7. Taste Of Freedom

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{Czechia's POV}

I can walk again! Well when we don't play, then I can walk. We play together a lot and I love every second of it. I love him, even though he's hard on me and what he did, I still love him. I know it's wrong, but still.
Today Austria will visit me if everything is okay. Hope it is. I was waiting for him in living room. "Are you okay, my dear?" TR sat next to me and kissed my cheek. "Yes, I am, master. Just little nervous." I said looking into his beautiful deep blue eyes. "You don't have to. You are okay and after Austria confirm it, I have little gift for you.~" He whispered in my ear, he perfectly knew I love it. "And what is it?" I asked like little puppy asking for goodies. "You'll have to wait~, but trust me, you'll love it." He did it again. I wanted to kiss him, but then knock on the doors stopped me. TR got up and went to open them, I just waited. "Ah, Austria, my good friend!" TR said happily from the front doors. "I'm not your friend, TR, I'm your person doctor. Nothing more, nothing less." They walked together in the living room, then TR left again, I miss him already. "So, how are you? Did he hurt you more?" Austria said looking at me. "Well he hurt me in good way.~" I said when he was checking my legs, then he stopped. "What do you mean 'Good way'? There isn't a good way." Austria looked at me horrified. "Yes, there is! The bites are good for me, even though they still hurt." I said and showed him love bites he did on me. He looked unbelievingly at me. I don't know what so unbelievable about it, I'm just doing what he wants and like it.
"You're not the Czechia I know, who is more worried about his family then himself! Who hated that fucking Nazi more then anyone else! And now... you just let him fuck you like a piece of meat?! What happened to you?!" He was so mad, but about to cry in rage. "Austria... Just do your job." I said angry, even though he was perfectly right. I was confused, what happened to me. Why am I like this, what did he do to me?
He sighed and continued without any other word said. He took his stuff and got to TR. Like always they talked about my medical health, but then he stopped. I listened to their whole conversation.
"TR I know I'm not in position to tell you, but you have to stop it. He's not himself anymore and it can end up really badly." Austria said trying to be as professional as he could. "You sound like my son! And besides, Austria, you can't tell me what to do. He's mine and you can't change it." TR said. I'm really only his, I'm his property, nothing else, just his toy, but still I'm okay with it, even loving it, why am I like this?!
Austria decided it was pointless to argue with him and continued in his doctor nonsense. I got to kitchen to make some food for us. I love to cook, even though I'm not as good as mom is. I decided I'll do pasta with sauce. I had here every I needed and started. I was so into it I didn't even notice Austria was already gone and TR was watching me. "What are you doing? It smells good, like you.~" He hugged me from behind, staring bitting my neck. It wasn't like before I talked with Austria, but still good. "If you'll continue, master, I'll burn it." I said and he turned it off. "Food can wait, I can't. I'm bored and want to have some fun." He turned me around and picked me up by hips. He carried me to couch and laid me on it. "What about the gift, master?" I asked looking like little puppy. "Oh, right. Wait here I'll bring him." He said and got upstairs, leaving me with only question. Him?
I waited until he got here with box with holes. He carefully gave it to me and I opened it. It was little white kitten with split tale into two. He looked so cute especially when he looked at me. His eyes were crystal blue. I immediately fell in love with him. "I'll be more often out now and I don't want you to get bored, so I get you a cat. You can name him and I'll get name tag." He smiled at me. I started petting him and found perfect name for him. "Lio, his name is Lio." He nuzzled to me. I knew he's perfect. I played with him little before TR interrupted me. "Hey that doesn't mean we stop play together.~" I let go of Lio and he wondered away. TR pinned me on the couch and started kissing me. I melt into the rough kiss and let him in my mouth, I can't struggle anyway. He started undressing me and I wrapped my hands around his neck, pulling him closer to next kiss, then another knock on the front doors. We stopped in shock before I got his attention again. "Hide upstairs, until I tell you you can come back." He said to me and I nodded. I ran quickly upstairs, but stayed in the hallway to listen to them. "You shouldn't come back. I told you to leave us alone" TR was already angry. "I'm here for him. He deserves to be free and you can't take it from him." I immediately knew who was it, Germany. After that TR invited him to living room and I couldn't hear them anymore. I was waiting really long, like 20 minutes, before TR called me back. I got back down, to living room and saw Germany. He looked tired, like he didn't sleep from the time I'm missing. He was sitting on the opposite side where TR was sitting. "You have the chance to go with Germany or stay here with me." He said and Germany smiled. I was hesitating, I think I love him, but I love for sure my family. I sat in TR's lap, I knew he'll not let me out with Germany, who couldn't believe what he just saw. "I told you he'll choose me!" TR laughed at him, I just hugged him. I was so blind by love, no that wasn't love that was possession.
