was summer and it was really hot there. I didn't have anything to drink and I was trapped in microwave by now. I thought I was dying there. Then he finally opened the doors. I was too weak to ran and he still had the gun. If I want to survive I have to listen to him. I got out the car, immediately falling on the ground. I was so dehydrated, I couldn't even stood up. He took me inside and walked with me to the 6th floor. He put chains on my neck that was connected to my arms and legs. I didn't have chance to move with them. Then he gave me something to drink. It was awful, but I was so thirsty I would drink anything. I didn't last long and passed out on the floor.
The same nightmare like before, but this time I said no. That was mistake. He laughed anyways, but I could see his gun aiming on mom's head. "What about now? Say yes!" He was totally insane. I said yes, I was scared he'll shoot mom, even though she's just dream. He shoot her anyway and that broke my heart. Again darkness and the laughter like last time.
I woke up, chained up like I passed out. I looked around and saw him in doorway smirking. "So, what is my torture?" I said sitting up. With the chins I couldn't move much. I knew he'll make my life a living hell and I thought I was prepared for anything. "I'll leave you here alone, without food and water. This will make you say yes." He said, walking out the room, locking it behind him. I knew I had to get out of here. Firstly I had to get out from the chains. They had locks on every part, I took out the knife and tried to opened them with it. I opened the one I had on my neck, but the others have different mechanisms, I needed something smaller to open them. At least I could walk. Unlike the prison room this room had window. I looked out and saw we were in 6th floor. No chance I ran through the window. The room didn't have any furniture. It was just empty room with plank floor. Then it hit me. The planks can be removed with knife. Yes, I tried it home, when I was sick and was really bored, it ended up me getting slapped by the plank, but it worked. I tried to find the one that would probably work. I actually opened one in left corner of the room. As I thought there was some pipes and concrete. It was old building and the concrete was crumbling, that was my way out. I was digging in it for 5 days and was only in middle. After the days TR checked me. I was in middle of digging and when I heard the doors unlocking I hid the knife, put the plank back and put the neck chain back. I was sure I can take it off again. I managed do everything, before he opened the doors. "So did you change your mind?" He said and walked in, smirking. "Only in your dreams!" I spat in his face. He didn't like it a bit and kicked me in stomach multiple times. It hurts and I spit out little of blood, but he didn't stop he only begins. He tightened the chains, took knife and cut swastika all over me. He looked like he loves my screams. He's sick. Of course I tried to stop him, but I failed and tried to not cry, to not give him the satisfaction. After he was happy with his work he left. I wasn't able to move. I needed little nap and recovered a little. I still had long digging before me and I have to be able to do that.
When I woke up from dreamless sleep I felt better. It still hurts like hell, but I was able to move again. I was in different corner of the room on some blanket. I looked at my watch and saw I was sleeping for 2 whole days. I think he thought I was almost dead and tried to make it more comfortable. I crawled to the hole, which was hidden with the plank. Thanks to God he didn't find it. I took the plank off with only my hands. When you take it once off it will be easier do it again. I took the knife out and unlock the lock again. The knife is little dulled, because of the digging, but it still worked. It took me 13 hours of digging and I managed to get to the room under the one I was in. I made little hole and looked if someone was there. I didn't see anyone, so I made the hole bigger that I can crawled through it. I had to remove more planks to get to it. That took me another 6 hours and the knife was totally destroyed, but it paid off. The doors weren't locked. I still didn't know where he was, so I had to be careful. I looked out the room and saw stairs. I sneaked to them and looked down and up. I didn't see him, so I ran downstairs. It was my only exit from this hell. I was in 3rd floor, when I heard footsteps. I hid myself in one of the rooms. I hoped he didn't hear me and tried to calm myself. I ran 3 floors and was probably chased by maniac, of course I was breathing heavily. But to my bad luck he found me. He slammed opened the doors and that fucking scared me. I kicked him out of the way and tried to ran as fast as I could. It was pointless, he rans after me with the gun and shoot me in leg. I was almost out, I saw the exit, I tried to crawl away, but he stepped on my back. It was still painful from the cuts he did and glass that was shattered on the floor. "Oh, sweet Czechia. Why are you doing this to yourself? Now I have to brake your legs." he said annoyed. I didn't have idea what he was about to do. He made the chains even tighter on my arms and legs and looked back my neck. He took me to the basement and locked me there. I couldn't move, I couldn't cry for help, I only could sleep and hoped someone will save me. Hope is the only thing he didn't take from me.
Please help me...

Words: 1933

This is actually only time I'll do this, because it's really funny to me.
(If you don't know, then Google as a year.)

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