11. The Story

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{Germany's POV}

I sat down and started the story.
"My father was experimenting with human genetics. He did experiments on his prisoners, but on me too. He actually did lots of experiments on me. He wanted to have perfect son, who will dominant whole world. When he was arrested I was free, well sorta. My father destroyed everything he could, but America found the lab, where he found me. America and Soviet saw something was wrong with me, I was more then I looked like. They wanted to know what. I didn't trust them. I was still teenager who just lost his loving father. I didn't know what he did, until America told me after everything was settled.
I changed my house every two months. It was awful, especially when I was with Soviet. He was always drunk and blaming me and my father for everything. I ended up with lots of bruises, sometimes even deep cuts from bottles he broke, but they were always healed in day.
That were modifications my father did on me, fast regeneration and massive strength." I said first half of the story. She was shocked almost couldn't believe me, then I showed her. I took with one hand whole couch with her on it. She shoved her nails in the couch. Like I said I have massive strength. I put her down and continued.
"Though I wasn't able to control it then and when I was angry I often broke something like iron door or little bit of wall. One time I broke Soviet's arm, he grabbed me by collar and I had to get away from him. I knew I messed up and got as fast as I could to America, there I felt save. It was the only place I felt save at that time. I told everything to America, what my father did to me and what happened. He was surprised, but promised me he'll help. He was hot-headed, but his father is calm minded. Britain taught me how to control my anger and helped me use it to my advantage. I stayed with America and his family, when Soviet was defended I wasn't that scared anymore. Before I got my own life America said to me one thing. "Never talk about your powers to anyone. Never." and I didn't expect Poland and now you. I didn't say it to Czechia, he didn't even know about them, until training we did together.
He asked me, like 2 years ago, to help him make him stronger and I did, by hard training. He actually was much stronger, but there was accident and I had to save him. I didn't have time to get him in hospital, so I did only thing that could save him. I gave him genes my father used on me. I tried to find way to stop the strength I had and made copy of the genes my father used. If I didn't use them he would die in pain. It took 2 days to recover, but he was fine, not remembering a thing. I left it be, he wasn't dangerous to others, until now.
He had fast regeneration and little bit of straight. He is still weaker then me, but stronger then normal people. Poland was the only one who knows about this."
She couldn't believe what I just told her. I gave her little time to think and got to Poland. He looked at me worried. "Are you sure it was good idea? She isn't good now and I think it was too much for her and I'm not even starting with that you lied to her." he asked worried. "Poland, you know I love you, but I, of course, didn't tell her everything. She would kill me if she knows it all." I said.
Its true, I lied to her, my father did some 'upgrades' on me, but I continued his studies and Czechia was my testing bunny. Not by force, he wanted to help me. And actually did, his genes were perfect to manipulate, but one day he said it was enough. I stopped the experiments on him, but still had to watch him if something changed. At first it seems like everything was okay and I stopped watching him. I was sure I locked his abilities, but I was wrong.
Once you give someone genes you can never take them back, but you can lock them to prevent using them.
"You said you'll tell her the truth, but you lied to her most of the time." He said seriously, I tried to keep her and her son safe, but that means I have to lie to them. Of course Poland always wants to say the truth, but sometime lie is better then the truth.
"Poland! I'm doing this for them, not myself, not you, but them, to make their lifes less miserable! Am I bad person because of it?! Am I my father for it?!" I was blinded by rage. I slammed table next to me and it broke in half, but when I saw him scared, I felt guilty. Thanks to thick walls, Czechoslovakia couldn't hear me. "No, not again. I-I'm sorry, Poland. I-I don't know what was that. I didn't want to scare you." I was about to cry. I regret all my father did to him, I regret all my father did to me, I didn't even know why Poland married me. He slowly walked to me and hugged me. "I know you want everyone happy. And I know you're doing everything for it." I hugged him back crying more. He was so perfect, I can't understand how my family could ever hurt him.
He saw I'm okay again and let me got back. Czechoslovakia was still there and looked like she got everything. "I'll go now, Germany. Thanks for everything." She said still little confused. "I'm here if you need anything." I faked smile at her, while she walked out. I knew I had to call my father, even through that stupid agreement. I said to Poland I'll call my father and he knew what it means, lots of fighting and screaming in phone, but this time I'll be calm. I called him. At first he didn't pick it up, but when I called him third time, he picked up.
"What do you want?! I'm fucking busy." He already was angry. This gonna be really interesting call.
"Hi to you too, dad. I only want to make sure Czechia is okay." I said little annoyed, but still calm.
"He's doing fine! You should be scared about everyone else, they are in danger." He was much calmer now, almost scary.
"How many people did he killed?" I asked worried. I wanted to know how many families I had to information.
"9 people. 7 men and 2 women. He don't like to kill women, how strange, I love to do that." He is sick, how did I never notice it. "Was it any country?" I tried to stay calm, but it was really hard when I'm talking to my dad. "No, they're too careful. Well almost one, but she managed to run away." I knew he was talking about Czechoslovakia. "Fine, I'll go inform the families and warn other people. I'll make sure you'll never kill again." I hang up, before he could say anything. I didn't want to hear him anymore. I had lots of work today. I went to police station and said that 9 people was killed, I had to stay there for an hour, trying to explain I didn't kill them. I said it was 7 men and 2 women and if someone is missing it's probably them. After I was done I had meeting with EU and UN, they both gonna kill me.
I was nervous, especially when I saw NATO with them. He was in charge of police and army. They of course started asking about my father. I said to them everything I knew about the killings, not where he is. They were silent whole time. "You'll stay under NATO's watch. If your father will call you again, you'll hold the call at lest 30 seconds. We have to find him and stop the killing." UN was cold like ice, EU just nodded. I knew where he is, but I can't tell them. He's my father and after this he'll be killed for sure. "I understand, but what about Czechia? He is still innocent." I said. He didn't want it, like other puppets my father made. "If Czechia survive, we'll send him in mental hospital. He'll not be exterminate, because of his mother wish." UN stood up and got closer to me. "But if he'll not improve, he'll get shot in his head." He whispered in my ear threateningly, so the other two couldn't hear him. I froze in shock. He got back to his seat, acting like nothing happened. I was still kinda shocked, but I shook it off. With EU I had some paperwork and had to stay there until midnight. At least I can check Czechia and Poland through the cameras. I firstly checked Czechia, if he was in the house, but he wasn't. I shook it off, thinking he'll be outside, then I checked Poland. I didn't see him anywhere in kitchen or living room, so I checked bedroom. I almost dropped my phone, when I saw Czechia with knife in our house. I didn't exuse myself and ran to the house. It wasn't really far and I was there in 2 minutes, but I was late. I found note in bedroom, where Czechia was standing.
"Don't worry, my son. I'll give him back after I'll get what I want." That was the main text and in corner was written something more.
"I'll make sure he'll be okay." it was different bad handwriting, probably shaking Czechia. I immediately checked camera in the house, but no one. They got somewhere else, somewhere out of my range. I was so angry. I looked at the recordings to see, where they're going. It was normal day, nothing strange, no strange conversations, they barely spoke to each other, they didn't even pack their things. I had no clue, where are they going.
I lost them... Damn it!!!

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