6. Blind Love

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{Czechia's POV.}

I'm actually doing really well. Thanks to the wheelchair I can move around without any problems. The pain was almost away and I felt save again. I don't know why, just it was something different. TR was nice to me and let me everywhere, except the room he's in most. The one next to the stairs. I knew there was security system and I didn't actually care what else. One time I was upstairs! There were just some storage rooms with lots of food and one bedroom for TR with bathroom. I felt weird, I knew I'm trapped here, but still felt cool with that.
Most of the time I'm in the garden. There I was truly free and hearing birds singing made me happy.
I was in garden, when I heard car. I didn't have idea who it was, because TR was home and Austria will visit me in 2 days. Then I heard Karen, yes that's the computer voice name I gave it to her, saying something about unauthorized entry. I got to my room and through the door I saw TR and... Germany! I wanted to get to him, but then the doors shut and locked themselves. "Karen! Open the fucking door!" I screamed looking up to camera. Yes, cameras were even in my room, I didn't have anything to hide from him, he already saw everything anyway. "Sorry, Czechia, but Third Reich gave me order to keep you in this room. His word is more then yours." She said little annoyed. Well she was right, he's in charge of everything in this house. I got to doors to my bathroom door and they were locked. "Karen, please let me in my bathroom, I need to take a bath." I said, still trying to open them. "Third Reich gave me order to keep you in this room. I can asked him if you can use a bathroom, should I?" She sounded really sassy, like a typical Karen. "Yes, please." I said and waited. I didn't actually need bath, but I knew I can hear them from there, because of thin walls there. "You have permission to take bath." She finally opened the door. I just parked close to the wall and listened to their conversation.
"His mother suffer, his sister almost killed herself and all his friends are on me! You have to let him go!" Germany shouted on his dad with rage in his voice. I was shocked, Slovakia was always the cheer one and I made her suicidal. Slovakia was suicidal only because of me! I felt so guilty. "No! You probably forgot who is in charge here! He's just my pet and I'll do whatever I want with him." He was back to his psychopath self. "Dad, I'm trying to talk it out before something worst happen. If you stop right here, you can still live peaceful life." Germany tried to be reasonable, but TR had enough of his shit. "Get out of my house, before I'll kill you." He said deadly serious. I heard some crashing and swearing in German. "Don't forget who did all the security! If something happens to me or even Poland the house will lock you here and took away all weapons from you. Then don't touch me." Germany really had balls, but still wanted his dad alive, that's why TR's not dead already. I heard growling from TR, but then he stopped. "If he'll die, you will suffer." Germany said, before he left. I heard loud bang on wall and decided it was end. In the end I took the bath to think a little. It was really hard without help, but I managed to get in and out. This was the only place, where wasn't any cameras and I was happy with that. I washed myself and got on the chair, only in my towel. I got out the bathroom, got to my closet and took some boxers, shorts and shirt. I took off the towel and took on boxers. It was hard and it took me much longer, then I changed myself first time on the wheelchair.
Then TR smashed open my doors and got my attention from dressing up. I had on me only the boxers and was sitting on the bed. "TR what are you doing?!" He got on top of me. I smelled the hard alcohol, he probably drank. "You're so like your mother... Why do you have to be a boy?" he was so close to my face, that the smell was stronger and differently drank at least 2 bottles of some really hard alcohol. He started licking my face. That was my last string and I kicked him in balls. That was a mistake.
He backed away a little, growling, before getting back on top of me and slapping me. "Don't you dare to do it again and never tell me no again. You're mine and I can do anything to you. Understood?" he said like the maniac he is. I was scared again and, apparently, took too long to answer, because I got another slap. This one hurted more then the one before. "I said understood?!" He shouted at me. "Ye-" I tried to obey, but he took his chance and slipped his tongue inside my mouth. I tried to push him from me, but I wasn't able to. He explored every centimetre in my moth, I let him, even if I struggle he would just slapped me again. He finally pulled away and just stared at me. "You're sweeter then her, interesting.~" I felt sick. I knew he did this to mom, but he never touched her more, then forced kisses. At least that what she said. I thought that's where he'll stop and will leave me alone.
