19. Changing Sides

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{Czechia's POV.}

I was still holding Germany down. He wasn't scared, he was expecting that. "Germany, why did you follow me?" I was getting angrier every second he didn't answer me. I slapped him with my free hand, I immediately knew I did a mistake. "I gave you a question, Answer me!" I shouted in his face. He just smiled at me, before getting out of my grip. He was lot stronger and faster then before. "You want to know, fine. I want to kill my father." he said annoyed, I had to stop him, before TR cameras sees him. "Germany... I wish the same, but TR have cameras all over this forest, he can find you earlier, then you get to the house." I tried to be reasonable, but he had none of it. "I don't care, he doesn't have anything I care about anyways." He said unfriendly. He turned back at me and started walking away. "What about Poland? You don't care about him?" I said coldly. He stopped walking away and got to me with madness in his eyes. "He doesn't love me anymore, so what's the point. If you weren't the only one who knows where my father is, I would shoot you right between eyes." He grabbed my robotic arm. "You think he wanted to hurt you? To break up with you? No! He still is only talking about you. He said it to save himself." I said looking in his eyes full of hatred. I didn't manage to dodge his fist, he knocked me out.
Unfortunately he didn't lock me by himself, but get me to UN and his gang. They locked me in room with only one exit, they knew I can run from anywhere. I was tied up to chair, this time new one, without my arm, they probably took it. Then star face got to me. He looked worried and couldn't believe what he's seeing. "What's the problem? Did I do something?" I said arrogantly. It seems I'll be here for a while, so why don't we have fun. "20 dead people, plus 2 countries, 1 is still missing. Do even you know how bad it is?" He said angry, but still worried. "Oh, you find America, good to know. So what? You and your friends gonna kill me? I don't think so." I had the biggest grin I could do. "And why that? You are talking to the most powerful organisations on this planet. We can make sure you'll disappear and nobody will even notice, so why can't we?" He said coldly. He was so confident, it was almost funny. "Because I know where TR is and where he is keeping Poland. If you ever want to find them, you need me." I said with confidence in my voice. Star face looked pissed, he realised I was right. He get out of the room, probably to discuss it with his friends, slamming the doors after him. I had to wait for them, there was no way I'm running somewhere. Then UN get here and sat right in front of me. I never noticed how big his wings really are, they almost didn't fit in this room. He isn't that scary, but damn he's intimidating. "You're really smart, my child. So, what do you want?" He said coldly. He never calls us countries by our names always like child or friend, it's like some fetish.
I never thought it will work, but now I can say anything and they will give it to me. "If you're like this, I want to be free, without any punishments and my own house in middle of nowhere with big garden. I have cat and want to give him a place. I don't want anyone know where I am." I said and he looked interested. "Fine, you can have these things, but we still had to watch you." He said coldly. I didn't expect he'll say yes, but okay. "I don't really care, I'm not killing any other people. I don't want to." I said and he looked surprised. He probably wasn't expecting that I'll be peaceful. "Deal. Now tell me everything you know." He said writing down what I want. "Before I'll tell you anything I want my arm back and want to be free, this chair is really uncomfortable." I said looking in his white eyes. They're interesting, UN have glowing white eyes, while EU have them glowing yellow. ASEAN, even though we didn't see each other much, I knew, has ocean blue eyes. "I had to discuss it with others, give me a minute." he got up and walked out with my demands. The chair was really bad, it was like sitting on bunch of needles. I waited like 5 minutes, before all of them walked in with my arm, even ASEAN was here, strange. EU untied me and gave me back my arm. NATO had prepared his gun any time, they really don't trust me and I get it, I'm weapon after all.
We walked to different room witch looked soundproof, good choice. NATO then locked the doors. "Now, tell us what you know." I sat on couch there. They were just looking at me. "TR planned everything, he have cameras all over the forest, that will alarm him immediately when someone is near the house. He is in-" I was stopped by pain in my right arm. It hurts more every second. I was paralyzed by the pain. Couldn't scream, couldn't move, while the dumbasses were just looking. They were looking at me confused, not knowing what's happening. Finally EU got to me and tried to find where the pain is coming from, he took off my arm and I had moment of relieve. UN then called doctor. The doctor checked me and said I'll be fine, it was only electric shock, but should be watched for 24 hours. The big gang was really worried. NATO took the arm and got to different room, so he can find what was wrong. He walked back, without it and said what's wrong. "It have microphone and was listening to every word we said. When he almost said TR's location it gave him long and painful electric shock." He said to others. "Can you remove it?" I asked, I really liked the arm and don't want to lose it. "Yes, it's easy, but there's a catch. The arm was listening to everything, even when you were unconscious. That means, TR knows we are after him." He said and everyone was silent. "Did you destroy it?" UN said after a while of silence. "No, sir. It's only temporarily deactivate." NATO said like a soldier, witch he is. "Good, we'll play little game for TR that Czechia can get there and distract him." UN looked at me thinking. He was planning something big, that wasn't good, especially my rule. "Sorry, what?" Star face was surprised. "What if our friend here managed to kill someone over his power and run back to his master. What if he kill me?" UN said absolutely serious. I had my mouth wide open from surprise. "Don't worry! I can't die, when some countries live in peace, I will live forever like EU and ASEAN." He said completely calm. It does make sense, he's like God, but real. He's the only one of the organisations who has really wings. EU had halo with stars going down and ASEAN didn't have anything, don't know why. NATO had robotic eyes, well he's robot made by America. "Okay, what's the plan?" I said determined. I wasn't sure if it'll work, but one thing I know.
It will never be worse.

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