20. Big Day

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{Soviet's POV.}

It's here! Czechoslovakia had contractions this morning, we immediately got in hospital. There I had to wait in waiting room, while Dr. Switzerland took her. I trusted her, she's the best doctor around here. I had to call Russia, we got out, before we could say anything. "Dad, it's 8am. Why are you calling?" He said still half asleep. "We are in hospital, wake everyone up and get here." I said and heard how his phone fall down. I laughed to myself and when I heard he picked it up again I stopped laughing. "Yeah, we'll be there in 5 minutes." He said before hanging up. I was nervous, of course I was, like first time with Anabel... It was all my fault. One would say, I finally managed to get over it after thousands of years, but I didn't. She was the first I truly loved, I can't just forget about her. The legend was true, the goddess took my family, my house and my identity. I was nobody for centuries, changing my name and had lots of makeup to look different. This is my true face now, because last time I used it, Britain didn't exist. Yeah, It was long time ago, it should be safe.
I waited for the kids, who rushed to me. "So, what? Do you know anything?" Russia said so excited. "No, the doctor took her and said I should stay here." I said and everyone sat next to each other. We waited for  2 hours, before Switz got to me. She took me away from my kids, looking worried. "Something went wrong..." She said sadly and I was more worried then ever. "Are they okay?" I asked quietly, making sure no one can hear us. "Czechoslovakia is okay, but the kid isn't fully grown and will need an operation to save his life. We would asked his mother, but she's asleep." She said handing over papers about permission for the operation. I read what they'll do, it was necessary for his survival. "Do it. Anything for him to survive." I said while signing it up. "Please save him." I said before she left. I got back to the kids looking down. Russia immediately knew something happened and stopped everyone from asking. I would do anything for some drink.
After 40 minutes of only thinking I felt little tap on my shoulder and when I looked up there was Russia holding flask. I gave him little smile and took it. He had vodka, of course he had. I drank like half and gave it back. "So, now you'll tell me what happened?" He said sitting next to me. "The kid needed surgery. Swiz said It will take hours, I think you can go home." I said without emotions. "I'll tell it to others, but I'll stay. I want to see mom after this." He said, got up and got to others. "Mr. Union?" Young nurse got to me. "Yes, that's me. What is it?" I said standing up. I didn't realise she was so small, while I was sitting and when I got up, she looked nervous. She took some steps backwards to look in my face. "Your wife is asking for you. Please, follow me." She started walking away and I followed her. I was little stunned by the 'my wife' thing, but didn't think about it much, because I had to follow her. Russia probably didn't find me and went back home, good. I followed the little nurse to room with number 069.
There Czechoslovakia was laying on bed, tired. She immediately smiled, when she saw me. I got to her, gently hugging her. "How are you, my love?" I said smiling and she looked down. "I want to see him. Is he okay?" She asked me quietly. She almost didn't have energy to talk, neither move. "Don't worry, he'll be alright, but now rest. You did perfect job." I tried to avoid the question, but she got back to it. "What? I'm fine. I want to see my baby." She was still without energy, but managed to said it angry. "I'll asked the nurse." I got up and got to the little nurse. "Hey, my wife want to ask about our new born. Do you know anything?" I asked, trying to be nice. I didn't want to scare her or anything, I just want to know. "Doctor said the baby need some rest after the operation, tomorrow we will give him to you and your wife." She said looking through papers she had. I had moment of relief, when she said we will see him. "So the operation was successful?" I said little happy. She nodded happily, I was happy. "Oh, last thing, here's birth certificate, you have to complete it." she gave me the paper with pen and I got to Czechoslovakia. We completed it. It was almost full, just our sign we're missing. I gave it back to the nurse and when I got back to my love she already was asleep. I kissed her forehead and sat in armchair next to the bed. I felt like I was there forever, I was really tired. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, but my phone rang. I didn't looked, who it was, just picked it up.
"Hallo?" I said really tired.
"You have to check on your son." I heard voice, that I didn't recognise. It sound like he was scared.
"Who is that?" I said trying to wake myself up.
"It doesn't matter! The boy is in danger, you have to get to him!" The boy continued scared, he didn't sound like full adult, but not as little kid either.
"What are you talking about? He is with the nurses." I was confused.
"No! Someone bad got to him and you have to save him. Last doors on your left. He is in real danger." He said quickly, before hanging up.
I didn't know what was he talking about, but I felt he wasn't lying. I got out of the room and took his directions. The doors were locked, that was really weird for baby room. I tried to catch some doctor, but no one was on the hallways, that was more strange. I didn't want to wait anymore and blast through the doors. It wasn't quite and the babies were crying. I looked around and didn't saw anyone. I only saw crying babies, when I found my little boy. He was absolutely mine by his face.  He was just like his mother except the red was bigger and star on the blue triangle. He had closed the eyes, sleeping quietly. I immediately fell in love, but something was wrong. I was looking at my son, when I heard foot steps behind me. It was getting closer and when I turned around I saw TR holding knife ready to attack. He managed to stabbed me in heart, but it was almost nothing. "Y-you think this will kill me?" I fell down and took the knife out. It hurts a little, but don't kill me. "No, but I have time to take him. Say goodbye to my new son." I felt rage growing in me. He managed to get out with my boy, then I woke up back in the armchair. It was just bad dream...
I was still thinking about it and decided I'll go check the room if it was the same. This time it wasn't locked and I managed to get in. There were the babies and nurses taking care of them. I didn't see my son, so I asked about my son, but she didn't know anything and had to look through her papers. "Oh, here. Nicolas is on special care and had to stay there for next 8 hours." She said nicely. I thanked her and got back to Czechoslovakia. She was still sleeping, I sat back in the chair and took out my phone. I looked through my calls and saw number that called me in my dream. It was really weird and when I called it, the number said it doesn't exist. Maybe I'm going crazy, I should sleep more. I made myself comfortable and closed my eyes. This time I didn't have any dream. Just woke up after nurse shook with me. "Sir, can we give your son to you and your wife, that you can go home?" She said smiling, the nurses here are really kind. "Yes, of course." I said and got to Czechoslovakia, who was already waiting for me. The nurse walked out and came back with Nicolas. She gave him to Czechoslovakia, who started crying from happiness. "I told you he's perfect." I said, sitting next to her on the bed. Then Nicolas opened his eyes, they weren't normal. His left eye was in shape of golden star. We were both shocked, but Czechoslovakia loved him more. She kissed me and whispered that I was right. We started preparing to go home. Before we left, I found Switz and thanked her for everything. She looked nervous and I asked what's wrong. "The kid doesn't see on his left eye. He'll never see." She said worried. I smiled and said we'll deal with that. I got in car and we drove home after long two days. We had prepared room for Nicolas. My kids were excited for him and immediately wrapped around Czechoslovakia giving attention to Nicolas. Everyone was excited, even Ukraine was. This will only get better.
Thank you for your forgiveness, goddess of life.

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