21. Even Monsters Can Love

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{Czechia's POV}

"It's the stupidest plan I ever heard!" I said, after UN said the whole plan. We were sitting around table with maps of the forest and blueprints of the house. Ironically the house was made by company under EU, so he have the blueprints. "You have better idea?" UN said little touched. I wanted to say something, but here I really don't have lots of power. I sat back and let them planning. I was only half listening and thinking about every possible way how this end up. Mostly it's me getting shot in head from organisations or TR.
"Czechia, are you listening?" EU got me back in the plans. "Yes, of course." I said quickly and little louder, then I wanted. UN noticed I wasn't listening. That was bad. "Do you want me to repeat myself, my child?" He said little annoyed, I stayed silent. He took it as a no, so he continued what he was saying. "This is all. We'll start tomorrow." Everyone left the room without me, I didn't have anywhere to go and didn't know what to do. "Um, UN I don't have place to stay." I said little nervously. He looked at me and think for a little. He took out his phone and said to me to stay here for a moment. He left in other room and I waited. I miss my arm, its like piece of me is missing.
"I managed to get you ride to your old home. Czechoslovakia is now living with Soviet and nobody is there. If you keep it low nobody will notice." UN got back and gave me phone. It was pretty fine phone, not old, just used only a little. "If anything happens call me immediately. Tomorrow I'll call you, when your driver will be there for you. Rest well, my child." I took the phone and he showed me way out there was black car waiting for me. I got inside and to my surprise it was normal woman. Humans often hate to work for countries, I had that problem in my job. I only sat in back, not talking to her. "Heard about you in news. Pretty good dead count to be honest." The driver said totally calm to cut the stupid silence. "It's nothing to be proud of, especially when I enjoyed it." I said empty, hoping it will scare her away. It was pretty long ride and I didn't want to talk about my kills. She looked more interested in me, then before, well that didn't work. "I thought you'll be lot tougher, not like little kitty. I always love countries, you are so interesting." She said and I knew what she wants, but I'll not give it to her. "Yeah, especially when we kill each other." I said little angry. "Don't be like that! I kinda like you... You're something different." She said totally serious. I didn't trust anyone, especially someone, who is interested in me. "Sorry, but last time someone was interested in me, he fucked my mind out. This will not work." I said and she stopped the car. "What if I make you feel better? We can have fun together.~" She got to me on the back seat. Not that she wasn't looking good, I was surprised how young she was, but I really don't want it. "H-hey, we should get to the house." I said trying to open the doors behind me, they were locked. "UN don't know, when we get there.~ We have more then enough time." She was fucking into me. Then why not? I can have fun, but this time I'll be the dominant one.
I got on top of her, making her surprised. "You're so cute. I don't even know your name." I smiled at her determined face. "Elisabeth, but everyone calls me Eli." She said pulling me closer to her. "Well, Eli, now is your lucky day. You gonna have the greatest time in your life.~" I said smirking. She pulled me in kiss. She tastes so sweet like strawberries. I'll not say how it went, but it was amazing.
She dressed herself up and got me to the house. She stopped the car right in front of the house. "Don't you want to stay overnight?" I asked with big smile on my face, she really made my day better. "Not now, I have work to do, but here's my number, call me, when you're lonely.~" She gave me piece of paper with her phone number. I took it and got inside the house, sliding down on the doors. "I just had sex with someone I don't know. That's crazy." I said to myself laughing. When I calmed myself I looked around here. It was long time when I was here last time. It didn't change, well except the electricity was out. I turned it back on and got to my room. There was all the same, nothing changed. I remembered I had storage with lot of alcohol in my closet. I decided UN wouldn't happy if I'll start drinking, but cigarettes shouldn't be that bad. I knew I had at least one pack here, but where. I looked everywhere in my room, but didn't find them. "Maybe in living room." I said to myself and got back down. I looked around and saw them next to the TV. I took them and wanted to go back, but I noticed something wasn't right. Something was off. "You know I'll drink with you any time, but smoking isn't that good." I heard Germany from the doorway. "What do you want?" I said emotionless. I wasn't scared, I actually didn't care. "Only talk." He said and sat on the couch. I said in armchair near, he wasn't that dangerous, only surprised me. "What do you know about Poland? I know I can't contact him or get near him, so you're the only one who can help." He said desperately. I kinda get it, it's his husband and he loves him so much. I wish someone loves me this much...
