The Honeymoon Suite

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3rd March 2034

"Hello?" The bemused red head questioned as she answered the unknown number which had caused her ringtone to echo through the bathroom.

"Yeah, hello Is this the correct number for a Mrs Dianne Sugg?" The posh English accent on the other end of the phone retorted.

"Yep, speaking."

"Excellent! uh... This is Mrs McKenna from St. Marks Primary school... I have Alex here with me and he's feeling quite poorly." The voice echoed softly - causing Dianne to stop reorganising the make up brushes which were strewn out on the dressing table from earlier that morning.

"Oh god, okay..." She stuttered nervously. "Is... Is he okay?"

"Well, he's been feeling sick all morning apparently, and he didn't feel like playing outside with everyone at break time and for the past hour or so he's been sat here with me and his temperature is just going up and up."

Dianne stood there in silence. Her heart instantly breaking a little at the thought of her son being sick.

"Is there any way either you or your husband can come and pick him up to take him home."

"Yeah of course, I'll be over in about 15 to 20 minutes." Dianne retorted as she scrambled through her wardrobe looking for an appropriate pair of trainers for her to wear.

"Alright, thank you Mrs Sugg." The woman at the end of the phone said calmly before abruptly ending the call.

Running a hand through her hair, Dianne let out a large sigh. Her head instantly running the conversation she had just had over and over. Each time her panicked brain instantly exaggerating the symptoms that had been described to her.

Thankfully, both Lily and Alex were healthy children. They had a good diet - good routines - were both obsessed with sport - and consequently were very rarely ill. So whenever the rare occasion that a phone call like this would be received from the school, Dianne often found herself going into an untrained state of panic.

"Right come on Di." The red head began to mutter to herself as she threw her hair up into a messy bun. "Shoes on - get into the car - go to the school and then we go from there." She ordered herself, running through the steps she had to do to make sure that she looked after her son properly.


"Mummy, I feel icky." The little boy muttered as Dianne opened the door to let him out the car.

"I know you do sweety, but we're home now." The red head cooed as she picked up her son and rested him gently onto her hip. Her heart instantly breaking at the sight of his pale features rested in a small frown rather than his characteristic smile, as he clutched onto the lose t-shirt she wore that afternoon.

Walking over to the front door, Dianne unlocked it before walking through with her son in her arms, much like she did for the first time nearly 6 and a half years ago when he was born.

Walking through into the hallway, both Dianne and Alex turned their heads towards the end of the hallway as they heard the door to Joe's office open.

"Hiya Monkey." Joe whispered softly as he walked over to the two of them. Gently running his hand through the soft blonde waves on the top of his sons head, noting the way in which Alex sat there in the arms of his wife, barely moving.

"How is he?" Joe questioned gently as he looked into his wife's solemn eyes - the ordeal clearly having taken the sparkle out of them.

"Well, he has a fever and as you can tell, he's incredibly pale. But both his teacher and the receptionist said that he hasn't been sick yet."

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