13. Visit

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{Czechoslovakia's POV.}

Germany was so angry, he couldn't work, he couldn't sleep, he only wanted to find Poland and get him back. I was with Soviet, hid in middle of our town, thinking about what Germany said to me. Soviet still had to go to work and Kaz and Bel had to go to school, so only who was staying home was Ukraine and Russia. Ukie was in his room or was with Nada. Rus was home, drinking. I felt bit odd, so I didn't drink with him. I had to make sure he'll not die from alcohol poisoning or do something stupid. Soviet was after work really tired, only take some food and get to bed, really romantic...
I started had morning sicknesses, I was kinda worried, so I got to shop and bought pregnancy test. Just to make sure, it's not really possible to get country pregnant, it can happened, but really rarely. Soviet was lucky with his kids and I was lucky to have twins. When I knew everyone was somewhere else I tried it.
I didn't expect that, but was happy. I wanted to be mother again, but I didn't know how to say it to Soviet. He was the only one I did it with, he's the father. I'll tell him after he get home, but the kids will know it first. When Bel and Kaz got home I took half drunk Rus and Ukie from their rooms. They looked nervous, like they did something. "You already know I'm dating your father and now I have prove of our love. Kids... I'm pregnant." I said the end quietly. Kaz and Bel looked at each other happily, while Ukie and Russ were shocked. "Oh my god! So we gonna have new sibling?! That's awesome." Kaz said so happy. Bel and Kaz were really happy, like girls always are, but boys were shocked and little worried. "Dad knows about it?" Russ asked worried. "No... I'll tell him after he'll get home." I said little worried, when Kaz and Bel stopped jumping around excitedly and sat back down. "He'll be as happy as we are. You don't have to worry." Russ tried to stop the tears, that appeared in my eyes without my notice. All four of them hugged me. I felt loved, I know our baby will be like them, kind and loving. "Family hug without me? I feel touched." Soviet said from hallway. He was more happy today, so I think it's good time to tell him. Everyone stopped hugging and looked at him little worried. "Did I ruin it?" He walked in the living room, looking confused, when everyone left, except me. "Dear, we need to talk." I said seriously. He looked at me worried while sitting down. "Don't tell me, you want to break up..." He said sadly. I was shocked he said that. "No, no, no! I wanted to say... I'll now eat for two." I smiled at him. At first he didn't get it, but when I touched my belly, he looked unbelievably at me. I was little scared he'll be mad he didn't look so happy at first. "We... We gonna have baby?" He stood up and got closer to me. I was getting kinda scared, but then he hugged me. "I'm so happy! He'll be so perfect!" he picked me up kissing my cheeks. "Who said it will be boy?" I said laughing, he was tickling me. "Your first kid was boy and mine was too, so in conclusion it'll be boy!" He put me back down hugging me. "Hold up! I had twins, but you're right, Czechia was first." I said still smiling, but then it hit me, I felt sadness taking over me. "W-What if it will be like Czechia? What if it'll be depressed and will end up like him?" I was so scared, I didn't want it suffer. "Shh... It will be fine, loved and happy, we'll take good care of it." He took my hand and kissed it. He stopped my tears and carried me to living room, making me sat on couch. "You have to be careful with yourself, now that you're pregnant." He said and wrapped me in blanket. "I should tell it to Austria-Hungary! He was like father to me." I got out of the blankets and started dressing myself. "You shouldn't go alone, I'll go with you." Soviet said worried. He actually was more connected to A-H, then his real father. They were always cold to each other. He dressed up as well and we got to his car. A-H live really far away in middle of nowhere, we needed a car. It was 1 hour drive and I was getting more and more nervous. It was 30 minutes walk from the place, Germany said his father was hiding. The ride was silent, only radio was playing. When we got there I walked first and knocked on front doors. It took really long, so I knocked again. Soviet looked in window right next to the front doors. He shook his head no, meaning he didn't see anything. That was really weird, he almost never leave his house, something was wrong. "Hey! Sorry, I was cleaning a little. Hello Czechoslovakia! How can I help you?" He was visibly nervous and Soviet saw it too. "Hey, I'm just visiting you with my love. Can we come in?" I grabbed Soviet's hand. A-H was shocked, but let us in. Soviet was confused as hell, but shortly got what I'm doing and started playing with me. "Hello A-H long time no see. Tell me, how are you?" Soviet said coldly. We sat together on couch and A-H stood there almost shaking. "Do you want some tea or coffee?" He asked shaking. "I want coffee, please. Do you want anything, love?" I said lovingly. "Just tea." He said coldly and unfriendly. A-H disappeared in kitchen and we looked at each other. "Nice acting, dear, keep going." I smiled at him and he smiled back. "Something's wrong and you see it too. We have to check it here." Soviet said and I nodded. A-H got back with the drinks. "And why did you visit me?" He said still nervous. "Oh, right! You were always like father to me and I have news for you. We are getting married!" I said happily. This was obviously a lie, but I wanted to see his reaction. He looked... Unsure. "Can I use a bathroom?" I asked. "Of course. First door on right." He pointed in short hallway. There were 4 doors and from living room you couldn't see in the hallway. I tried the other doors but they were locked, weird. I had picklocks with me. They are always useful. I picked the lock next to the bathroom and opened the doors. Nothing, just normal bedroom. "Okay, let's try the other doors." I said in my mind and I tried the other rooms. The door right in front of the bedroom was storage room and the last doors led to basement. I didn't have any light and didn't even want to go there. I got back to Soviet and A-H, who were glaring at each other. "I think we should go now. I'll send you invention, bye!" I dragged Soviet out, without even touching my drink and waiting for A-H goodbye. We got to the car and drove little farther from his house, to make sure he thinks we're gone. "What did you find?" Soviet asked me, turning off the car. "Absolutely nothing, just rooms and basement. Maybe he was just nervous because of you." I said little pissed, I knew he was hiding something. "After you left, I started little chat with him. He was really nervous and asking questions about us. Like why am I so cold and how did I make you fell for me." He said pretty pissed. "So, what now? He's innocent, just nervous." I asked. "Probably get home, kids are probably worried where we are." He said and started the car again. I nodded and we went back home.
This was the weirdest visit I ever had...

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