I said everything to him, even what TR made me to do. He was visibly angry, but not at me. He knew what his father can do and understood my situation. We said goodbye to each other and he got back home, I hope he did. I took out my phone and called Eli, I need to talk with someone. It was voice mail, so I left message. I didn't know what to do, so I tried to find my mom's number. I needed to call her, I had to know how she is. I found it on the fridge. I took it and called her. "Hallo?" I heard really tired voice. "Hi mom." I said and already knew I did bad thing. "Czechia? Is it really you?" She said full of happiness. "Yeah, I got phone and called you immediately." I said sitting on the couch. "Where are you? Are you okay?" She was worried about me. "I'm fine, I have job to do and can't tell you where am I, but I want to know about my little brother. How's Nicolas?" I said smiling to myself. "He's sleeping right now with his dad." She said definitely happy. I didn't expect she already give birth to him and was little shocked, but happy at the same time. "He's already here? When?" I said excited. "It's week now, he's like you, but growing lot faster then you or Slovakia. I wish he could see his big brother." She said sadly. When I saw her last time, she was still pregnant. That means I was unconscious longer then I thought. "I wish the same, but I can't, I'm too dangerous for you or others." I said. I am dangerous for everyone, even myself. "No, you're not! Maybe you did mistakes, but we can be family. Like before!" She sounded desperately. I didn't want to break her heart, but I can't risk it."Mom, nothing gonna be the same. Goodbye."I said, before I hang up, before she could say anything. She tried to call me again and again, but I put her on black list. I decided I'll call Eli again. "Hey, you already miss me?~" She flirted with me and I absolutely loved it. "Yeah, when can you get here?" I said horny as fuck. "About 10 minutes, wait for me, my country.~" She hang up and I was getting ready. Getting in my fancy clothes, candles, white vine and some romantic music. I really liked her and want to try it with her. When I heard knock on the doors I immediately opened them. "The hell are you doing here?!" I said, when I saw Britain, he's the last one I want to see and he thinks the same. "I have the same question, shouldn't you be with your master?" He said really rudely. "I know you hate me, but you should know, I'm trying to fix it." I said unpatiently. I had guest and don't have time with him. "You can't fix that anymore. Where's your mother? I want to talk with someone... Less childish." He said totally calmly. I hate him so much, I should kill him, not America. "She's now living with Soviet, don't you know?" I said with smile on my face. He obviously didn't know it, his face said it. He apologised to me and walked away, but to my bad luck, he met Eli. He looked at me disgusted, he's one of the 'only country family', they hate everyone, who's dating a human. Countries hate humans and humans hate countries. That's how it is.
Eli got to me with confused look. "Who was that?" She asked little offended. I closed the doors after she got in. "That was Britain. He's mad I killed his son." I said sadly and angry. "Oh, right! That guy, who betrayed your mother, when she needed him most." She said pretty happy, she was smarter, then she looked. Like she had blonde hair, light blue eyes with light greens dots in them, beautiful body, especially in her short red dress. "Wait you killed America? That was awesome! You killed superpower and hide his body, that no one could find him for days, you're so smart." She said amazed. I think she's serial killer, not gonna lie, but I fucking love it. I led her in living room, where was prepared romantic night. She smiled and sat on the couch. I got glasses and the wine. "You want to get me drunk? For that we'll need something stronger." She said smiling and blushing. "No, I wanted to know you better and maybe talk for a little?" I was nervous, while she looked surprised. "That's nice. I didn't have someone to talk to for so long." She got to me closer. I opened the wine and poured in the glasses. "Let's talk and know each other." I said giving her the glass with wine.
After like two glasses and talk we got to know each other pretty well. "So your mom fell in love with Soviet for second time and they made baby?" She said little drunk. I was hugging her, while she was cuddled to me, we got really close to each other. "It's crazy, right?! But Nicolas is made by love, he'll be something I couldn't be." I said hugging her more. She looked in my eyes with love. "I never met someone like you, Czechia. I think... I fell for you." She said lovingly, she wasn't lying, she really fell for me. "You are the only one, who isn't scared of me or trying to kill me. You are like my guard angel." I said getting to her. We kissed lovingly, it was better, then first time. She turned around and continued in the kiss. "I love you!" She said fully in lust. She gave me time to answer. "I love you too." I said and continued the kiss.
That night was perfect, she stayed overnight.
I really fell in love.

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