4. New Home, New Suffering

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{Czechia's POV}

Darkness, oh how much I hate darkness. I hate being in darkness, not able to move, because of the chains and my legs. He really broke them. I was trapped, nothing will happen, no one will save me. Maybe I should just give up. It'll be better that way... No, never. Even if it hurts, even if it going to kill me, I'll never do that.
I am strong.
He was looking on my shaking body with smirk on his face. "You really don't want to be here, right?" He asked, grabbing my chin and making me on my knees, even though it hurts, I had to follow. "You know what to do to stop it." He let go of me and I immediately fell back on the cold floor. "N-never!" I said pain in my voice. He glared at me and left me alone. The stupid cuts were still bleeding. He made more swastikas on my legs, arms, but most importantly on back of my neck. I'll never hide them, they were everywhere.
The pain didn't let me sleep, even if I wanted to. I looked up and noticed little crack on the ceiling, well to me ceiling. I saw just a little of light, but it helped my mental health. Only little of light gave me hope I'll be free again. Then he came back. "Good news, Czechia! We are going somewhere else. Pack your stuff, oh right, you don't have anything." He laughed and carried me out to the car. It was night, full moon, meaning it was 3 days I saw moon last time in the room I had window.
We drove really long time and I actually slept a little. When I'm not driving I easily fell asleep, especially when I'm in back of the car. When I woke up again I didn't have idea where we were. It looked like we weren't nowhere near our town. I was lost, now no one will find me.
Finally we stopped in front of some house, that I've never seen this house in my life. It was modern house in middle of nowhere, like always, but this time it was different, it was really modern house, not a old shack. It had two floors and was really secured. Cameras, lots of panels and iron front doors. It was like prison.
He took me inside and laid me on prepared blanket on floor. "I would lay you on the couch, but I don't want it be totally destroyed." He said taking the chains off. I felt the bruises on my wrists and ankles. I couldn't walk anyway, so it was unnecessary. "Doctor will see you tomorrow. I need you to stay alive." He said and left to room next to the stairs. It had panel next to the door to open them, I saw only monitors with the records of the camera. There were cameras everywhere watching every move I did. I decided I'll just lay there and hope he'll leave me alone.
Of course he didn't, but this time he just took care of the cuts he made. He didn't have any bandages, but at least he had some disinfection. I didn't understand what the fuck was happening. He was so nice to me all of the sudden. I felt weird.
"Are you little better?" he asked finishing and standing back up. "Why do you care?" I said, turning away from him. He sighed and left me alone for the night. I didn't sleep a minute. I was just looking around and trying to find some way out. It was perfectly secured, I had no chance. I was trapped in golden cage.
The sun was rising and TR was back. I was in living room combined with kitchen with counter in between and little walking area, so he walked in and started cooking. I didn't see what he was cooking, because I was on the floor and that counter was blocking my view, but it smells amazing. I was hungry, well I didn't eat in days. He finished the food, sat next to me and started feeding me. At first I didn't want to, but then my hunger took over me. I ate everything he gave me.
"Austria will be here in 5 minutes. Prepare yourself." He said taking the empty plate to the kitchen. "Austria?!" I thought to myself. Well he was qualified doctor and had history with TR, so it make sense. I wasn't able to stood up, so I just waited. "Unknown subject in front area one." Female computer voice said from speakers installed in ceiling. TR got to panel next to the front doors, smirked and opened them. Austria walked in and he started chatting with Austria. "You know I'm not here for chat, *sigh* just show me where he is." He said sadly. TR got to me and Austria followed him. "Wow, you really messed him up. I'll try everything I can." Austria said and TR left. "What are you doing? Why are you helping him?" I said, when he was looking on my legs. "I'm not helping him, I'm helping you." He said and looked in bag, he brought with him. He pulled out bandages and pure alcohol. I stayed quite, I didn't know what to tell him. "The bones are only cracked, that's good thing, it will heal quicker then full break. But you'll not walk for 3 weeks. About the cuts they aren't deep enough to stitch them, so they'll recover by themselves." He said and packed his things. "Please tell mom I love her." I caught him by shoulder, before he could walk out. "I will." He said and walked to the room TR was in. I only heard muffled chatting, before Austria walked out the house. TR got out of the room and walked to me. He took me on the couch, I wasn't bleeding anymore. I didn't struggle, it didn't matter anyway. At least this wasn't the hard floor. He sighed and left the house. I didn't see him for 3 hours. I wanted to look around, but the legs. In front of the couch was little glass table and on it some remote. At first I didn't care much, but then my curious said something else. I took it and looked at it. I found out it was for TV that was in front of the table. I turned it on and saw myself in the news. It was report about unsuccessful searching. I was ready to turned it off, but then the journalist started live conversation with my mom.
Mom was next to Soviet and answering stupid questions. They were holding hands and when the journalist asked really personal question, Soviet stopped her and changed the subject. I wasn't paying attention to the questions, but to mom and Soviet. They looked like a happy couple. Even though I don't like Soviet, I was happy to see mom in love again. But why him?
"If your son is watching this, what do you want to tell him?" The journalist asked and Soviet wanted to stop her, but mom hold him. "If Czechia is watching this stupid news, I want to tell him, I love him like nothing else and will find him. No. matter. what." She said and that how it ends. I felt tears in my eye. I had more hope then ever, mom is determined woman and when she promised something, she will not break it. She was the best mother on this world. I turned the TV off and enjoyed the quiet room. Unfortunately, TR got back with 'gift' for me. He got wheelchair from somewhere. "Where did you steal it?" I asked sitting in it. It wasn't the newest, but at least I can now look around. "In hospital 2km from here. I killed 4 people to get it." He said dead serious. I, by this point, wasn't surprised by that and stayed silent. "Geez, I was joking. I had it in my house." He said taking me to another room in first floor. (author: I'm still really confused about the floors, so if I have it wrong, please forgive me) We walked passed the room he was in most and walked to another doors the only door I didn't even see. It was pretty big bedroom with doors to back garden. The back garden had high alive fence all around, not a change I'm running though there on this wheelchair. "So, this is your bedroom. I will leave you here and when your hungry just get in the kitchen." he said like a caring parent. I was still so confused about him. I just sat there little, thinking, before I got in the garden. It was so different being out in day, just a little freedom I can have. I got back inside and looked in closet next to double bed. It had lots of clean clothes. I took some clothes on me, because I had only dirty shorts this whole time. I took white shirt and some and black trousers. I parked the wheelchair next to the bed and laid in really soft bed. I, after long time, didn't feel any pain. I felt... Safe? I was so confused and didn't know what is wrong with me. Maybe stockholm syndrome? No, I still hate him, but less...
I'm so confused.

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