8. Family Problems

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{Soviet's POV.}

Czechia is still nowhere to be seen. We searched almost whole forest, but nothing. Because America had problem with me last time, I'm going with Russia. My kids decided they want to help and joined the searching. I'm really proud of them.
In the forest are lots of abandoned buildings. We found in farthest one dry bood in hallway to main exit.
We knew he was here.
We carefully checked if someone was there, Russia have military training, he knew what to do, but we didn't find anyone. Another dead end, but this time we found locked room with Czechia's totally broken knife, blanket with blood on it and hole digged to the room below. He digged out of here, but was stopped by TR at the exit and probably locked in basement. There was more blood and bloody baseball bat. He suffered and a lot.
When we got out of there it was already night and we were late to the meeting with others, we ran whole way back. When we got there everyone were already waiting. "Sorry we're late.... We found something." I said out of breath. I didn't even notice Russia was here like 3 minutes after me. America, of course, was happily watching me out of breath. "Are you tired, old man?" America tried to tease me. I just ran like 4km in one take and didn't have energie to deal with him. "You know what America, fuck you. At least we found something. What about you?" I smirked at him. He was shocked and angry at the same time. I wish I could describe how he looked at me, but it was golden. Then Czechoslovakia looked at me and my heart melt. Oh, I love her so much, this time I can't ruin it. "What did you find?" She asked getting between me and America. She's always so worried about her family.
"Old motel. There was dry blood, bloody bat and his knife. He's somewhere else, but totally was there." Russia said before me. He wasn't so tired from the run like me, impressive. "Do you know how they got there and possibly out?" France asked holding America back again. This time he was much calmer, but still he was acting like a child. "Well, when we walked there I saw car trails leading to the motel, but then they disappeared somewhere." Russia said. I didn't even notice them. Now I could only watch my love being more worried after every word. It breaks my heart every second I see her so sad and worried.
"If it was Czechia's car then we can found his tracker. We can find where that bastard is keeping him!" Czechoslovakia took out her phone, excused herself and walked farther from us. "Dad, may I speak with you?" Russia got my attention. We walked little away from others, until he stopped me. "What is it, Russia?" I said coldly. He looked down before speaking. "I think... I think I like America." He prepared himself for a slap, but I didn't want to slap him.
The first time he said to me he's gay I was so mad I slapped him really hard. It's my fault, that my kids are so scared saying something to me.
"Yeah, I kinda thought so. I... Know you know what you're doing and I'm happy you trust me with this." I hugged him and wiped away his tears. "Thank you, dad!" He smiled at me. We walked back to the others and Russia got to America. I only hope he really knows what he's doing.
I got to Belarus and Ukraine, who were talking together. "So Russia already told you?" Ukraine asked me with smile. "Yeah..." I said unpleasantly. "And you're okay with that? You know how you hate him and just let him be with Russia?" Ukraine continued, looking in the way of them two. "Ukraine, you already know I trust you're decisions, whatever they are. You're not kids anymore and you should know what is best for yourself." I said looking at them. I saw how happy Russia was, but America wasn't like him. America would do anything to make me angry and attack him first. "Just... Hope you're right." Ukraine looked down. Belarus wanted to say something, but she stopped herself.
"We had to get home, NOW!" Czechoslovakia was back with worried in her eyes. I didn't asked about anything, the look she gave me was explaining everything, so I got everyone in the car. We drove home as fast as we could and found Czechia's car in front of our house, but Czechia wasn't anywhere. Czechoslovakia looked inside the house and I checked the car. It was really dirty and had lots of mud on it. When I looked inside I saw piece of paper. Czechoslovakia got back to me with second car keys she had. She opened the car and I took the note.
"Places aLways arE different then you AlwayS rEmember. i found new HomE with my Loving Partner and MysElf.
HE'S KInd to me and wiLL take good care of me, he's lovING. my future is only him and ME.
- Love, Czechia."
The note was shaky, like TR made him to write it. The capital letters spelled out 'Please, help me. He's killing me.' He was crying for help. Czechoslovakia was once about to start crying again, I tried to comfort her. I let her and Slovakia go home and drove with my kids home. This day was long for everyone, so I made dinner and got in my bedroom. I was still thinking about her and where is Czechia. With this I fell asleep.
The next day I woke up, changed my clothes and got to kitchen, where Russia was making breakfast. "Good morning, dad." he said with cheerful look and gave me fried eggs. He looked suspicious and then I noticed hickey on his neck, when he was giving them to me. The anger grew stronger then ever before. "Who did it?" I tried to stay calm, but failed horribly. "W-what are you talking about?" he was scared and confused at the same time. "The hickey on your neck. It's from America, right?" I said colder, trying to be calm. Russia only nodded and the rage was out. I didn't even start on my eggs, got to my room, where I took my hand gun and rushed to my car before Russia could stopped me. I drove to Britain's house, the rage only grew. I banged on the doors and tired Britain opened them. I pushed him out of the way and rushed to America's room. There I got in and locked the doors behind me. Britain released what just happened and tried to brake in, which woke up America. "The fuck are you doing here?!" He said still half asleep. I was blinded by anger, I took out the gun and aimed at his head. "Did you fuck my son?" I said rage in my voice. He looked at me confused before answering me. "What? No, you dump commie! HE fucked ME. And besides it's his life not yours, so let him sleep whoever he wants!" That made me calmer, but still angry, because he was right most of the time.
Britain finally got through the lock and saw me aiming on America's head. He, like protective father, jumped on me and pinned me down, even though he's lot shorter than me. Britain was so mad at me and I don't blame him. I just aimed fucking gun at his son, I'm lucky he didn't kill me already. He kicked me out without the gun, swearing really nasty words. I got back to the car and got home still little angry. Russia left note on the front doors that he's going out and will miss dinner, I knew where he was going. I got in living and took from the alcohol cabinet some bottles of vodka. I had to calm myself.

