3. Worried Mother

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{Czechoslovakia's POV.}

I didn't sleep for whole week. After Soviet said TR kidnapped Czechia, I was heart broken. I knew what he's capable of and it scared me. It happened to me, but not to my kids! Ať least Poland is save home. Soviet said he was locked in one of rooms, not hurt, just tired. He got back to Germany.
I asked for help France and her family. I knew Czechia was... No, is good friend with Ame and Nada. She was shocked, when I told her what happened, but said she will help me at any cost, Britain wasn't happy about it. We... didn't have good friendship, guess why.
We planned how we'll search for him. I was so stressed and tired and France saw that. "You should go home and take some rest. We'll start searching tomorrow." She said kindly. I wanted to argue with her, but she shush me. I got to front doors and took my coat. Even though it was summer, the nights were really cold. "We will find him." She said to me with empathy in her eyes. I hugged her and she hugged me back. "I hope it'll not be late." I said crying in her shoulder. I was so worried about my little boy. We said final goodbyes and I got home. I was there all day and was night. Slovakia was in living room watching some film. She was worried about him as I was, but she tried to think about something else. "Ahoj mami." [Hi mom.] She stopped the film. She cried, I heard it in her voice. I didn't say hi back and only got to my bedroom. I didn't get in my bed and fell on the floor. I didn't take it anymore and had mental break down. I broke into tears, started heavily breathing. "Mami! Si v poriadku? O môj bože!" [Mom! Are you okay? Oh my god!] Slovakia walked in and helped me to sat up. She helped me to calmed myself and put myself back together. After that happened I got to my bed and immediately fell asleep.
I saw him with Czechia. He used him like me. It still repeats in my head from the night it happened. I was stuck in loop. I didn't have anywhere to run. He was everywhere. Then gun appeared in front of me. I heard two voices. One said I should end it all and be free. The other one tried to convince me I have things to live for. I took the gun and slowly put it on side of my head. The voice that was saying I should do it was stronger, while the other one just got weaker. I almost did it, but then I heard Czechia saying "I love you, mommy!". He sounded like he was 6 or 8 years old. That was the thing I have to live for. For my kids. I threw the gun away from me and my kids appeared in front of me. They were like 8 years old. I hugged them and we stayed like this to the point I woke up again. I felt tears in my eyes, but smile on my face. "He's alive. I know he is." I said and got to my closet, taking some clothes from there. I walked to my bathroom and took long shower. I felt better in the warm water. I walked out the shower and dressed myself. I still was sad, but I knew he was alive and that gave me hope. I walked in living room to see Slovakia being on her phone, on the couch and Soviet making breakfast. "Shouldn't you be in your house? Taking care of your childrens?" I said. Not like I didn't want him here, but he had his responsibilities at his home. "I want to help you as much as I can. And they are old enough to take care of themselves. If something happens Russia will call me." He said caring. He care about Czechia, like he is his son, even though he's not. He blamed himself for not saving him in first place. "You're sweet, but if you want help, then join France in searching in the forest." I said seriously. He finished the breakfast and gave it to me and Slovakia. I didn't eat much after what happened, but it was nice. "And what about you?" I asked him. "It's okay, I ate home." He sat next to me and smiled at me. I was happy he was here, but I don't want to bother him. I weakly smiled at him and ate little. I finished my food and got to the doors. "I'm going to France, if you want to go with me, you can." I said. Slovakia actually joined me and Soviet did too. We drive to them. It was really, really hot day today. I knocked on the front doors and waited to someone opened them. To my bad luck it was America. I knew America and Soviet really don't like each other. "Hello Czechoslovakia and Slovaki-... What is he doing here?!" He hold his anger. "I'm here to help, America." Soviet said coldly. I knew where this was going, so I stopped it before it could started. "I don't want any fights! We all are here to find my son and not to fight with each other." I was little pissed and, to my surprise, they stopped. We all walked in living room. I felt how the two men were glaring at each other. France already had prepared the maps. "Okay we'll make three