Chapter 2 - Sera gets her answer part 1

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Hey guys, it's me the author of this story. I just want to say that this chapter happens after John talked to Sera in the third day. But it is in Sera's POV. That's all, now on with the story~


Sera POV

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! YOU MONSTER!" I say to John before storming off the other direction, leaving him there to his own little world.

After about a few minutes of walking. I can't help but feel a bit bad about what I just called him.

'Maybe I went a bit hard on him.' I thought feeling guilty about what I just said.

'Wait, why am I feeling bad about him? He lied to me. He betrayed me. He beat up the royals.' I thought trying to shake the guilty feeling inside me.

'*sigh* even though he lied to me. I want to find out what made him be like that. He must've had his reasons about why he did it? I just didn't listen. Maybe our friendship isn't all a lie.' I thought while images of me and John hanging out play inside my head before shifting to him beating up the royals.

'If I want to find out about what made him like that. Then I need to talk to someone, but who?'

'Definitely not John. Not after what I said to him.' I thought while thinking of who to talk to. Then suddenly images of the royals popped up inside my head.

'Them, of course! They must know what happened.'

"I need to find them." I say before running in the halls, trying to find the Royals.


Arlo POV

I was just walking casually around the school. Then all the students decided to talk about me being beat up and losing my title.

"Look, there he is!"

"What do you reckon Arlo's thinking right now?"

"Sure sucks to be him. Technically, he's not King anynore, right?"

"Not after Joker defeated him in front of everyone."

"Shuush, quiet. He'll hear us."

'Jeez, can they even learn to shut their mouths? I hope your finally satisfied, John. Now don't start any more trouble.' I thought while walking around of the school.


Arlo POV

I laid there on the ground, barely conscious after the event that have happended.

I saw the body of the others, laying on the ground, unconscious.

Then I saw Doc and Sir Keene running towards us and lifting up our bodies to bring to the infirmary

"Jesus, John, you couldn't even hold back a little?" Doc says, irritated about what had happened

"C'mon, we'll inform the Headmaster about this later. But first, our top priority is to help the royals." Keene says to Doc with a worried face.

"D...o...c," I say barely audible, but have been heard.

"Arlo! Don't worry, we're going to help you and the others." Keene says, assuring Arlo.

But then I blacked out. After being unconscious, I didn't know what happened, but the after I woke up, I'm in the infirmary with the others. Then I heard Doc and Sir Keene discussing about us.

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