14. Everyone Has Their Monster

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{Third Reich's POV.}

That was close. Hope she'll not visit us like this again. At least it was, when Czechia and Poland were sleeping. Czechia have really deep sleep, nothing can wake him up, sometimes I use it to my fun.~
I hid Czechia in basement, he was in locked room, but I know Czechoslovakia. She easily can got through locked doors. My luck is Czechia isn't like her. I laid Czechia on floor and waiting on the lowest step, when I heard unlocking the doors. I took out my gun and aim it on the doors. It was really her, but she hesitated. It seems like she didn't see me. I was ready to shoot, but she closed the doors back. She didn't close them carefully and it woke up Poland, when he saw me on the steps, holding a gun, he started panicking and wanted to scream, but I shut him up. "If you want to see Germany ever again, stop struggling." I whispered to him and he actually listened. That was obviously a lie, almost everything I say is a lie. I really didn't need any informations about my son, I just want to see him and Poland suffer. After I'll had enough, I'll kill him or make him empty like I did with Czechia. That sounds better, maybe Czechia will help me.
When A-H got down to us, I told him to take Czechia in his room and he listened without questioning. I got out the basement taking some things with me. I would love to torture Poland, but I have work to do. I had to make the arm for Czechia. I did something like this in past, but it was shitty. Now I was limited by where to do it and tools. I had lots of material in the basement. Lots of metal scrap and things I can use, but the tools were the mean problem. I managed to do prototype. It was only beginning and I had to test it, so I got to Czechia. "Good morning, shithead! I have prototype for you, just to try the mechanism." I got in the room. It was just iron basics with cables. He was already awake and not really happy to see me. I don't care what my toy thinks about me. He didn't say anything just turn on me, so I could put it on him, witch I did. "Now, try to move with your right." I said holding the arm. It didn't have anything to hold on, I had to figure that out. The arm moved up and down, that's good sign. "Perfect! Thanks for your help." I took the arm and left. A-H was watching TV all day, so I can use him. "Hey A-H! I need something, you don't have. Go shopping." I said and gave him shopping list, I made. "Do I really have to?" He started annoying me. "Yes, I need these things and you are the only one who can go out, without being suspicious." He looked annoyed, before I glared at him. He got up, took the list and got out, slamming doors behind him. He's acting like a child.
I decided I'll go play with Poland. I got to him, he was so scared of me, like first time. "You don't have to be scared, my dear. I just want informations. Jus-" "No." He cut me off. I hate, when someone cuts me off. I slapped him in rage. "You're lucky I can't hurt you as much as I hurt Czechia." I grabbed his chin making him look at me. He was full of fear, it's like music for me. I had to make sure he'll have some hope, that I can crush over and over again. "Do it! And then Germany gonna kill you without regretting it!" He was still scared, but determined. "You're like Czechia, full of hope that someone will find him, but you saw him, didn't you?" I smirked, when he backed away little, hesitating. "Germany will find me, no matter what!" He said threateningly. I didn't like that a bit. "Czechia said that too. And Maybe you're right, but if it happens you'll get shot in head with Czechia right after you." I said and he started crying. "Don't be a cry baby and suck it up. This is your new life after all." I said emotionless. I wanted to torture him a little, but I had better plan. I let him be for a little and got to Czechia. He looked lot better, stronger, perfect for my plan. "How are you?" I asked nicely, while he turned back at me. "Oh, I get it, but what if I tell you, you can have something you couldn't?" He turned back at me with 'I'm not sure, if I can believe you' look. "What if I told you, you can have Poland without making anyone angry?" I had smirk on my face. I know Czechia like Poland really long time. Poland is older then him, lot older, but Czechia still love him, it doesn't matter, they look the same age.
"First of all, he is married, second, he don't want me and lastly I don't want to help you. I know what you want to do." He was angry. He started to have character again, that's bad. "I don't care what you want or not! You will listen no matter what or you'll be punished." I shouted at him, he can't talk to me like that. "Then do it! Break my bones, cut in me, make me suffer, do anything you want, but I will never hurt Poland." He was aggressive. I felt rage growing stronger in me, but then I had brilliant idea. "Fine, if you don't want to do it, I will. It's sad, he will suffer more then if you would do it." I got to the door slowly closing them behind me. "No, I-I'll do it..." He said defeated. Just what I wanted. "Good choice. Wait here for a moment." I said and closed the doors. I heard him punching a wall. I smiled to myself and got to Poland with blinder, probably you already know what I am going to do. This gonna be fun.
Poland looked at me unbelievably. "You don't have to be worried, dear.~ I'm just doing what happen last time, did you forget?" I said smirking, while he was full of fear. He never forgot, I made sure, he never did. "This time I'll not be as easy as I was.~" I said, getting closer to him. Every step I did, his fear was only growing. I put on him the blinder. He was crying, kicking, trying to take it off. "If I were you I would stop. This only make things worse." I said and he stopped, only crying. "Please, I don't want it." he cried, but I ignored him and got Czechia. "Don't say anything and you'll be fine." I said to him and he nodded. I didn't watched them, it's disgusting to me, but I heard them really clearly. I should find somewhere gag, but I liked how Poland was screaming my name in pain, crying for help. Czechia was hard on him. Then silence, Czechia walked out of the basement, sweating. "I did as you said. Can I be alone now?" He was sad, regretting everything. This all was so perfect... for me.
"Yes, you can. I'll only test on you the arm." I said and he disappeared in his room. I went to check Poland, he was sleeping, well after what Czechia did to him, he was exhausted. He still had on him the blinder. Czechia did good job, never thought he'll be such a good top. I left Poland alone. I was happy with Czechia's work.
He's just like me.

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