The beginning

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22nd February 2034

Dianne sat quietly for a moment as she looked at the picture before her. The wave of memories from 16 years ago flooding back into her brain, as if they had been gone for no longer than a millisecond. Memories from a time in her life that she had in no way anticipated turning into the foundations of her very own happily ever after.

"So... It was the summer of 2018, and I was starting my second year as a dancer on a TV show called Strictly come dancing." As she began to explain the photo before her, Dianne looked down at the boy in her arms. His bright blue eyes still characteristically wide with nothing but excitement and wonder. "It was a show where every year, 15 celebrities partnered up with a professional dancer, and learnt how to dance. They would have to perform live on television every Saturday night, and would get scored for how well they did."

The 6 year old nodded in understanding of the relatively simple concept of the show which had unfortunately been discontinued three years earlier.

"And on this particular year, " Dianne continued, "there was a very special celebrity who had signed up to be on the show..."

4th September 2018

"So that gives us our next partnership! Danny and Amy, please make your way upstairs!" Tess exclaimed. Her years of presenting experience coming out on full vigour as she sent the newest partnership of the 2018 series up the stairs to Claudia's area.

It was her second time watching the host begin the show in the charismatic way she always had, but Dianne could never seem to get over how confident Tess Daily was in front of a live audience and 17 cameras. Sure, you stick the Australian in front of a paying audience and ask her to do a Jive, she'll be happy as Larry! But presenting is a whole different ball game. Or so the red head thought to herself.

Strictly come dancing had taken over Dianne's life last year in a way she hadn't expected. The three weeks she spent with her beloved Revvo, had been a time she would never forget. But that was last year. And now, the next three months of her life would yet again become a whirlwind of sparkles - glitter - sweat - choreographing - and with any luck, 13 weeks of continuous dancing.

But of course to do that, she would need a partner.

For the past half an hour, Dianne had watched 4 nervous male celebrities become partnered up with one of her closest friends. And with only three left, she knew that her time was coming. As the cameras came back on, and as Tess' mellifluous voice filled the Aussies ears, Dianne turned to her left to watch as the sleek figure of a young man wearing a coral suit, flashed before her eyes.

Turning towards him, she watched as he ran a nervous hand through the wave of dark hair that sat on top of his head. His olive skin was looking tanned, and his bright blue eyes shone out into the ballroom as if they were brighter than any spot light.

When she had first met this young man, Dianne had instantly noticed how unexpectedly handsome he truly was. His chiselled jaw line and long neck - which was undoubtedly perfect for ballroom - had instantly made him attractive to her. He was incredibly funny, and to top it all off, Dianne had noticed during the training sessions, that he wasn't all that bad at dancing too.

"So... The girl who will be keeping you in line, when you're not online is..." As the elongated pause caused a deathly silence through out the room, Dianne stood there in a trance. Barely wishing to move a finger in case it ruined the silence that hundreds of people had become enveloped in.


At the sound of her name, the red head jumped into action. Sprinting across to the arms of the young man with whom she was bound to become acquainted with. As they stood together for a brief moment, Dianne allowed herself to look into the eyes of the young man. The deep blue folds of his iris' instantly encapsulating her in a way she hadn't quite anticipated.

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