The new year

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23rd February 2034

"Mummy look what I made!" As Alex made his way out of the school gate, hurtling across the playground at what to him felt like a million miles an hour, Dianne felt herself get ripped out of the little bubble she had been placed in whilst she waited for him to be let out of school.

Crouching down slightly, Dianne took the piece of paper that he was excitedly waving about. The various scribbles and colours strewn across it instantly making her smile. "Look it's a monkey." He began as he pointed to his drawing. "Because of what you and Daddy always call me." 

Instantly Dianne felt a proud smile rise up onto her lips. "It's very good Alex." She said before pressing a gentle kiss to the top of his head. "Well come on then Mr. Monkey, lets get you home then shall we?" 

Alex nodded happily as he grabbed a hold of Dianne's hand that had been stretched out towards him, before they made their way out of the school - leaving behind them the cries of both happy and sad children, and down the country paths back home.

"Mummy, why are we walking home when Daddy took us in the car earlier." He questioned - instantly feeling disappointed at the fact he was being made to go home the more difficult way.

"Well, you only went in the car this morning because you and Lily were late getting ready. Also it's good for you and the sun is shining."  She said grinning, the feeling of her sons petite hand in hers and the warmth of the sun on her face instantly brightening her day.

"Fine." Alex replied - knowing there was no point in protesting. 

There was a brief silence between the two of them. The only sound being the gentle scrape of Alex's battered school shoes as he lightly jogged beside his mother in order to keep up with her. "If we have got to walk then Mummy, can you tell me what happened next... in the book." 

Dianne looked down to him - his bright blue eyes wide with anticipation. "Of course." She said before pausing for a moment. "Well... where did we get up to?" 

Alex thought for a moment. His memory whirling as he thought back to all the pictures he had seen so far. "Oh I remember!" He said excitably. "You and Daddy had just finished the... the um... the dancing thingy." 

Nodding in understanding, Dianne smiled gently. "Do you mean Strictly?" She questioned. Laughing slightly as she watched her son nod his head frantically. "Well Monkey, after Strictly it was Christmas time, so I went back to Australia to see Nanny and Granddad, whilst Daddy went to go have Christmas with Grandpa."

"But I thought you and Daddy were married now... Why didn't you have Christmas together?"  The little boy interrupted.

"No silly, we weren't married yet. We'd only been together a few weeks, so we decided to spend Christmas apart. So I didn't actually get to see him until New Years eve..."

30th December 2018

"Yeah okay I'll see you tomorrow.... Alright... No I want to be there... I promise... No just make sure you sleep well tonight - you've got a big day tomorrow... I can't wait either... Okay bye." As Dianne hung up the phone, her heart was all a flutter. It would only be a matter of hours now until she got to hold her boy again. And after 2 weeks of missing him beyond belief, she was more than ready.

"Was that Joe?" The thick Australian accent coming from her left questioned.

"Yeah it was." 

"Has he got a log going up tomorrow or something." 

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