The question

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A/N Hey people! Before we start, I want to thank you so much for the comments I got on the last chapter of this story, it really does mean a lot so thank you. Also from now until the end, all the chapters are possible things in the future, so there won't be any actual pictures to base the ideas off of. And finally, with this chapter I should let you know that it jumps around quite a lot. But without doing that my first draft was well over 8,000 words and it rambled way too much. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!xx

9th May 2034

"Oh my god, oh my god, let me see it!" Dianne blubbered out quickly as she ran across the restaurant towards the table in the back corner. The sound of her heeled boots clonking against the rustic wooden floor of the establishment, completely oblivious of the paying customers who were trying their hardest to enjoy a meal out in the city.

"Oh my god Di!" The brunette squealed as she got up from her position at the table, scooting past the tall man sat next to her as she embraced the red head in a tight hug. "God, I've missed you so much." She mumbled into her hair.

"Me too Chloe." Dianne responded as she returned the tight embrace. "Anyway, where is it - where is it!"

Pulling out of the embrace, the brunette looked sheepishly down at her left hand which was dangling casually down by her side. Before slowly rising it up towards the red heads eye line, revealing the large diamond ring on her fourth finger.

"Oh my god Chlo, it's beautiful." Dianne retorted in a breathless voice as she looked at the simplistically beautiful ring before her. The diamond placed upon it scattering light around them as if she were carrying her own disco ball on her finger. "Congratulations sweety." She continued, before embracing one of her best friends once again.

"Thank you Di. I'm super happy."

"Well, I should bloody hope so, you've got to spend the rest of your life with me now."

Dianne felt her attention turn as a deep voice sounded from her right.

Looking over to where it had come from, Dianne allowed her smile to widen as she clocked eyes with the man who had changed her best friends life. He was naturally tall in stature - with broad shoulders and a solid torso. His hair was in dirty blonde curls which were placed neatly on the top of his head, illuminating his green eyes, tanned skin, and chiselled jaw line which was coated in a layer of stubble.

"Yeah, otherwise you might want to rethink your decision James." The red head responded as she went onto her tiptoes and wrapped him in a hug, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek as she did so.

"Yeah, do you know anyone?" He counteracted, causing the red head to laugh whilst Chloe stood there next to him looking thoroughly unimpressed.

"I'll give you some names." Dianne responded with a wink as she followed the two of them back to the table.

"No you bloody won't." Chloe retorted, causing all three of them to laugh further.

"I wouldn't dream of it Chlo - but seriously you two, congratulations. Joe and I were so thrilled when we heard the news the other week."

"Aww thank you Di." James responded as he gripped a hold of his wife-to-be's hand. "Where is Joe anyway?"

"Oh, he's just popped to the loo. Turns out that drinking two large mugs of coffee before we left home, and an entire bottle of water on the train into the city centre, wasn't the greatest of Ideas... I believe his exact words were, 'Dot I think this might be the end for me.' "

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