5. Situation In Both World

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{Austria's POV.}

As I left from TR I felt only more guilty. I got in my car and drove to Germany. He was the only one, who knew TR was blackmailing me. He had something really dark on me and I'll not tell it. I parked in front of Germany's house and thought for a little. I then got to front doors and knocked. I was nervous, I'm never nervous, I'm always the calm one, who always knows, what he's doing, but this time I was the always confused one. Then Germany opened the doors. "Austria? What happened?" he said worried. He knew something happened, when I'm going to him personally and how I looked. "Are we alone?" I asked going in as he let me. "Yeah, Poland just left shopping. We have like 2 hours." He closed the doors, we walked to living room and sat on the couch. "It's him, isn't it?" He said and I only nodded. "What this time?" He asked with empathy in his voice. He knew perfectly what monster he is. "I had to nurse Czechia. He was really in bad shape and I tried everything I could, but I felt so sick, like I did it to him." I looked at floor and support my head with my hands. "You didn't do anything bad, not at all, actually you helped him from the pain my father did." Germany petted my back and tried to comforted me. "Wait, you know where they are?!" He stood up. I looked up to him with little tear in my one eye. "Yes, but if someone show there without him knowing before, he will shot Czechia in head. And if someone else will know about it, he will find me and kill me in place. No one can know about it." I practically begged him for not telling anyone. That was the chatting before I left. I was scared of him like first time. He sighed loudly, before going on one knee. I was on the couch, so he got to my eye level. I was sitting on the couch. "I'll not tell anyone, just make sure he will survive." He said hugging me. At that moment Poland walked to living room. "Germany, how dare you!" He let go of the shopping, with really dramatically gasp. We both stood up and got far from each other. "Babe, I can exp-" "No, I don't want to hear your excuses! You cheated on me!" Germany was cut off by now joking Poland, when he realised it was only me. He blasted into laugh, when he saw Germany totally confused. "Hahaha, don't worry darling.~ I know it was Austria. I was just joking. Hi Austria! How are you?" He took back the shoppings and got in kitchen. I followed him smiling. "I'm doing good, thanks for asking! Well I should go now. Thanks for the talk Germany." I practically rushed out. I knew I had last thing to do before I get home. I got to house next to Germany, where Czechoslovakia lives. I knocked on the doors and waited. I was once again nervous, but this time time I had good reason and then the reason opened the doors.
"What do you want, Austria?" He said sweetly, it was something I didn't expect. "Um- I-I just want t-to talk w-with C-czechoslovakia." I was shaking. I knew him like the tough man, who would kill in millions and totally wasn't prepare for nice goofy dad. "Honey! Someone is here for you!" Soviet shouted to kitchen. "Oh that's why he's here, he's dating Czechoslovakia again." I thought while waiting. "If it's another journalist, then I'll- Oh." She was saying, before she saw me and stopped. "Hey, long time no see." I said little awkwardly. Maybe it's time to say how we know each other.
It was 1941, TR dominated whole Europe and was prepared for Soviet. I was only doctor at this time, who wasn't in military service and TR called me to him. He had some medical problems and called me only to make sure, he's fully prepared for the Russians. When I was waiting for him in meeting room, one maid walked in and offered me tea. Yup, that was Czechoslovakia. After first look I knew I needed her. I saw lots of bruises on the skin, the uniform was showing. "Do you want me to look at those? I'm doctor and can help you." I said and pointed on the bruises on her neck. "If you really want to help me, then kill the man, who did them." She said totally scared. I knew he would do anything for power over people, even touch a woman. She gave me tea and left. I was there everyday from that moment and helped her with everything I could. Dishes, laundry and cooking, even though I'm not good cook. We were really close, but TR had different plans. He called me in military services. I'll not talk what happened there, but my hope was I'll see her again got me through worst, but I never did to this point. I was heart broken and nothing could change it, even though I saw her again.
She had in her hands some plate and when she saw me she let go of it. Of course it broke. "I thought you'll never come back." She said in tears. "I thought the same, but then something happened. Can we talk in private?" I said and she led me to her bedroom, through now angry Soviet. Soviet got down and cleaned the mess. She closed the doors and sat on the bed with me."Before I tell you, please stay calm." I said and she looked confused, before answering. "Okay, what is it then?" She said sweetly. "It's about your son...*sigh* he's alive and said to me, I have to tell you, he loves you." I said and Czechoslovakia was shocked. "Y-you know where he is?" She asked with new tears in her eyes. Now I knew I had to lie. "No, we had place where we met, but after I was done with nursing him, they drove away. I don't know where he is now." I said looking in her totally red eyes and face full of tears. "How is he doing?" She asked sobbing. "Now much better, but still is only worried about you, he doesn't care about himself, just about you. He only want to see you again." I was really sad, when I see her crying. "Please, take care of my boy, before we can find him." she hold my hands and practically begged me. I just nodded and that was end. I walked out with still really mad Soviet behind my back, got to my car and started crying. The guilt was so strong, I was helping someone, who killed millions of people and kidnapped son of my old love, then I lied to person I loved and only crying about it, not doing anything. I felt like really bad person and nobody can help me. I was in corner again, like first time. I decided I'll gave the location to Germany, hoping he'll be responsible and find way to save him.
I got home to my paperwork from the hospital I work in. I was so foolish and took some paperwork from Switzerland, because she had some issues with it and I wasn't capable to say no to her cute eyes. Yeah, I actually like Switt from the started in hospital, but it's unprofessional to date her.
Well anyway, It was so boring and tiring, but after 5 fucking hours I finished it. I made some food to me and then got to bed.

I'm sorry, its short one. I really didn't know how to stretch it, but the next one will (hopefully) be longer.
Again I'll not bother and get out of here.

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