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Jaemin sits at his desk, waiting for his final class of the day to start. A few other students were there, like Dojoon and Soojin. It was still pretty quiet though. Jaemin had his airpods in and his "Chill Vibes Only" playlist was playing. Jaemin stares out the window, letting his thoughts wander.

Two weeks ago, Jaemin and Jeno had agreed that the younger would give Jeno space so he could figure out his feelings himself. Since then, the two of them hadn't interacted at all, they didn't look at each other, talk to each other, or acknowledge each other. They really only interacted when necessary, which was for academic purposes only. Other than that, it was if they didn't know each other. Of course, Jaemin always kept a close eye on his soulmate, but had Mark take care of him for now.

Jaemin himself, wasn't doing too well. He would get like this every once in a while; feeling like the world was against him, his heart, mind, and body all hurting. He wouldn't sleep, he wouldn't eat, he wouldn't do anything basically. He's always been able to cover up his depressive episodes, his smile really can fool anyone. Jaemin never really knew what caused these moments, but when they came, it could take a long time for him to be ok again. And today was just one of those days. Those days where he felt like lying in bed. Those days where his mind hurt from his own thoughts. Those days where he just wants to give up. Just one of those days...

"Well class, it's the final period of the day! Which means I want you all to have full energy for this final 50 minutes of school. Now, let's get learning!" Jaemin's teacher walks in, a huge smile on his face. Jaemin sighs and class begins.


Jeno was sitting in his room, finishing his homework, when he gets a knock on his bedroom door.

"J-jeno?" A quiet voice calls from the other side. Jeno sighs, knowing it was his mom. She came back the night after Jaemin had come.

"Yes?" Jeno waited for a response, but got none. Sighing, Jeno stands and opens his door to see his mom leaning against the wall, already asleep. He takes her to her bedroom and makes sure that she's resting before going back to his room. He grabs his bag and the rest of his homework before leaving the house; he had the night shift today.


Jaemin enters the convenience store at around 11 pm. He's been coming here almost every night for some snacks; usually just doritos and a sprite. He walks down the isles, grabbing his usual items and makes his way towards the front. Turns out Jeno was working tonight.

'Of course he is Jaemin, it's a Tuesday.' He sighs and waits for his change before leaving the small store. No words were exchanged.


Jeno watches Jaemin's retreating figure, worry lacing his eyes. He had already noticed Jaemin's weak state, but now that they weren't at school, he really saw how bad Jaemin was. He had huge eye bags, his hair was a mess, and his eyes were slightly bloodshot from crying. Jeno didn't know what was happening to the boy, but he was worried. But Jeno knew that he shouldn't do anything, they had an agreement and he had to stick to it, for his own health. So instead, Jeno texts Donghyuk.

Hey hyuk...

You good dude???

Im fine
Its Jaemin actually....

What happened

Not sure
But he looks like shit
I dont mean that in a rude way
He literally looks like shit
He has huge eyebags and his eyes are mega bloodshot- i think from crying but idk
Should we be worried....?

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