The Move

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1st July 2034

"Mummy!" Alex yelled dramatically as he sat confused at the dinning room table.

"Yeah Monkey?" Dianne responded as she emptied the dishwasher - allowing room for the stack of crockery which had suddenly appeared on top of the kitchen work top after the chaos of breakfast.

"Can I stop now?"

"Have you finished your homework yet?" The red head questioned with a gentle roll of her eye, knowing all to well that getting her son to do his homework was never going to be an easy task.

"Hmm... No." He mumbled softly. His eyes diverted guiltily onto the dog who was laying by his feet.

"Well, then you need to finish at least this bit of English before you can go play Monkey."

"But I don't get it!" He whined, throwing his head onto the table. A solid thump exuding from his outburst, causing the red head to startle up in response.

Walking over to him softly, Dianne pressed a hand on the concave structure of his back. His head placed firmly in the crook of his arms as he swaddled himself next to the table.

"Okay, what have you got to do Sweety?" She questioned, coaxing him out of the protective bubble he had made.

"Well... Mr Addison said that we had to write about our house. Like what - what we like about it and what we don't."

"Surely that's easy then... Just write about why you like living here." She continued as she looked over to the blank piece of paper with his name scribbled messily on the top corner, next to a doodle which vaguely looked like a duck.

"But.... But I don't know what I like about it." The blond whined as he slumped back into the chair.

"Well, do you like your room... Or maybe the garden?"

Shrugging gently, Alex looked across to the familiarity of his mothers hazel stare. Before diverting his gaze back onto the blank piece of paper before him with the pencil left abandoned by his right hand.

"Come one Alex, there has to be something that you like about where we live."

"I'm not sure... I've not thinked about it."

Dianne stared somewhat helplessly at her son. She knew that this situation could go on for hours, and in an odd way, the mother knew all to well that maybe the best way for him to get on with something, was for him not to do it.

Sighing in frustration, Dianne stood up from the dinning table - Alex's eyes remaining on her as she wondered across the tiled floor to the kitchen work top. Before turning on her heel to travel back to him with the photo album in her arms.

"Yay!" The little boy screamed as he started to pack up the homework he had scattered across the wooden surface.

"No - no - no Mr. You still have work to do so don't you think for a second that this is your escape route."

Allowing his lips to fall to a sad pout, Alex sat back down on the chair. His excitement suddenly cramped due to the severity of his mothers words.

"But Mummy!" He whined - a gentle roll to his eyes, which did not go unnoticed by Dianne.

"Uh... Alexander Joseph Sugg. Don't ever roll your eyes at me young man." The red head responded with a severity to her voice which made her sound far to much like her own mother.

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