pairs. I'll go with Nada, Czechoslovakia will go with Slovakia and... No, I will change it, because I don't want Soviet going with Ame." France stopped and started rewriting the names. "Now Ame'll go with Nada, Czechoslovakia'll go with Soviet and I'll go with Slovakia. Everyone okay with that?" She looked at us worried. I nodded yes, Slovakia as well, but Soviet and Ame were just glaring at each other. I cleared my throat to get their attention. "Yes, mom. I love that idea. What about you, Sovi~?" He said with the 'I'm better then you' smirk. That pissed off Soviet, but he hold himself. "Yes, it's good plan." He said really angry. Every pair took one map and we started searching. We had water on us, because it was really hot day. "I should tell you something." He started little out of breath. He wasn't used for this weather. "What is it?" I asked giving him water. He drank little and gave it back. He stopped me and got on my eye level. "I love you, Czechoslovakia and I want to try it again. I know it's not good time, but I want to be with you again." He looked in my eyes with love. We dated really long time, I needed dad for Czechia and Slovakia, before I broke up with him. I had enough of his drinking and his commands, so I ended it. But now? He would do anything for me or my kids and that's sweet. "Okay, let's try it again." I said and smiled at him. He kissed me. I totally forgot about his cold lips, even in hot day. I loved it and melt into the kiss. I felt happy again. The rest of the day we were searching and in 6pm we walked back with our information. All of us got back to the beginning of the forest. We planned to meet there. It really was large forest, so it took a while. "So, did someone find anything?" I asked hopping someone say something. Nothing. "Okay, we'll continue tomorrow." I sighed. Soviet saw my sadness and decided he will wash it away. He kissed me again, leaving everyone in shock. I didn't expect that, so I was shocked. I saw America was full of rage and wanted to do something, before France stopped him. I melt into the kiss and hoped America will not be too angry. Soviet pulled away and looked at me lovingly. "Better, sweetheart?" He asked hugging me. "Yes, honey." I hugged him back. I looked at totally pissed America. When Soviet let go of me he looked at America with the smirk America did on him earlier. I knew something was about to happen.
That was the last string. America jumped on Soviet pinned him down. He started punching him in the face. He made Soviet nose bleed, before Canada and France managed to shoved him off. "I should kill you, when I have the chance, you fucking prick!" America shouted and tried to get out of the grip, Canada had on him. Canada didn't let go of him. "Calm down, honey. Please, don't hurt him." Soviet was prepared to beat his ass up. He wanted to kill him, but when he looked at me, his anger was gone. He smiled and got to America. "Find someone else to play with, America. I'm happy with my life now and I think you should be too." He said calmly, still with the bleeding nose. He got back to me and Slovakia and we drove home. "So, you two are together again?" Slovakia asked from the back seat. I smiled from the passenger seat. "Yeah, we are." I said, still smiling. Soviet drove us home and stayed for the night. He said to Russia to take care of his siblings. I made a dinner for us. I was used to make dinner for three, so it wasn't problem. I was still worried about Czechia and I was determined to find him, I knew I will. Tomorrow will be the day I know it. We finished our food and Slovakia disappeared in her room, leaving me and Soviet alone. I took the dishes and started washing them in the sink. Soviet got to me and started kissing my neck from behind. I loved it, but I was still worried about my boy. "I know you are still worried about him, but I'm here for you and can make you better." He said between the kisses. "Soviet, I'm not in the mood. I just want my baby back." I said and finished the dishes. He turned me around and kissed me. He picked me up and carried me to my bedroom without stopping kissing me. He laid me on the bed. "I said I'm not in the mood!" I said little angry. "Who said I want to do it? I want to take care of you." He said, taking off his shirt and throwing it on me. "Change in it. I want you to be comfortable." he was smiling at me, before he got to the bathroom. I did as he said and dressed in his shirt. He got back only in his boxers and put my clothes to the side. He laid next to me and hugged me. "Better?" He asked. "Better." I said and hid my face in his chest. It was like the old times, simple time, when we were family. I fell asleep with smile on my face.

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