10. Spark Of Hope

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{Czechoslovakia's POV}

Everything is wrong. Soviet is with me 24/7 from the time I found Slovakia, I was depressed and step away from being suicidal.
Everything went to shit. It was my fault Czechia is psychopath. He was quite kid when he was little and when he was teenager he was really aggressive mostly against Soviet. I thought it was just phase and will be over soon, but I was more then wrong. When he got a job he was almost everyday depressed or totally drunk and aggressive. He had problems and I ignored them, hoping he'll change, but when he got kidnapped everything was only worse. I wish I was there for him in first place.
I stayed at Soviet's house, I didn't want to go in the house I used to live in. I stayed whole 3 days in his bed, I wish this all was just bad nightmare, that my kids are okay, but reality is cruel and unfair.
Soviet was sad about Slovakia, but glad that America's missing, he really, really hated him. We text with France a lot, she understands my pain. Everyone by now know about my son, I had to change my phone number, because of the endless calls and texts asking about Czechia. Only people who knows my new number are Soviet, France and Germany. But when I woke up I saw, that around midnight some number texted me.

"He wasn't easy on me. He messed my mind, making me fell for him. When Austria talked sance in me again, I tried to run away, but he had partner and everything went downhill. Please, don't trust anyone. He used me every night to the point I lost all my hope.
I'm sorry for Slovakia, but she was in my way. I was trained for it.
I never was truly happy, I love you mom and I'm sorry what I said to you, it's just anger that was in me. And now? Everything is much worse. I enjoy the killing I'm doing, even though I know it's bad.
I hope you'll forget about me and have good life with Soviet's family. I hope you'll never see me again and if you do, run. Don't try to stop me or I'll had to do it again."

