15. Lost Son

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{Czechoslovakia's POV.}

My belly is getting bigger. When country is pregnant it's lot faster then human pregnancy. It takes only about 3 to 4 weeks. Growing up is also faster, but only a little. We got to perfect age and then stop ageing. Only way we can die is by someone hands or we decided to. Even illnesses don't kill us, just make us feel weak. This is amazing about being a country.
Soviet is more often home, taking care of me and the kids. He is still in work, but from there he immediately get home. Russia doesn't drink as much, he is much better. The kids are so kind and helping me.
And then, there is Germany. He is drinking, even more then before. He hate his father so much, want him dead, but for that he have to know where he is. He is frustrated.
We found America, buried in middle of nowhere. Police were trying to find my son or TR, but they weren't capable to, even with everything Germany has. I was mad at him and Austria, they knew, where they were and most importantly Austria lied to me. This all could be over, if they told us... My boy could be okay and Slovakia alive. Everyone could be happy.
I felt tears in my eyes. I was sitting in living room reading a book. Nobody was home. Russ said he'll go to Phil and Ukie was with Nada, like always. I know Philippines only little, but he was nice. Today started really odd, the fact I threw up every morning is normal by now, but this time I felt like someone was watching me all day. It was whole week, when I saw A-H last time. From then on I felt like I was targeted, like someone was aiming on me. I had to throw up again, so I quickly got to bathroom. After I was done I walked back in living room to see my worst nightmare, sitting in my seat. There was TR with Czechia standing behind him. I froze in fear, he was calm, he planned it carefully. Czechia was empty, like I wasn't even there. "Hallo there, my dear. Long time no see. Please take a seat." He was so calm. I hesitated, but I knew I can't do anything else in my state then just listen. I sat on armchair in front of him. "I heard the good news. Congratulations." He said it coldly. "I don't know, what you're talking about." I said trying to hide my stomach. "Don't play dumb! You think I didn't notice? It's really obvious... Do you know the gender, already?" He stunned me by the question. "No, it's too little to say. How do you know?" I said politely. He smirked, before answering. "It's like first time you were pregnant. Mood swings, morning sicknesses and your belly grow. Heh, I miss Slovak and Protectorate." He said more coldly. It's hard to me talking with him about our kids. "You're the one, who killed them, it's your fault." I said holding my tears. "What? No, I didn't. I love them like I loved Germany. Heh, guess Soviet never told you..." He was surprised, but still cold. "Didn't tell me what?" I was angry and confused. "When I was on meeting with Slovak your love and his friends interrupted us. Soviet shot him right between Slovak's eyes. Protectorate was there too. He was like you, while Slovak was like me. Protectorate ran to his brother, crying and ignoring my orders. I wanted to help him get out, but he stayed there, crying over his dead brother. I wanted him alive. Britain then caught me running out. I don't know if Protectorate survived or not." He said sadly. I didn't have anything to say, I was only thinking. Allies said TR killed them, that they only found the bodies. "I see you have lot on your mind. I'll visit again, not today, not tomorrow, but I will." He got up and walked out Czechia right behind him. He was right, I had lot on my mind and everything pointed to Soviet. I had to wait for him.
Kaz and Bel got home first. When they saw I wasn't alright, they sat around me, trying to calm me down. I was something between sad and angry. "What happened, mom?" Belarus asked worried. I was crying quietly, it was too much for me. "Nothing, just I have to talk with your father." I said coldly, they looked at me little worried hugging me. "You don't want to leave us, right?" Kaz said crying. "No, of course not! I love you and will never leave. It's just we have to discuss something." They calmed down. They left in their room and Soviet walked through front door. He after work was tired, but when he saw me, he got worried. "We need to talk." I said seriously, making him more worried. "What did I do?" He asked nervously. "I need to talk about my first kids." I said coldly, he looked at me confused. "About Czechia and Slovakia?" He asked hesitating. "No, about my first kids. Protectorate and Slovak." I said, trying to hide the rage I felt. He was stunned by the question, before going cold. "What do you want to know about them?" he said coldly. "What really happened that day." I said angry. "How I already said, we foun-" "No, I want to know the truth. What truly happened that day." I cut him off, making him angry. "You want to know the truth?! FINE! I killed Slovak!!" He practically shouted it on me. I hoped TR was lying to me, that he killed them. I didn't have anything to say to him, but he continued. "I'm sorry. How you know I did lot of awful things, but I didn't want this to happen. It was self defense. He took out gun on America first. If I didn't shot, he would kill him. TR knew he was screwed, so he run, leaving crying Protectorate wrapped around his dead brother. Protectorate survived and was transported to mental hospital with extra care. He should be still there." He said sadly. I didn't know he was still alive, everything what Allies said could be a lie. "I want to see him." I said and he looked away. "If the doctor let us, then okay." he said, going out. I dressed myself in normal clothes, at home I wore pyjamas, this will be nice change. I got to Soviet's car, he was already waiting for me. The ride was quite, almost 2 hours of silence. This mental hospital was really far, no way I would ever find it. When we got in that white building, we did some paperwork and waited in waiting room for our doctor. It took another hour, before he took us. "Miss Republic?" Doctor said looking though his papers. "Yes, that's me." I stood up and got to the doctor. "Oh, I didn't expect country... Um, good evening, my name is Dr. Hans Müller. I'm your son's personal doctor. If I may ask, why didn't you visit us earlier?" He gave me hand to shake. I didn't accept it, just looked down. He was pretty young to be a doctor. He was cheerful, that was nice. "This started pretty badly... Okay, follow me." He started walking away and I quickly followed him. He stopped in front of iron doors, they looked really heavy. "Before I let you in, I have to inform you, he is aggressive. Be as nice to him as you can." He said and opened the doors for me. He didn't let Soviet in, he wasn't technically a family. I looked around the room. It was white room without furniture. In corner of the room was Protectorate, facing the walls. "I don't want to talk with you, Hans..." he said sadly. I never heard his voice, never saw him growing up. He was like a stranger to me. "What about me? Do you remember me?" I said carefully. He turned around looking at me. "Do I know you? That voice... It's so familiar." He looked at me little confused. "Probably not, it was really long time ago. I thought I lost you forever." I got to him closer. He looked carefully at my face, in my eyes, when he recognised it. "M-mom?" He was shaking, could believe I was here for him. "Yes! Yes, it's really me! I thought you didn't even know me." I hugged him, crying in his shoulder. "How?! Father said you're dead! I had to listen to him and do as he said, even though I didn't want to." He hugged me back, crying. "I had to serve him as his personal maid. My little sweet boy, I remember holding you in my arms, like a little baby, now you're standing here as a adult." I looked in his tired eyes. "Everything was awful, my whole life was. This is the only day I feel better." he got closer to me. He was so happy to see me. He didn't want to let go of me. We talked together for hours, before Dr. Müller took me out, because the visit hours were out. I said goodbye to him and told him I'll be there tomorrow. Soviet wasn't happy I want to get back. He wasn't happy I know the truth, it was like I was trapped again. "You know, I don't like this, but I'll drive you here. He is your son after all." He said pissed. I nodded in agreement.
This was my strangest day in my life.

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