17. Normal Day

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{Czechia's POV.}

TR is taking me on every meeting he have, it's strange. For someone, who should stay low and be practically invisible, he had lots of meeting. Mostly with some doctor named Hans Müller. That doctor worked in mental hospital far from our town, it's safe to talk with him there. He was fooled by TR, he's totally possessed by him and with TR's luck, he is he is taking care of Protectorate. TR lied about not knowing he survived, when he was talking to my mother, just to make sure she'll not suspect Hans. TR need to control his sons, both of them. Other meetings are with my mother. He's going to Soviet's house, when everyone is out and mom is home alone.
Poland has changed. He still hated to be there, hated us, but he's listening to TR commands. It's understandable, if he wants to survive. He's cooking, cleaning and doing as TR said. A-H is happy he have housemaid, it looked like shit here before Poland started his work. He's also making sure Poland will not run away, when we're out. Even if he managed to get out, TR have hidden cameras, that will alarm him immediately and could find him easily, there isn't way out.
Today started normally, I took short shower and joined our 'family' breakfast that Poland made. He was amazing cook, everything he made was delicious, but today TR thought it wasn't enough for him. He was so mad, totally lost his mind over his food. He decided Poland should be punished and I already knew where this was going. Slap after slap, making Poland more and more scared. I didn't hold myself and got into it too. "Wait! He didn't do anything wrong. The breakfast was perfect!" I stopped TR from beating up Poland. He looked at me, letting go of Poland and getting closer to me. "What did you just say?" He said inches from my face. I knew I fucked up already, so I repeated myself and he didn't like it. He took me by hand and dragged me to my room. There he threw me on my bed and got on top of me. "You know your punishment, don't you?~" He said bitting his bottom lip. He still uses me like this. "So you want me to suck your dick again?" I said coldly. This always happens when I'm trying to save Poland. I had to do what would Poland do. Most of the times he only want blowjob, so I do it. It's better, then if Poland had to do it.
He let go of me, so I can get down. After he came I got to bathroom and tried to clean my mouth. It was disgusting, but it satisfied him and he felt better, at least Poland is save. After 5 minutes of scrubbing I managed to get the taste out and get back in living room. There was Poland cleaning after breakfast and A-H watching TV, like always. TR probably got in his room, working on the arm. Lio was on the couch next to A-H. I got to Poland to help him a little. "So, was he rougher then before?" Poland asked when he saw me. We talked together a lot, mostly about how we hate them. "No... It was like other times." I said giving him dirty dishes I took from table. "Thanks, you always do this. Every time I get in trouble, you take my punishments." He said taking the dishes. It was heavy with only one hand, but interesting. I miss it, but by now I can do things without it. "It's nothing, I don't want you to suffer." I said taking Lio's bowl, every morning and evening he gets new food. I think he's a real lion, but we still give him cat food. "Lio, breakfast!" I shouted and Lio get here in nanosecond. He looked at it with disgusted look and left it alone. I think he need meat. "Fine, I'll give you meat..." I took the bowl and replaced it with plate full of meat. "I needed that for dinner." Poland looked at me like I was dumb. "It's better if he eats it, then if he eats us. We can have something else." I said while Lio was eating. "Yeah... But tell it to TR yourself." Poland said little worried. He was right, TR will not be happy with it, but its better then be eaten alive. "Czechia get your ass here!!" TR shouted from the opposite side of the house. I didn't want to go there, but I had to. I got to him immediately. The arm looked pretty good, looked almost done. "What is it, sir?" I said cheerfully. He was sitting in chair in front of the arm looking at me. "The arm is almost ready, this gonna be last test." He put it on me, it was pretty light, even though it looks heavy. I started moving with it, don't know how it works, but I like it. "It seems like it works perfectly. Fine, you can keep it now, get use to it." He smiled at me, he was proud of it. I got back in living room, where Poland was cleaning. He looked at me and when he saw the arm he was amazed. He gave me like million questions about it, but A-H made him work again. I tried to help him, but my arm need more training. It was twitching and when I grabbed something it always beak. I need to control it, but TR had meeting with Hans and I had to go too. It was like always, backdoors to hospital, then his office, nobody noticing us on the way. Nobody knows Hans is nazi, he's crazy like the guys he takes care of. I stood behind TR when he was talking to Hans. I listened to their conversation.
"Protectorate is doing fantastic, it was brilliant idea let his mother visit him, my Führer." Hans said coldly. He totally changed his personality, when he's talking to TR. "Good, let her visit him as she wants." TR was looking through documents about my brother. Hans looked at me, specifically my arm. "What's that?" He asked interested. TR looked up and smirked. "Prosthesis what I did. My murder can't work with only one hand, take a look." TR said still looking through the papers. Hans looked hatefully at me, he hate me for some reason. He ignored me and started touching my arm. "The mechanism is amazing! It looks like really arm." He said like little kid. TR just looked annoyed. "Is my mother here?" Hans and TR were stunned by my question. "I don't have to tell you, you f-" TR raised his hand to stop Hans saying something he would be sorry for. "He had good question, Hans. Is Czechoslovakia here?" He said calmly. Hans looked pissed at me, I don't know what his problem is. "Yes, she's now talking with Protectorate, Soviet left before I get to you." He said without emotions. "Fine, I'll leave Czechia here alone and you'll get her here. Say that someone is waiting for her." He got up and slowly walked to the doors. He whispered something to Hans and he smiled. I didn't like how he smiled, especially when he locked the doors. I looked through the papers, Protectorate is really getting better, his aggressive behaviour is getting lower and now likes to talk, unfortunately he can only talk with mom and Hans. This was all I could read, before Hans appeared in the doors. "C-Czechia?" Mom looked at me unbelievably. I smiled to her, it was first time I truly smile after long time. She got to me and hugged me tightly, while Hans closed the doors, leaving us alone. "I missed you mom. Every second in my life, I missed you." I hugged her with one hand, I can't risk I'll hurt her with the other. "Me too! This all was crazy." She was crying of happiness. I only could hug her. "So, how's life with Soviet?" I asked after little bit of silence. "It's still strange. His kids are sweet and caring, but I still miss you. And what about your life?" She looked in my eyes, smiling. "It's hard... With Poland it's better, but I had to take his punishments." I said and she was shocked. "TR is horrible to both of us." I said and the smile disappeared. She hugged me back. "Oh. I wish I could help you..." She started to crying. "Please, don't cry! It beaks my heart, let's talk about something nice, when I can." I took her face and swipe off the tears. She was sad and it really hurts. We talked about the baby and his name. Even though I hated Soviet, I was happy mom moved on and find love. Soon she had to go and I had to get back to TR. When I got out of the hospital I got in the forest. I knew someone was watching me, so I started going in circles. After like 4 circles I managed to catch the person. I caught him from back, taking his arms with my robotic arm and pinned him on the ground. "Why are you stalking me?" I shouted, before I noticed who it was.

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