{Russia's POV}

Dad was so mad at me. Sometimes he's hot-headed. I went to America to make sure he's okay and most importantly he's alive. I knew Britain would shot me in head if I'll show up after my father, so I'm going by window. He was in second floor, but his window was close to tree I climbed to his window. I knocked on it to get his attention, witch I got. He opened the window and let me in. "Are you checking if you're dad actually shot me in head or are you here for round 2?~" He flirted with me and I love it. "The first one and for the second one my ass still hurts, so not today. Wait, he almost shot you?!" I was shocked. Dad is hot-headed, but that doesn't mean he can aim on people. "Yes and almost shot if dad didn't break the doors. What even happened? He was out of his mind." His lust was gone and replaced it with little worried. "He saw the hickey you made on my neck, I told you it was bad idea." I was little angry because of it. "Yeah, but everything else was good, right?" He switched his feelings like weather. I wanted to answered, but my phone rings. I looked who it was and saw Belarus. "Who is it?" America was curious. "Belarus. She only call me when something happen home." I said little worried. I picked it up.
"Russia! You have to get home." She was scared. "What happened? Are you okay?" I was really worried after I heard her. "Yes, I'm okay, but dad, he's drinking again! He called to him Ukraine and I heard them had rough fight! I heard some crashing and Ukraine did come back. Russia, I'm scared." She started crying. I was shocked, when dad is drinking he is mad at us for no reason, but he never tried to hurt us. Well, at least not my siblings. "Is Kaz with you?" I said, hoping she'll say yes, which she said. "Fine, hid in my room and locked there I'll be there in 5 minutes." I said and hang up. I kissed America goodbye and got as fast as I could home. I opened the doors and dad noticed me. "Russia get here immediately!" He was totally wasted. I got in front of him he had little blood on him. "Where is Ukraine?" I said cold. When I'm mad I'm just like him, trying to hide it to the point it's too big to handle. "In his room. Don't worry, he just cut himself from broken bottle he was cleaning up, he'll be fine." he tried to take another bottle, but I took it. "No way, you had already more then enough. Let's get you to the bed." I took him under his shoulder and put his arm around back of my neck. "But I don't want to!" He said like spoiled kid. "And I don't care! Just deal with it." I took him in his bedroom there he can do whatever he wants. I laid him on the bed and left. Then I checked on my siblings, firstly on Belarus and Kaz. They were safe in my room. I told them they are safe, but to be sure they should stay in their friends house, which they did. Now Ukraine. I knocked on his doors with bandages. "If it's you, dad then leave, otherwise come in." He said sadly. "Hey I-" I slowly opened the door, but he shut them again. "I don't want to talk with you either, go away." He said locking the door. We were pretty close when we were little, but then I screwed up and he didn't trust me again. "Ukraine, I brought you some bandages. I'll leave them here and leave." I left them next to the doors and got to living room to clean it. Mostly it was bottles.
Today's gonna be rough.

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