But I was wrong.
He started to unzipping his pants and I realised I was about to be screwed up, that made me more scared. I tried to reach for my wheelchair, but he kicked it out of my reach. I started panicking. "Don't worry.~ I'll be gentle.~" He said totally smashed and pulling me closer. Well that was lie. "Please, I don't want to." I pointlessly bagged for mercy, that was my another mistake. He slapped me harder then before and multiple times. "Don't tell me what to do!" He yelled, preparing to slap me again. "I'm sorry!" I said quickly, before he could slapped me again. He stopped his hand and smirked. "Say it again!" He commanded and I looked confused. "I-I'm s-sorry." I was shaking again. His smirk got wider and he started bitting my neck. Every time he touched me, it only disgusted me more. Then I felt his sharp teeth going through my skin, making it bleeding. "Please-" I stopped myself, before I said stop. I didn't want to get another slap. Unfortunately, he took it as I like it. His teeth got even deeper. I started screaming in pain and tears streaming from my working eye. He stopped in that place and started on next without looking in my face full of pain. He did the same thing like first time, pressing until I screamed like 4 time, before he got down to the boxers. He ripped them off and turned me around on my stomach. He didn't prepare me and slammed right inside of me. I was screaming the whole time. It hurts like hell. Well, I was bottom before, but the guys on top were careful with me, not going fucking dry! It should hurt him too!
Finally he had enough, pulled out and came all over my back and little on bed. He left the room, leaving me there crying. I wasn't able to move and felt blood coming out from my hole. He was so hard at me, that made me bleeding for at least a 15 minutes. I cried myself to sleep.
Nightmare after nightmare. But this time I was only watcher. I had to watch him touching mom everywhere. I felt sick, he's fucking pig. This was so weird to me I was forced to look at them and then he took knife from back. He made her to turn around, pinning her face on wall and cut in her back 'mein'. I wanted to scream at him to stop, but I couldn't. Then he looked directly at me, smirked and waved to me, before everything went black. I woke up next morning. At least he didn't do anything to me in sleep. I noticed my wheelchair was next to me again with note. I opened the note and noticed it was from Germany.
"I know what he did to you. Don't worry I have plan, but I need you to act like nothing happened and be kind to him like you were before. Don't worry about the cameras, now he only see you still sleeping. Hide this somewhere and lay back how you was after you're done reading this. I'm always watching and if he'll try to hurt you just say to Karan code 'done' and rush to your bedroom. Be careful. - Germany."
I hid the note into pocket on my wheelchair. It was hidden on the other side of the sitting area. Then I laid back down how I woke up. I closed my eyes and hoped TR will leave me alone. Of course he didn't. He carefully opened doors from my room and walked in. "Good morning, Czechia." He said happily. I acted like I just woke up. I was still disgust, but smiled at him. "Good morning, TR." I said trying to be nice. He had in his hands plate with scrambled eggs. He gave them to me and sat on my bed, watching me closely. I finished and he took the plate again. "Dress yourself and get to living room." He said lovingly and left. That was really weird to me, but... Nice? Anyway I totally forgot I was still naked and still had his dry seed on my back. The moment I sat in the chair I felt so much pain I almost fell over. I shook it off, got to the bathroom and took short shower. I then cleaned my wheelchair and got to my room. I dressed the shorts and the shirt I wanted to wear yesterday and new boxers. This time I was quicker and was done really fast. I got to the living room as he said.
When I got there he was sitting on the couch, smirking. He suggested me to park next to him and I obeyed. He took me from the chair and took me to his lap. "So, you liked last night?~" He whispered in my ear, one hand on one side of my hips, pulling me closer and the other on my chest. "I-I thought you were straight." I said nervously trying to shove his hands off. I failed. "Well, you thought wrong.~ And besides you're so much like your mother. It's not big difference." he said flirting. He started kissing my neck and I kinda liked it. He was careful with me this time, so caring and loving. He even made me moan a little. I felt good again. He made me feel that way.
Something's wrong with me.

Yay I'm bothering you again! When I was writing the first good part, I was watching videos about r/entitledparents and just had to use Karen.

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