Germany stood up and left without saying anything else. He was so mad. "Good job, my dear. He'll not bother us anymore." he petted my head. Sadness took over my body, I started crying. It was long time when I cried because I was sad or scared. Austria's words made me realise what am I doing and now it hit me at once. The feeling about every minute him touching me and I liking it, it now disgust me. I was so embarrassed. TR noticed it and tried to calm me down, it only got worse. I ran to my room and locked myself there. He didn't try to get to me, he knew I needed time and some space. I was crying on my bed, when Lio scratched on my doors. I unlocked them and let him in. He tried to calm me down by giving him attention. I took him in my arms and sat back on my bed with him. He was such a good cat, he played with my hands, attacking my fingers with his little baby teeth. He made me feel good again. He was the light I needed.
I knew I had to get out of here, from him, back to my family, Austria and Germany opened my eyes and I knew how. In second floor is balcony facing outside. Doors to it are in second storage room, not his room. If I'll have good timing, he'll not even notice. That's my only chance I'll get anywhere far from this golden cage. I noticed in my closet was backpack with rope, food and water for 5 days. I knew Germany will help me in any possible way. I was preparing myself and Lio was watching me. I can't leave him here, TR would kill him after I'm gone. He'll go with me. I pet his head and got to bathroom, if I don't want to die I needed to perfectly knew where he was. I listened and heard TR going upstairs. That was my chance. I took Lio, the backpack and got to the second floor. There were 4 doors, 3 on left and 1 on right. The alone doors were to his room and the one closest to stairs was bathroom. The middle one was just storage, but the last one was my ticket home. He don't locked them and that's my luck. I got in and had moment of relieve, before I got to the balcony. There I took the rope and got down. I immediately started running in forest, Lio in my backpack. I ran for 5 minutes before I got to some house. I didn't care who lived there, anyone is safer then TR. I banged on the doors and to my luck it was my grandpa, Austria-Hungary. Well, he was only gramdpa I know expect Soviet's dead dad. He was at least our close family friend. He was nice to me, when I was kid, but mom never trust him, still let him look after me and Slovakia sometimes, weird.
"Czechia! I heard you are missing. We have to call your mother!" He immediately dragged me in. I never was here, it was only old shack with 3 rooms, what I can see. He took his phone and left in one room, leaving me in living room, maybe, it had TV and couch it's living room. I left the backpack next to the couch and sat on it. I thought this was the ending to this, that I'll go home to Slovakia and mom and tell everyone what he did and where's hiding, but Austria-Hungary had different plans. From the start I knew something was wrong, he acted weird and I was right. I didn't hear the call, but when he got back with rope I knew I was in danger. I wanted to run, but he caught me by collar and choked me a little, then he tied me up. I'm again trapped, but this time I'm not going without fight. When he tied my hands behind my back I bit him and with tied hands tried to run for exit, but he made me triped over his legs. I fell face first. He took his chance and tied my legs, now I was doomed. "Why? I thought we were family! I thought I could trust you..." I was so pissed, but he didn't care and made me sit on the couch again. "Sorry, Czechia, but I'm only doing it for the money. Nothing personal." he changed. I knew him as good grandpa who care for me, but not this. "Money? Only that?! He would do anything to get me and you only want money?" I had plan, if I'll do it properly I'll make him wish for something over TR's limits and then try to run from here.
"I think you talk too much, just wait until your master gets here. He'll be SOo mad." He said, putting duck tape on my mouth. I only hoped he got what I said. I tried to put it away, but it was glued to my skin. After 6 minutes TR got here. Austria-Hungary, before opening the doors, prepared his really old gun. To be more specific it was revolver. He hid it behind his back and opened the doors. TR pushed Austria-Hungary from his way and got immediately to me. "Do you even know how you scared me?! How did you even got out?!" He was screaming at me. He grabbed my arms and shook with me a lot. I saw the rage in his eyes. He continued in German, but only things I could understood was 'little shit' and 'Suffer', that's it. "Now about the money you promised. Maybe I want more." Austria-Hungary said and TR got to him with gun behind his back. I freaked out to gave A-H signal he had something. He got it and took out his gun, immediately shooting. He shot right next to my head, like 2 inches away from my left ear. TR dropped his gun in shock and quickly looked at me. I pushed myself to it, when TR was still in shock and took it in my hands. A-H pinned TR on one wall. "You don't have the money, do you?" He said threateningly. "Of course I have money, you stupid! I have more then enough." TR shouted in his face. That made me worried, A-H will probably take it and I'll suffer like never before. "Then give me more!" A-H got closer to him, then TR did swift movement changed they position. "My mother taught me how to get out of these situations, so now it gonna be like this. You let me and him leave, take the money I promised and never talk about this again. Deal?" He said pushing him hard at the wall. A-H just nodded in agreement, coward. He could practically have anything on this goddamm planet and he choose money. TR took me bride way in the car. At least Lio is save in A-H's house. I only watched the way back in the house. He was so mad at me. He locked me in my room, without food for 5 days, I was starving. I wasn't able to get in garden, I wasn't able to get in bathroom, I was too weak. After the 5 days he got here with little food only to me survive. It was little and after every time he fed me he used my body to his fun. This is the worst thing that happened to me and nobody will help me.
Nobody care about me.

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