The first day

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A/N Hey people! Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while. Things have been so hectic for me recently with coursework and A level stuff. I finally got a chance to write though, so I hope you enjoy it. Xx 😊

10th September 2018

True to her word, Dianne waited patiently for Joe in the training room that following Monday. Her weekend had been filled with a mixture of choreographing for the weeks ahead, alcohol, and a night that she was certain she would never forget. The memories of loud music, enough drinks to make the most sober people giddy, and a single boy still coursing through her veins like the adrenaline rush of a life time.

But the weekend had been, and unfortunately gone. And with the competition officially under way, it was time for the pair to get down to business. That is of course once Joe would show up.

"Do you know how long he's going to be?" As a thick northern accent from across the room spoke, Dianne found herself being snapped out of her little daydream.

"Huh?" She questioned as she spun on her heel to face the direction of the voice.

"Joe..." The producer replied sternly. "When is he going to get here?" He questioned as he impatiently tapped his foot on the ground, which did not go unnoticed by Dianne. Rolling her eyes slightly at his persistent nature, the red head made her way across the room to where her phone was plugged into the speaker system.

However before she could reach the machine that she found her life to be so dependent on, the sound of two gentle knocks on the door caused her and the others in the room to let out a gentle sigh of relief. And as if on cue, the toned frame of a Mr Joseph Sugg made his way timidly through the door.

"Hiya," he said nervously as he caught sight of the angry faces of one camera man and two producers in the far corner of the room. "Sorry I'm late, my... my - uh Uber was late. London traffic and all." He said as casually as he could.

Throughout this whole exchange, Dianne couldn't help but feel that feeling of adrenaline she had felt since Saturday night, increase that little bit more at the sight of him.

It was a feeling she hadn't felt in a long time - she thought to herself.

It was the same feeling she used to get at the top of slide when she was little - that then turned into the feeling she got whenever she was about to perform in front of her dance class - that then turned into the feeling she got before her first ever kiss - and up until a few months ago, was the feeling she got whenever she looked her boyfriend in the eye.

But in that moment, as she looked at the soft waves of his hair that fell slightly over his forehead and brushed the top of his eyebrows,as he walked shamelessly across the room, she couldn't help but feel as if she was at the top of that slide all over again.

After placing his bags on the floor by the wall, Joe turned on his heels to see the petite frame of his dance partner stood across the room from him. An instant feeling of relief flowing through his body as he noticed that the angry faces of the producers, were not evident on her own delicate features.

Instead, Dianne couldn't help but allow a warm smile to rest on her face as her gaze landed on him. "Hey Joe!" She said politely as she moved across the floor to meet him. Before enveloping him in a gentle hug for a brief moment, before taking a step back - keeping things strictly professional.

"Hi Dianne, sorry I'm so late." He said as he moved his eyes to the floor, clearly feeling guilty about it. The single action of which seemed to make Dianne's heart break in a way that she was not expecting.

Placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, Dianne gave Joe the confidence to raise his eye line back onto her. The artificial light of the studio making his stare look more like a deep grey than the shimmering blue she had gotten used to in that dressing room last week.

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