He didn't sign it, but I knew it was Czechia. He sounded so soulless, he wasn't the same, but I knew that already. I decided I'll keep it to myself, it would make everyone only more panicked.
I wanted to go to kitchen, it was first time I got from the bed, since I moved here. When I stood up I almost fell back again. I stayed on the bed for 3 days, I wasn't use to walk. I took small steps and finally got to the hallway where Soviet stopped me. "What are you doing? You're weak, you should stay in bed." Soviet said worried, holding me up. "I'm not 5, dear and I stayed in bed for 3 days. I don't want to be potato in bed." I said little angry. He helped me to the kitchen chair. He was right, I am weak, but everytime I heard about it I see Czechia's angry face saying it to me, he was full of rage.
Soviet gave me something sweet and coffee. "I know it's hard for you now and I'm here for you. If anything worries you just tell me." He probably saw on my face that I'm not okay. "My boy is on killing spree, he wasn't always the happy one, but he wasn't serial killer. What did I do wrong?" I was crying, only thinking about my son was making me cry. "It's not your fault, he was through worse then anyone can imagine and still can't run away from it. He's trapped in his mind, blinded by power TR gave him. He doesn't want it, he's only listening what he's told." Soviet tried to stop the tears. He actually did. I was still sad, but he knew how to get rid of it. He kissed me lovingly. It filled me with happiness, it was nice. Then someone walked in. "Sorry, I'm just going for something to drink." Russia said sadly, got to freezer and took out 2 bottles of vodka. Soviet looked at him worried. "Russia, do you want to talk?" I said, he looked sad and little drunk. "Yeah, why not, but without my father." He said and sat down, Soviet wasn't happy with it, but left anyways. "Are you okay?" I asked, when he started drinking the first bottle. "I miss America. They said he's just missing and can be found, but I know he was killed." He said sadly. I knew it was TR's job, to be specific my son's. "I wish you were wrong. Share the bottle." I took the bottle from his hand and drank almost half of it in one take. It felt good and it helped me a lot. We talked little more and drank hella more. I think I drank a bottle and Russia drank two of them. I felt little funny, while Russia was totally okay.
"Was I bad mother? Is it my fault he's bloodthirsty?" I was in sad stage. I was laying my head on the table with glass in my hand. "No, you were amazing mother. He was always talking about you, when we were drinking together. He was glad he had you." He said drinking little more. "You're like your father, always know what to say." I smiled at him and he smiled back, I needed that, I needed someone who would drink with me. "It's late I should go to sleep." Russia said, pointing on clock. It was little after midnight. "Okay, thanks for the chat." I said happily, I needed to talk with someone. He left smiling, I cleaned up a bit and got to Soviet in his room. Soviet was on his bed reading a book. I laid next to him, but he didn't notice me. "Stop reading! I want attention..." I was really drunk and wanted him right now. He laid the book on nightstand and hugged me. "And what kind of attention you want?~" He was flirting with me. "You know what kind I want.~" I flirted back. That night was amazing.
The next day I woke up first and got to kitchen. I didn't have hangover like Russian boy I know. I started making pancakes for breakfast. I was in really good mood after yesterday. Today started pretty well, I made the breakfast, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus were happy to see I'm still alive and enjoyed my pancakes. Kaz and Bel are so kind like Slovakia was and Ukie is so similar to Czechia, I felt like a mother again.
Kaz and Bel went outside, while Ukie went to his room. I started cleaning the dishes when Russia woke up. I immediately saw he felt sick and started making him coffee. "Why don't you feel sick? I feel like shit." He sat on chair supporting his head. "Well, I drank less then you and I have fast metabolism." I gave him the coffee and pancakes with maple syrup and forest fruit. He was amazed by looks of the pancakes, then Soviet woke up. I was doing dishes when he walked behind me, hugging me. "You shouldn't work like this, my queen." he tried to pull me out from the dishes. "My queen, really? It sounds like nickname for Britian, if he was woman." I said little annoyed, only thinking about that guy is ruining my day. I really, really don't like him.
Soviet noticed I'm not in mood and left me alone. I finished the dishes and walked out for a walk. I was really frustrated and needed fresh air. Of course everyone was looking at me weird or trying to talk with me. I disappeared in woods without anyone following me. I was walking for like 10 minutes before I heard cracking of sticks. I turned around, but didn't see anything, maybe it was just some animal. I continued walking, but I heard it again. That made me scared and I decided I'll go back, but was stopped by knife on my throat. "If you don't want to die give up." I heard Czechia saying right in my ear. "Czechia? Please, don't do it." I was about to cry. "Mom? What are you doing here?! You have to leave, now!" He was angry and worried at the same time. He let go off me and pushed me away. "Why? I want to help you." I tried to stop him from running away by grabbing his hand. "You're too close to his territory, if he'll see you he'll kill you. Just go, be save in town and don't you dare to come back." He was cold again, but he was still worried about me, that means he's still have the old Czechia in him. "Czechia, please let me help you! I want you back." I said trying to get close to him. "You want me back? Even though I killed my own sister and other people?" He was really confused, but still angry. "You're my little boy, of course I want you back." I said and he started crying. He let go of the knife and hugged me. "Mom, please leave. I don't want to hurt you." he said crying and hugging me closer. "Then go with me! We'll be safe from his hands. We can go somewhere safe." I tried to convince him that everything will be okay. "I know when I'll go back they will kill me. Mom, I killed America." He said sobbing. I knew it was him, but hoped I was wrong.
"Well isn't it Czechoslovakia? What a nice surprise!" TR walked in front of me. Czechia pushed me away from himself and TR. "Run, you idiot!" He took the knife and stood between me and TR. I ran as fast as I could when I heard gunshots and shouting. I got out of the forest to Germany's house, his house was closest. I banged on the doors and Germany opened them. He saw I'm tired and scared, then he let me in and gave me water. Poland calmed me down and I was able to speak. "What happened?" Poland said worried, still trying to make me feel better. "I think Czechia is dead. TR probably shot him, when he tried to save me from him. He saved my life." I was about to cry. Germany looked at me unbelievably. "Are you sure? My father is monster, but Czechia did good job, why would he kill him?" Germany was like detective. "When I was running away I heard gunshot shots and screaming. I didn't see what happened, but TR had a gun." I said sobbing. "Czechia is strong, stronger then anyone can imagine, even though he's little. My father wouldn't miss his chance to get hands on most advanced weapon on this goddamm planet." Germany was calm and I was confused. "Weapon? Germany, he is my son, not a weapon!" I was little mad at him saying that. "Czechoslovakia, he is weapon! Look at him. He killed Slovakia and America without someone noticing...  I think its time to tell you the truth." I was getting curious and angry at the same time. I stayed quite and let him talk. I think Poland knew what he was about to say and left, that made me little worried. Germany looked nervous, before he started. He didn't seem so happy to tell me whatever it is.
"I'll tell you everything what happened..."

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