The Instagram post

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A/N Hey people, sorry this is up later than expected, my Wifi went down so couldn't upload earlier. Hope you enjoy!

23rd February 2034

"ALEX, LILY!" Joe shouted from the bottom of the stairs as he impatiently tapped the face of his watch. "COME ON GUYS WE NEED TO GET GOING!"

Joe watched as Dianne walked out of the kitchen with a smug smile on her face. "What?" He questioned, somewhat irritated by her smugness and the smell of the steaming mug of coffee she held in her hands, that he was so desperately craving.

"Nothing." She said coyly. "I suppose it's just nice to see you getting the payback you deserve."

"What payback?" Joe questioned confused.

"These two being late for school is just payback for all the times that I had to wait for you when we used to train."

"Yeah because you're never bloody late to anything are you... Says the woman who was 25 minutes late on our wedding day." Joe retorted as he rolled his eyes at the memory of having to stand awkwardly at the end of the isle whilst his family stared at him wondering if his wife-to-be had stood him up.

"That was not my fault!" The red head said defensively.

"Yeah... Sure it wasn't." He said with a sarcastic stare.

Before Dianne could come up with a reasonable comeback to his suggestive glance, the rumbling sound of several feet rushing down the stairs snapped them back into reality.

"FINALLY!" Joe said whilst throwing his arms up in the air in celebration.

"Have you two got everything?" Dianne questioned, knowing that without fail at least one of them would have forgotten something that they would need for the day.

"Yeah!" The two of them replied in unison.

"Lily, did you pick up your geography text book from the kitchen worktop?"

Lily stopped dead in her tracks before she looked inside of her bag to find the glaring gap in it where that very book should be. "Shit." She mumbled under her breath.

"Language!" Both Joe and Dianne scolded her at the same time as she made her way into the kitchen, grabbing the hefty book off of the worktop and into her bag.

"Right, let's go then." Joe said as he opened the front door, a cold blast of air rushing into the house, making the dog instantly retreat back into the safety of the lounge.

"By guys!" Dianne said as the three of them headed towards the car.


Once they got into the car, the usual early morning conversations about what the two of them had that day at school out of the way, Joe noticed the unusual silence in the car. As ever, Lily was heavily invested by something on her phone, remaining silent apart from the odd sigh or gentle laugh. However today there was a distinct lack of noise coming from his Son. No gentle humming of a catchy song or theme tune. No random remarks. And no unnecessary questions such as 'Daddy, why does that dog have such big ears?'

"You alright Monkey?" He asked as he looked into the rear view mirror to see Alex looking pointedly at the moving traffic out of the window.

"Yeah..." He said softly with a gentle nod of his head.

"Are you sure?" Joe reiterated, feeling unconvinced by his sons previous answer.

"I was just thinking about something."

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