The tour

860 36 4

30th March 2034

"I came here as soon as I could." Joe panted as he ran towards his wife who was stood outside of the hospital room.

"Hey, slow down there Joseph." Dianne said with a chuckle as she stuck out an arm to catch her sprinting husband. As he slowed down, the pair looked at each other - both slightly shaken by the days events. Leaning in Joe, pressed a quick, gentle kiss onto his wife's lips.

"I'm sorry. Is... Is he okay?"

It had been a long day for Joe so far. He had spent the past eight hours in the same four walls of a meeting room in a dreary office block in the city. His head being bombarded with figures, propositions and complaints all day. The ever growing prowess of his business ideas and of his TV appearances being something which he was of course incredibly proud of. Yet the ever increasing number of long, tedious meetings that it took to keep all these things in order, was something which was slowly but surely, taking its toll on his mind. And after such a long day, he wanted nothing more than to spend a relaxed evening with his family, enjoying the comforts of home. But a phone call from his wife, saying that his son may have broken his arm playing football, had lead him all in the opposite direction of home, to the nearest hospital.

"Yeah, he's okay... Well, as okay as a six year old with a broken arm can be I suppose." The red head counteracted.

"Shit, so it is broken then."

"Yeah, the doctors said that they won't need to operate on it, but they do want to keep him in overnight for.... for some sort of technical reason which I cant quite remember." Dianne said offhandedly, causing Joe to laugh a little at her honesty. "Which reminds me, did you get my text about overnight clothes and something for tomorrow for him, he's still in his school stuff bless him."

"Yeah got them right here." Joe responded as he tapped a hand onto the strap of the rucksack he had placed over his right shoulder. "That and his toothbrush."

"Fabulous, thank you sweety."

"Anyway, how are you doing?" Joe questioned as he grabbed a hold of her hand, looking into her eyes with evident concern.

"I'm... I'm okay. Just a little tired I suppose. With helping Gio choreograph stuff this morning, and then with everything else, it's just been a long one... Oh, um... Does Lily know what's happening?" Dianne questioned, her motherly instincts instantly kicking in.

"Yeah, I called her on the train back home. She said that she got your message and that one of her friends mums was alright for her to stay over for the night. She said that she'd call me before she goes to sleep, if that ever happens." He responded, jokingly rolling his eyes as he did so.

"Alright, that's good."Dianne muttered softly, her instinctual nervous habit of biting the inside nail of her thumb, catching Joe's attention - prompting him to grab a hold of her hand, pulling it away from her stressed features.

"Di, listen to me... Everything is fine. Both the kids are safe, so are you and I, we've got this."

Dianne looked up to her husband. The reassuringly soft grip he held on her upper arm, combined with the loving smile on his lips seeming to calm the red heads nerves. Allowing her smile to widen, the red head lent up and pressed her lips onto his. A soft, content sigh leaving her mouth as she pulled away. "I love you Joseph. And thank you; I needed to hear that."

"I love you too." The brunette responded as he tucked a small strand of red hair behind her ear. "Right, now let me go see the state of my boy yeah." He continued with a cheeky smile.

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